Chapter 9

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*Short chapter sorry. It just a filler. Next week I will update more cause at Monday I still have that DUMBASS EXAM😤*

While others went to the mall, Jin and Little Jungkook watched TV at the living room. They enjoyed the show but then Jin heard something growling. And it is Jungkook's stomach. "Eomma, Kookie ish hungry...can eomma mwake Kookie fwood?"Jin carried the boy into his lap and said, "Oh my babybun is hungry? What do you want to eat bun?" Kookie's made a thinking face and said, "Kookie whanna chicken nuggets!" He shouted. "Well I think Im half deaf now.." (😂)Jin gave a small okay to the boy and picked him up to the kitchen.

"Wahhh eomma soo stwong!!Jin just giggled." "Yes my bunbun but you more strong right?""Of cwourse! Kookie can liwf up a car!" He said proudly. Jin cooed at him. "Oh my baby so strong! But now let's make some food for tummy hmm? " "Ok eomma Kookie's tummy is singing DNA song!" He giggled. Then Jin quickly made jin some nuggets and fed him up. After he done with the dishes, he took Jungkook upstairs.

"Eomma why we gwoing upstwairs?" Kookie tilted his head to Jin. Bunbun we should changed up. "You're dirty. And you don't want bad germs eat you right?" Jin raised his eyebrowns. "Nooooo Kookie don't whanna!!" He pouted. "So let's go baby." He carried the boy to the bathroom and washed him up and wore him a cute onesie. They then went downstairs.

"Eomma when ish the others will be back?"Jungkook asked." I dunno sweetheart. Why are you asking?" Jin asked back. "Kookie mish daddy...Kookie whanna Tae daddy. He pouted." "Awwww do you like Tae daddy?" The little only nodded." Kookie wuv daddy so muchh! "Jin smiled. "Then let's go to sleep should we? So when daddy and others come back you can play with them.

" Jungkook just hug the older and said "Okie eomma." Jin smiled and grabbed the boy into his atms and laid him on the couch. Then he sang a lullaby for the little.After a while, he heard some cute snores from the other. Jin stop singing and got up from the couch. He went to the kitchen to make food for others not forgetting to kiss the little one's forehead softly.

"Sleep well my sweetheart." Jin smiled and left the living room.

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