A Thin Line between Revenge and Justice

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Melissa's POV
I walked to class again, I was waiting for the bus but I missed it so now I'm walking

Melissa:"Great, now I have to walk all the way to class that's on the other side of Asakusa, good thing I'm almost there."
Timeskip brought to you by PS2 Hagrid
I walked into class and it was almost starting so I quickly took a seat and waited for the lesson to begin.

Hammond:"Hello everyone how is it today?" Everyone said a bunch of good, bad or meh, Hammond chuckling and pushing up her glasses.

Hammond:"Good now talk with the people around you while I take attendance." He moved to his desk, taking attendance before starting the lesson for today.
Timeskip Brought to you by Zatanna and Nightwing helping each other.
We were all outside after school, no one really wanted to stay inside. I was sketching outside while Mr. Hammond watched the birds with his binoculars.

Hammond:"And just the same as always Melissa."

Melissa:"You've been around the world Grandpa, I'm sure you've seen it all."

Hammond:"I most certainly have not my dear, there are more bird than the eye can see, I certainly haven't found all of them, now what about you Melissa, what are you drawing."I was drawing Nightwing, did I have a crush on him, hell no but I do idolize him in ssomewa, could be he just saved last week but I have grown an liking towards him.

Melissa:"Nightwing, the one who is here right now."

Hammond:"Oh... Him. I remember a time when it was only just the Batman before all the other dupe beings started showing up, have I told you about how I was once saved by the Batman?" Now this wasn't a story Grandpa told me before.

Melissa:"Well tell me all about it Grandpa."

Hammond:"Alright, it was about 10 or 20 years ago, it was before he had those Robins, I was walking home after a hard day of work then these crooks came out of nowhere and knocked me down and started to rob me, but I wasn't going down with a fight and so I fought back but they got the better of me... Then out of nowhere, the Batman came to rescue me, he swooped in and took down a thug then another and another, then he disappeared before I could thank him."

Melissa:"Sounds somewhat familiar to what happened to me last week."

Hammond:"But that Nightwing guy is a lot more friendlier than Batman, I think it's time for me to go now and remember what I taught you."

Melissa:"Hit them on the back of their head to knock them out, I know." He smiled and walked back to the school while I continued to draw. I heard something and smoke began to appear from the building. I closed my note book and put it in my bag as I started running towards the building, Gramps always said don't run to danger but I'll gonna ignore that. I opened the door as I saw some sort of grenade go into a room as it caused a huge explosion which sent me back against the doors. I scrambled myself behind cover as I saw these men with masks walking around with grenades and guns, they look like those thugs from Blüdhaven, the High tide gang right?

HT Grunt:"This is so much fun! God do I love this place more than Blüdhaven or Gotham!"

HT Grunt 1:"Hey, remember the bird boy is here aswell so we might be getting our asses kicked soon." He threw a grenade into a classroom then bricks and pieces of desks flew out. They started laughing at the destruction they were causing. I grabbed my cellphone and was about to call the Police until I heard the old, frail voice of my Grandfather.

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