Chapter 31

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"Ayeeeee someone will get marryyy Kookie!!" Jimin shouted while throwing the little up and down. "Who ish it Hyungie?" The little asked. "Thw couple over there." Jimin said while his finger pointed to Namjin who was cleaning the kitchen together. The little clapped his hand and giggled loudly. "Yeayyy appa and eomma gwonna mawwy! Me whant to bwe the fwower gwirl!" Jimin laughed at the little's words.

And for the couple over there was blushing but laughed when the heard Jungkook's wish. "Of course you can honey. You can also be an angel if you want." Taehyung said and picked Jungkook up and kiss his nose. "Daddy twink that Kookie can bwe an angwel?" The little's eyes lit up. "Of course baby. Who are the most prettiest and cutest babyboy in the whole universe? Of course its you my baby!" Taehyung said while spinning him around.

"Ahahahahahahaha!" The little laughed while hugging Tae. "Dada?" The little tugging on Tae'shirt. "Yes baby?" Taehyung said while sitting on the couch with the little on his lap. "Can we gwo two bweach pwease? The little asked while showing his puppy eyes that for sure Taehyung can't resist. "Of course baby. Do you want to go with others?" Taehyung asked. "Nope. Jwust Kookie and Dada." The little asked while hugging Tae's neck with his little arms.

Taehyung smiled and got up while holding the little and about to went upstairs when Jin called them. "Hey where are you going?" Jin asked gaining the attention of the others who was watching movie. "Me and my baby are going to the beach." Taehyung said. "I was to joinnnn!!" Jimin shouted. "My baby said he want us to be ALONE." Taehyung said deepening the word alone.

"Hmmph okay fine!" Jimin said while pouting. "Its okay mochi. We will have our  alone time in our bedroom soon"   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Yoongi said while winking at the younger making Jimin blushed and hugged Yoongi. "Ewww you both are disgusting couple I ever met." Jhope said while showing his 'what the fuck' face."You're just jealous cause you're single." Yoongi said while showing his tounge.

"Ehem actually...I have a boyfriend." Jhope said smugly. "WHHATTTTTT!!!??" The members eyes went wide. "And you never told me!? How dare you!!?? I thought Im your bestfriend!" Jin said while faking tears. "Aww hyung. Of course you're my bestfriend! Im just keep it as a surprise but guess I told you early." Jhope said while laughing at the othrrs who doesn't realises that their mouth was wide open.

"And who's the lucky guy huh?" Jimin asked desperately. "Its a secret. Butttttt I will tell you guys later." Jhope said while flipping his hair. "But I want to know nowwwwwww!" Jin said while fakely sniffling. "Nope. Later." Jhope said and went to the kitchen and being followed by Jin and Jimin while the others just looked at them weirdly at went back to the movie they were watching. At the other side Taehyung just looked at the members weirdly and went to his room.

He put the little on his bed and went to Jungkook's wardrobe and took a pair of shirt and a pair of pants for the little. He went back to his bed and saw the little was sucking on his tata's plushie. He cooed at him and grabbed the plushie and pit it aside making the little started to cried. "Shuush..what do you want honey?" Taehyung asked while patting his back. And the little just pointed to the tata plushie that had a stained of his saliva. "You cannot suck on that darling." Taehyung said while undressing the boy and put him the shirt.

Taehyung then grabbed a paci and plopped it on Jungkook's mouth. The little quickly shut up and sucked on the paci quietly while playing with the hem of his own shirt. After Taehyung done dressing up the boy he took him downstairs. "Hyung!" Tae shouted from the staircase. "What is it?" The others said. "Can you guys take care of my baby while I get dress?" Taehyung asked. Sure, give him to me. Yoongi said and grabbed the little into his lap and patted his head."Thanks hyung." Taehyung said and went upstairs.

He went back to his room and took out  black shirt with Gucci cardigan and black pants. He took a quick shower before dressing up. After he finished he went downstairs. He saw his baby was playing with the others making him smile. "Where's my angel hmm?" Taehyung asked playfully. "Dada!" The little squaled and crawled on the couch trying to make his daddy picked him up. Taehyung understood what his baby want and picked up spinning him around.

"Well we gonna get going now. Bye hyungs!" Taehyung said while waving his hand. "Bye lovebirds!" The others shoited making him smiled. Taehyung went to his car and put the little carefully ontp the seat and buckle up his seatbelt for safety. After making sure that his baby was safe, he went to the driver seat and started the engine not forgetting to buckle up his own seatbelt. He took a glance to his side and saw that his baby  was playing with his bunny not worrying about a single thing while talking somwthing that he doesn't know. But surely he could listen to his baby imagination all day long.


Finally they arrived at their destination. Tae looked at his side and saw that his angel was sleeping so he decided to take some fresh air by himself. He got out from the car and leaned on it. He closed his eyes while inhaling the fresh air. He opened his eyes and stared at the  sky that started to get a bit cloudy. This is one of favourite place. Why? This is the place where he took his lover for a first time for their date.

Place where he proposed to his lover. Place where he and Jungkook holding each other hands not wanting to let go. And the place where their love started. He can't help himself feim smiling widely from the memory of his first date with Jungkook. "How beautiful.." He said while staring at the sky nkt realising the little already awake. "Dada?" The little said while rubbing his sleepiness away. Taehyung grabbed him and hold him. "Yes baby?" Taehyung asked while playing with the younger's hair.

The little hopped down of Tae's arm and sat on the sand. "Dada come on swit with Kookie." The little said while patting the space beside him. Taehyung skiled and sat beside his baby. The little then out his head onto Tae's chest. "Dada, if Kookie gwone will Dada miss mwe?" The little asked looking up to Taehyung. "What are you talking about baby?" Taehyung asked a bit worried. "Nothing dada." The little shooked his head slowly. "Why are you saying like this baby?" Tae asked while holding the little face towards him.

"Kookie have a dweam westerday..Kookie dweam twhat Bwig Kookie said thwat Kookie will bwe gwome swoon. He said that he whant to bwe with wu. He doesn't whant mwe to bwe with wu. He said mwe not suppwose to bwe hwere. He said thwatmwe a burdwen to wu hyungie and eomma two !"  The little said having tears in his doe eyes.

"Baby..."Taehyung hugged the little tightly not wanting to let him go. "You're not a burden are my baby... but Big Kookie is right baby...your place is not here...your not suppose to be here. You suppose to be inside of Big Kookie but that doesn't made you a burden for me and others. We loves you. And yes...we have to say goodbye soon darling. But for now....its only Daddy and Kookie okay?" Taehyung said while lifting his baby's chin so that their eyes meet.

The little still having some tears in his eyes but smiling widely  knowing that he is not a burden to his daddy nor his hyungs. He hugged Taehyung back while smiling. "Kookie wuv wu dada." The little said. "Daddy loves you too baby. Big or little...still my baby bunny." Taehyung said and kissed his baby's forehead.

"Fowewer Dada?"

"To the Moon and back baby bun."

~ Hello my lovely bitchesss!! Finally I'II update🤧🤧 Im lacking of idea dude don't get mad!😢

~ I wasted my 10 minutes to wrote Kookie's part but its worths😁😁 Btw Im still thinking the plot for the upcoming chapter so I (J)hope you can help me with those

~ School holiday was totally boring😩 Nothing to do just gossiping with my friends LMAO.

Don't forget to vote lovely!!


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