Chapter 9

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It was the middle of the night and her eyes snapped open. She was panting slightly and she had the beginnings of a cold sweat, she tried to move but she was constricted. Her head was on something kinda hard and there was something wrapped around her shoulders and waist.

Looking up she saw Severus's face, it was unusually peaceful, she was laying on his chest and his arms were wrapped around her. Her leg was in between his and her hand was on his stomach, he had subtle muscle's and there was a pleasant warmth coming from him.

His scent was intoxicating, all traces of whatever had woken her up was gone and she couldn't get enough of feeling his arms around her. She snuggled a bit closer to him, and just like that she was whisked off into a peaceful, comforting sleep.

She awoke the next morning and was immediately aware that there was no comforting warmth around her. She looked around and Severus was nowhere to be found. She glanced at her wrist watch and the clock read '5:30' , it was so early.

Her eyes were raw and hurt a little bit, she got out of the bed, found her wand and made her way across the room to the door next to the bed (which she assumed was the bathroom, she was right).

She washed her face and brushed her teeth with the toothbrush and toothpaste she summoned. When she was done she walked around the room slightly dazed and looked for an exit.

The room was large and there was a huge bookshelf filled with books that took up half the wall across from the bed. There were wardrobes on the right wall of the room, on the left there was a long window with the curtains still drawn and very few rays of sunlight streaming through them.

About a foot or two away from the window to the right there was a desk and chair. The desk had parchment, ink and quills and was very organised.

She was barefooted with only her jeans and tshirt on, Severus must have taken her hoodie and shoes off. Thinking of him brought back the feeling of warmth and comfort from the previous night and made her flush.

I finally told someone, for it to be him of all people. She chuckled bitterly to herself. How will we ever be able to have a normal conversation with the things he knows about me. She hugged herself and bit her lip.

Looking out of the window, she was surprised to see onto the lake instead of into it. Strange, I thought that the dungeons were underwater.

She was so emersed in her thoughts, she actually jumped when he said "Yes, most dungeons are underwater, but then again we aren't in the dungeons". Turning to face the direction of where His voice came from , she ended up looking at the bookshelves. At Severus.

"Good morning" she tried to say but her voice come out hoarse from all the crying. She cleared her throat and look quizzically at the bookshelf behind him. How did he get in here ?

"You will not go back living with him." His voice was smooth, velvety and made butterflies erupt in my stomach. That was until she grasped what he was saying.

"I've told you, I can't. He is all I have." She said looking away, trying to hide her face. He crossed the room and was next to her in seconds.

"This is not up for discussion." His voice was hard and almost strained.

She looked at him and said " I know you are trying to protect a student, but this is none of your business. This is something I have to get through on my own." She made her voice as strong as she could.

"No." He said gazing out of the window

"No?" She said surprised.

"No, you won't change my mind. I am not going to let you get hurt over and over again. How do you think he will react to you Petrifying him ?" He looked at her waiting for a response.

Severus Snape x Reader Where stories live. Discover now