Chapter 7

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Author POV

Four days had passed since she woke up in the hospital, Professor Snape and Dumbledore came to her the day after she woke up and questioned her on what happened.

There was only about another few days until school started again. When she got back to my room she looked around for clothes and found the present she forgot to give Snape.

I cannot believe I forgot to give it to him, it would be weird if I gave it to him now. It's already past new year.

She was walking down the corridor and decided to sneak into the kitchens because she had a craving for something sweet. She walked into the kitchen (through the portrait of the pear) and ask a house elf for some ice cream.

She sat down and waited when she heard two pairs of footsteps coming towards the kitchens. She told the house elf to pretend that she wasn't there and to keep the ice cream, she then hid in a cupboard next to the door.

Professors Sprout and Mcgonagall came in and were talking about something got to do with Snape, she was concentrating so hard on not making noise it completely caught her off guard when Professor Sprout said "I can't believe Severus is turning only 26 tomorrow, he acts so much older than he actually is."

It is Snape' s birthday tomorrow ? That's perfect ! Now I can give him the present without it seeming weird.

She waited until they finished their conversation and left. Then she got out of the cupboard and ate her ice cream with the pleasure of knowing she hadn't a) wasted her money and b) wasted the perfect gift.

The next day she was in a great mood , she had a plan for what she would do for Snape. She went down to breakfast with her friends and then she went for a walk on the shore of the lake.

Getting back to her room, she got out Snape' s gift and started wrapping them in a simple silver box with a black ribbon on it. She put his scarf and quill, she decided to put in her favourite blend of coffee with it and a black coffee mug with green snakes on it.

When she was done she went down to the dungeon, it was about 3 in the afternoon, she knocked on the door and waited for the deep voice of her professor. "Coming" he called, and seconds later he opened the door, and there he was in all his glory. His hair was messy which it usually wasn't , he probably awoke from a nap.

( this is how he looked when he opened the door)

When he spoke again, she noticed his voice was huskier and quieter than usual " Miss (Y/N) , to what do I owe the pleasure ?" He said in an irritated voice

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When he spoke again, she noticed his voice was huskier and quieter than usual " Miss (Y/N) , to what do I owe the pleasure ?" He said in an irritated voice. She walked until she was about two feet in front of him when she pulled out the box from behind me.

"Happy Birthday Professor!" She said in a voice she hoped was not too loud. She gave him a huge grin and held the box out for him to take it. He was surprised and it showed on his face, he looked from the box to her and gracefully took it from her.

He asked " How- how did you know ?" His eyes left the box once more to meet her eyes, those beautiful black eyes you could just get lost in. She momentarily forgot he even asked a question and she looked away.

Clearing her throat she answered after what seemed like an eternity (but was actually a few seconds) "I have my ways" and added a wink. He turned around and walked over to his desk where he sat down, and started to open the box.

She was so nervous, calm down (Y/N) maybe he will like it . When he opened and looked inside the box, he had an expression on his face that she couldn't quite read. Oh god, he hates it, as she finished the thought he looked up and she could have sworn there was a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.

They stared at each other for a few moments when he said "Thank you for the gift , miss (Y/N)" His expression turned into a one of gratitude and she could tell that he hadn't expected a gift from anyone. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and stopped playing with her fingers.

She smiled brightly and said " I hope you like it." He nodded and started examining the contents of the box. She turned to leave when she heard ,

"Please, stay and have a cup of coffee with me?" She turned and he had his head slightly tilted to the side with the jar of coffee in his hand. She happily obliged, and he summoned two cups with hot water in them.

After a few minutes of preparing the coffee, she was surprised when Snape started a light conversation between them. They spoke about school then gradually moved on the general life and he seemed quite amused with some of her childhood stories.

"Where did you grow up Professor ?" She asked curiously.

"You may , only when we are alone, call me Severus." He said in a serious tone.

"Then you can call me by my first name and not miss " she joked .

"Very well, (Y/N) I grew up in Spinners End in Cokeworth." He said putting emphasis on her name and looking pleased that he made her cheeks blaze.

Before either one of them could speak, the bell indicating that supper would start soon, rang. "Wow, is it that time already?" She said and laughed. "I'd better be going then Prof- I mean Severus." As she got up and made the cups disappear, he looked at her and what he said next made her want to jump for joy.

"As I understand it, next weekend when all the students are back at school, there will be a Hogsmead trip. Would you like to have a drink at the Three Broomsticks?" He asked and at this point he was towering a mere 3 feet away from her.

In that moment her heart did a flip and she was ready to scream that she was going out on a date with her crush! She could feel her cheeks were blazing more than what they had ever before. "I- I would love to Severus" she stuttered and was positively beaming.

He had the tiniest trace of a smile on his lips and said " Then I'll meet you in Hogsmead, outside the stationery store , at 2?"

"That's sounds lovely" she said and tried to sound as calm as she could, while inside she was screaming and doing a victory dance.

When lessons started next week, she was in the best mood ever. She never once woke up or went to bed sad or dejected. That week Severus sent her a note saying that he didn't need her this week. She appreciated it because she was so nervous around him, now, more than ever.

Friday afternoon came and she was rummaging through her clothes looking for something that wasn't too revealing because it was still as cold as ever but that was still cute. Even if it wasn't official, tomorrow would be the day she go on a date with Severus freaking Snape !


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