Chapter Six Dawn And Aki

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I sat there crying. Not because I was alone. Not because I was trapped inside the darkness for so long. But because the one who in cased me in the darkness. Looked so much like me. Was this mysterious turtle close to me? Or was it. No. It couldn't be. What if it was. Leo. He was supposed to be here. But if it was him. He found me. And that put dusk at risk. I couldn't sit here crying any longer. Tears would do nothing for anybody. I decided to follow the footprints that the turtle left behind. I followed it for what seemed like forever. Then I ducked behind what looked to be a bush. A prison. An institution, maybe? That's what I had come upon. This is where they must be holding them. Dusk. Karai. The lost ones. I was about to sneak in. But I heard a demonic voice say, "we have to move them to a lower point. One tried to escape. The traitor!" Then I heard a slash. I gasped. Thankfully nobody heard me. I peeked through the bush then. I couldn't believe what I saw.

A huge giant black panther! It looked just like dusk! I started to run but I stopped myself. For when it turned around. It wasn't her. This panther had deep blue eyes. I think he was blind. And he also had a scar over his left eye. He also had scratches over his ribs. Who was this? But then I heard a beautiful voice. "Master Dawn. Where do you want the prisoners?" His name was Dawn. And her. It was the turtle! The turtle I saw. She trapped me inside the darkness. Her beauty captured me. Her voice inticed me. I wanted to move closer. But I couldn't move a muscle. She was shorter than me. She also had black hair with crimson tips. And I noticed that she had a weapon on her back. A scythe. Beautiful. But this was no time for sight seeing. I ran across the prison land. Searching for dusk and the others. But I saw my brothers. They were the guards. Dusk must be here. And the only way to rescue her. Was to fight off my brothers. By using stealth. I might be able to pull it off. I jumped onto the ceiling. Grabbing on to a pipe. I slipped past Leo with ease. But raph and Mikey were still bigger. I went down a different hallway to avoid them. I whispered. "Dusk! Dusk, you in here?" I finally heard what I've been wanting to hear for a long time. "Spirit?" That beautiful voice that I've been longing for. "Dusk. It's me." I jumped down to her cell. She said, "spirit!" "Shh!" I said. "I will have you out soon." Then she said. "But what about my people. I mean the rest of us." I said "we gotah get out of here now!" I started to pick the lock. It fell down and the door opened. She hugged me and started crying. "Don't ever leave me again spirit!" "I won't." I looked into her dark green eyes. "I promise." "But what about the rest of the panthers?" She said. But before I could answer her. Raph and Mikey came to attack us. They heard us! We ran down the hallway. They chased us and chased us. I could hear their footsteps. They were still incredibly huge. Thankfully. We escaped through a hole broken into the prison. But when when I got dusk through the hole as well. We were greeted by dawn. And his turtle.

"So this is the turtle that infiltrated my prison?" Dawn said. Raph grabbed me and Mikey grabbed dusk. "Get your hands off of her Mikey!" He blinked. And let her go. What? Is my brother still inside that monster? He grabbed her again. For that brief second. I saw my little brother Michelangelo for the first time. Raph held me down to the ground. Dusk yelled, "no! Let him go! You filthy traitor!" She was referring to dawn. He said, "me! A traitor! Ha! You were the one that left us!" And at my face. Was a foot. It was the mystery turtle. "Aki. Finish him. Leonardo. Come with me." They both said. "Yes master dawn." Aki was her name. Raph let me go. And when he did. She kicked me in the face. And not only was my face numb. I was awestruck. Because she was the one that stole my heart.

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