Chapter Seventeen Demise

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I woke up. In terror. Why you may ask? I was laying on top of my panther. She was dead. Blood spattered everywhere. And a knife lay beside her. I didn't do this, did I? No! I would never hurt her! I held dusk close to me. But the last one I saw was. Aki. She did this. I didn't care what I felt for her. All three of them. Dawn. Leo. And now aki. All if them. Were going down. I would rip their limbs apart. Tearing off their skin slowly. To make them suffer. I want to here them scream. I want to kill them all with my bare hands. And worst of all. Even if I did find karai. She couldnt heal dusk. She was too far gone. But I would give her a proper burial. And I would avenge her.

I carried her back to her castle. I lay her inside the chamber of where she once was supposed to rule. I cried. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. My hands were covered in blood. With my deceased best friend at my hands. They would pay. I yelled, "they will all pay for the pain they have caused me!" I clawed into the ground. I heard a voice. "Donnie? Is that. Is that you?" I turned around. It was raph. I ran to him. I hugged him so tightly. I was crying so hard I didn't know if he could understand me. "D-- du-- dusk! She-- she's. Gone!" Raph witnessed the blood on his brothers hands and the deceased panther. "Don. I'm--" but he knew words could not help him now. He just hugged spirit. Spirit told raph. "We have to avenge her. Aki did this. Leo destroyed our family. And dawn started this war. We have to kill them all." Raph said. "I know your going through a tough time bro. But murder?" Spirit pulled away. "They must all." He turned around. "Perish!" Raph sighed. "I'll help you." It was settled. They would kill them all. To end this war. Once and for all.

Raph and spirit ventured to where they knew they had to go. They went to dawn's headquarters. They infiltrated it and took out guards. They fought there way though they prison. Until they reached the top. But spirit noticed. There were no panthers in the cells. Where were they? When they got to the top. Spirit whispered. "Be on your toes. He could be--" dawn interrupted him. "I've been expecting you." Aki and Leo held them down. Aki held spirit and Leo held raph. Dawn hopped out of his chair and circled around the two. "How many times must you attempt this?" Dawn asked. "Until I finally killed you!" Spirit said. They all laughed. Spirit held great anger. Which he knew would come in handy. Aki held him well. He spoke to her. "Let go of me you worthless piece of shit!" She looked at him with infuriating eyes. "I haven't killed you! What's your deal?!" I yelled. "You fucking killed my best friend! That's my deal! Now let me go so I can kill you myself!" Aki gasped. She loosened her grip. "No I--" I elbowed her shell. She fell hard to the ground. I fought her. Raph punched Leo and they fought as well. Dawn said. "Guards! Hold them down!" Raph and I both had guards to fight off. As well as aki and Leo. I fought off guards as she tried to puncture me with her scythe. "Why do you continue this path?!" I yelled. "It will lead to no where!" She was in tears at this point and struggling to fight me. "I didn't do it! You have to believe me!" I punched her in the mouth. "I'm sick of your lies! Leo hypnotized you into thinking he's your brother! And you kill my best friend! Ha!" I push my chain against her throat. "It's all over aki." I wrapped it around her neck. I pulled against it. "Breathe you bitch!" She cried as her face started to turn blue from lack of oxygen. Raph yelled, "don! Look out!" I turned around. Leo slashed my face. I fought him. His claws where the same length as my katana. But sharper. "What have you done to her?!" I yelled. He laughed as we fought. "Exactly as I planned. " I slashed off apart of his shell. "And what would that be?" I said. He kicked me to the ground. "Your demise."

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