Chapter 21

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Jungkook took a deep breathe of the freah air at the park. Missing the place so much since BTS was too busy with their practice. The younger decide to warming up himself before running. "Bun, let's go..I cannot wait already!" Taehyung whined. "Hyung, warm up first. If not then you will be in pain." Jungkook said to the older. "Okay fine." The older decided to do it just because his baby bunny. After that they ran about 3 laps around the park. Their time full of laughing and smacking each other.

They were busying laughing while running and doesn't realised what in front of them. "AAHHH!!" Jungkook fell down the ground. "OMG bunny are you alright?!" Taehyung said while grabbing the younger carefully. The younger  "T-Tae...its h-hurts..."the younger said while sobbing. And Taehyung doesn't like it when his baby bunny cry. "Shuush...Im here okay..everythings gonna be fine. Let me see where its hurts." Taehyung asked and the younger pointed to his knee.

"Thankfully its only bleed a bit." Taehyung took a plaster from his pocket and put it carefully on the younger's knee. "Thanks h-hyungie.."The younger said while still sobbing. Taehyung smiled and gave the younger a peck on his forehead. Then Taehyung brought the younger to the neareast bench and sat him down.

"Want some water?" Taehyung said while giving Jungkook a water bottle. "Thanks hyung." The younger took the bottle and gave a smiled at the older. After that they just sat they silently and enjoying each other presence. Until Taehyung broke the silence. "How about we go back now? Its getting darker." He got a nod from the younger. But seem like the younger can't walk by himself so Taehyung decide to carried him bridal style. Making the younger blushed but quickly hiding it in his hyung's neck.
On the other side, Taehyung just smiled at the younger knowing that he make him blushed.


After Taehyung opened the door, he helped the younger to opened his shoe and then carried him to the living room. They were greeted by a loud screamed ( ok its not a scream by I doesn't know what to write😅) "OMG Jungkook what happened to you!?!" Jin asked while helping the younger sat down on the couch. "Umm.. I accidentally
fell down when I was running. And then Tae-hyung carried me back." The younger said while blushed a bit.

"Omo you better be careful next time Jungkook-ah." Jin said while ruffling his hair. "I will hyung." Jungkook said while looking at Taehyung with a smile. "Let's clean up bun." Taehyung said while grabbing the younger into his arms. After that they went upstairs to their room and clean themself. Taehyung wanna helo the younger to clean up but the younger refuse politely. Taehyung don't have any choice so he just nodded and got out of the room while the younger looked at the  older's steps. After awhile he went to the bathroom and fill the tub with warm water and settle himself.


"Why Tae always make me blush? Urghh I can't hold it anymore! I love him so much! But I don't even know if he is a gay or bisexual... Its so embarassing when I called him daddy... well I hope he doesn't take that too far cause it kinda...kinky? But I want him to be my boyfriend..not only my caregiver...hmm...I should plan on something special." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Taehyung entered his room and plopped himself on his bed. He looked at the empty side on his bed. Wanting someone to sleep with him every night..every day... He sighed softly and decided to take a bath. He fill the tub and settle himself on the tub while closing his eyes mentally speaking to himself.


"What am I thinking about? Jungkook will never like me. I don't even think he is a gay. If he does also.. it doesn't mean that Im the one who he loves. I wish Jungkook know how much I loves him and I want him to be my boyfriend. Not only a caregiver. Should I ask him for a date? Should I give him a whole store of Timberlands? ( you better share the timberlands with me Jungkook😆) Urgh shit! So many things to be done! I must think properly. It must be perfect!"


Both of them already cleaned up and heade downstairs for dinner. Jin made delicious bibimbap with kimchi fried rice and jjajjangmyeon. ( sorry for the spelling error guys🙏) So delicious! Taehyung took a seat beside Jungkook while Yoongi took a seat beside Jimin and Jin beside Namjoon. And Jhope beside Taehyung. They all thanked Jin for the meal and dugged in.

"Wow so delicious! I can eat a whole pot of this! You're the most handsome and greatest chef ever!" Namjoon said while taking more of the kimchi. "Haha thanks Joonie-ah. Im proud of it!" Jin said while trying his best not to blush at the younger's praise. "Aigoo..Im trying to eat peacefully right here. I have important work to do after this so please let me eat with no noise please." Yoongi said lazily. "What work? You're only gonna sleep after this right Grandpa?" Jhope asked. "Do you see my face? Do you think I have any work to do except sleep?" Yoongi asked while showing his face making the members laugh so hard. What a nice time to eat together.


They already finished clean up the dinner table. And now the members was in the living room for their movie night. But Jungkook refuse to watch it cause he was sleepy so his hyungs let him go. Taehyung suddenky remembered something he have to ask the the younger. He then told the others that he isn't feeling well so he want to sleep. Right after that he went upstairs to Jungkook's room. He knocked on the door and received the permission to come in.

"Jungkook-ah?" Taehyung said while opening the door. "O-oh h-hyung! Come in! "Jungkook said while putting his phone aside. Taehyung closed the door softly and sat on the bed facung the younger. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked with his baby voice making Taehyung's heart flutter. "Umm..mind if I ask something?" The younger shaked his head. "Go on." The younger said. The older took a deep breath before he said "Would you like to go for a date with me tommorow?" The older said while silently praying that he doesn't stuttered.

"What? Why are you wanna g-go out w-with me?" Jungkook asked while blushing. "Cause you're so special and I wanna do something to appreciate you." Taehyung said while showing his boxy smile making Jungkook melt. "Okay I do." Jungkook said while covering his face. The older was more than happy but he just chuckled at the younger's reaction. "We will go at 4 okay?" The older asked. "Okay.." the younger said while still blushing.

"You make me sooo happy!!" Taehyung said while hugging the bunny which the younger happily hug back."Thanks bun. I need to leave now. See you tommorow. Love you." Taehyung said while kissing the younger's cheek. "Love you too.." the younger said while pecking the older's cheek. They smiled last time at eachother and Taehyung went out of his room. Once he got out he ran to his room and locked his door. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. "This is not a dream right? Jungkook really want to go a date with him? He really want!!" Taehyung shouted but quickly covered his mouth with his hand."I need to impress him. So that he will accept me. Well I must go to sleep now so that everything will be in plan." He quickly grabbed a hoodie beside his bed. It was Jungkook's hoodie. He loves the younger smell. So sweet and innocent. Slowly..he drift of to the dream land dreaming about his soon-to-be boyfriend.


"OMG Taehyung want to go out with meeeeeee!!! Im so fucking exciteddd! I guess he likes me! Well Jungkook calm your tits down. need to be prepare for tommorow. Jimin hyung will know what to do tommorow. I will ask him to help me. But now I have to sleep." The younger set up the bed and plopped himself. He was about to close his eyes when he felt something missing. He grabbed a plushie from his closet.
A Tata plushie.He then started to drift of to the dream land but not forget to said something. "I love you Taehyungie-ah."

Hellooooo! I know its been awhile since my last update☹️ But Im not in mood of writing these days. Don't worry I still updating this book but I hope you guys be patience ok? I really love you guys🤧🤧🤧

Im will be having my holidays in a week. So thats mean I will update more soon🤗 Thats all I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote and if you have some idea to share don't be shy!✨💖

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