Chapter 6

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"Wait,wait... it means Jungkook is in littlespace and there's nothing we can do bout that?" Jimin asked. Jin just sighing. "Well the doctor said so..he will have to go to the doctor next 2 weeks. Only then we can take any action." Namjoon spoke up. "I will tell the manager bout this. Don't you guys worry." The others just nodded. Then Jin looked at Namjoon. "How you want to tell him Joon? Its ridiculous! He will never trust us!"Jin voice's raised a bit.

"If the manager doesn't believe us, we will bring Jungkook to him. Only then he will trust us" Namjoon said strictly. Jin just nodded at the younger. Suddenly, they heard a loud thump and followed by a high-pitched cry. They quickly ran to that source of the thump and saw the little Jungkook was crying and rubbing his bottom. "UWaaHaAAhhHHhAaH!!!" Then Jin quickly grabbed a paci and plopped it into the little's mouth. But unfortunately, the little spat the paci out and continue to cry. Even Jin can't calm him down. Now the question is not how Jungkook be a little but how to take care of this little! Then Taehyung grabbed Jungkook from Jin's motherly arms and hugged him. Patting and making circles on his back making the little one fell asleep immediately.

They all took a sigh of relief once the little fell asleep."You know Im really jealous of that boy." Yoongi said. Why?? Jimin asked a bit weird. "Because he get to sleep whenever he want wherever he can!" He pouted. ( Stop being a lazy ass Grandpa or else I will totally spam your twitter account ;) ) "Aish hyung, you only have one reason to life isn't you?" Jimin pouting. "No actually I have two. No.1 To sleep. No.2. To love you my mochi ;) " Now Jimin face was red as a fresh tomatoes could be.(😂)." Stop hyung !!" Covering his face with his hands." You boys if you wanna being lovey dovey please get the fuck out off the fucking room! Namjoon said. "Yoongi smirked. Fine I will eat Jimin's ass in our bedroom. It more big and comfortable though ! "( My nose is bleeding im not kidding) "HyUnG!!! "Jimin shouted.

"Hahahahhahahaha just kidding ,Bae. But seriously you better be careful when you pick your pants. It looks tight on ya" ( Holy shit!) Jimin blushing and ran out off the room while covering his face. "Babe waittttttttttt"Yoongi said while ran out off the room to catch him.

"Aish this boys." Jin shaking his head. He then looked at Taehyung who was seem to be lost himself at the younger's beauty. "Tae?" No respond. "Taehyung!?" Jin raised his voice. "Huh w-what?!" He stuttered on his own sentence. "Why are you looking at him like that?" "I-I umm..." He stopped. "You have a feeling on Jungkook doesn't you?" Namjoon spoke. Taehyung's eyes widen. "H-how do you k-know bout that.. who told you?! "He started to feel nervous. Calm down Tae. "No one told me, i found it out myself. Like when after the practice you always stay with Jungkook just for practicing more or when i saw you sneaking into his room for cuddles at night hmm?" Namjoon smirked.

Taehyung was blushing madly. "Y-yeah you right. But I don't think he feel the same for me. He maybe just like me as a brother."Taehyung frowned."I don't think so like that ,Tae." The smirk still plastered onto Namjoon's face. "What do you mean? "Taehyung looking at his hyung a bit confuse and a bit of scare. But Namjoon just left the room." You will know one day ,Tae."

He was about to ran out off the room and catch Namjoon and force him to answer his question but he heard a voice besides him.

"D-Daddy?" The little spoke up so cutely.

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