When I woke up, Cyan was on the other side of the room. He was asleep, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. I took my blanket and covered him, but he grabbed my arm. "Yona..." He mumbled in his sleep and I looked at him. I tried yanking my arm away, but his grip was strong.
He pulled me down and I fell onto his lap. His arms wrapped around me. "I love you Yona..." He whispered and I looked away. Who's this Yona? Why does he keep speaking her name? I sat there, hoping he would wake up soon, but I ended up sitting there for an hour. I stared at his face the whole time. He looks so peaceful like this, but when he looks at me, it gives me the shivers. His orange eyes can just make you feel as if he's peering into your soul.
His eyelids slowly opened and he looked at me. His eyes widened and his arms pulled away quickly and I scrambled to my feet. "What are you doing?!" He yelled and I panicked. "I-It's b-because... You were sleeping and I was going to put a blanket around you and then I-"
"Enough! No more of your excuses!"
"They're not excuses!"
"Clearly they are." He said as he stood up. "Just listen to me for once!" I shouted at him, this time I'm not backing down. He's always won an arguement, and this time, I'm using this as an opportunity. I stared at him, giving my best mean-looking face I can. I stared hard into his eyes and he sighed. "Tell me then." He said as he looked away. Yes! It worked.
"I wanted to put a blanket around you, but you suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me down. You were saying a woman's name. Her name was Yona..."
"Never speak of her name!" He hissed and my eyes widened in shock. "I-I'm sorry..." I said as I quickly ran out the door. I slid the door shut behind me and I made my way down the gravel road to N.P.S. On my way there, me and Malin ran into each other. "Nissa! So good to see you! Are you alright from the fall?" He asked and I nodded. "I need to ask you something..." I said. "Sure what is it?"
"Who is Yona?"
"I don't know if I should be discussing it with you."
"What's so wrong with discussing it?" I asked him and he shook his head. "You won't understand. Ask Cyan about it, he'll tell you-"
"I just mentioned her name and he got mad at me!"
"I was gonna say, he'll tell you when he's ready..."
I stood there, looking at Malin. I feel like I was going to go crazy finding out who this Yona is. "Is Yane in N.P.S?" I asked Malin. "No, Sun district is still at war, so Yane had to go take care of some things." He answered and I sighed. I spotted Kai walking out of N.P.S and I waved to him. He smiled and waved back as he walked towards me and Malin.
"Hey Nissa, are you alright?" Kai asked and I nodded. "I couldn't be better!" I said and Malin and Kai both chuckled. "Wanna go to Meet The Taste and have a bite there?" Malin asked. "It's on me!" Kai yelled in delight and we all laughed. "Sure, that place sounds delicious." I said and they both nodded.
We were eating and I had a mouth full of chicken. "This is so good!" I said with a mouth full of chicken. Malin's eyes softened as he looked at me and chuckled. "I'm glad you like it." He said. Me and Malin sat next to each other and Kai sat alone on the opposite side. Kai stuffed his face with biscuits. I smiled at him while I finished my chicken.
It was dark when we walked out of the restaurant. "Wow... It's really dark." Malin said and I nodded. We were walking on the gravel road and I trudged along behind them. Then, arms grabbed me and I screamed as I got dragged. "Nissa!" Malin yelled out as he darted after me. "M-Malin!" I screamed.
Malin shot out a rope and it stuck to a roof and he pushed off the ground, swinging towards me. Kai ran on the rooves of houses, jumping roof to roof. I continued screaming. "Let me go! Let me go!" I yelled. Kai jumped in front of them and the two black figures dragging me yield to a halt. Malin stood behind them. "Let her go." Kai commanded.
"22! Get in here!" One of the men yelled and a black figure from a roof swung down from a rope and grabbed me. He took us back up on the roof. The familiar blue eyes and the scent made me realize it was Jaehul again. We stood on the roof as he tried tying a rope around me. I kept squirming and trying to run free, but Jaehul grabbed me hard and forced me to the ground.
"Jaehul..." I said, hitting the ground hard knocked the air out of me. He stood next to me, looking down at me. I sat up and looked at him. "Jaehul. This isn't like you." I said.
"I failed to complete the orders my master gave me. I have to make it up to him by successfully capturing you." He said and I shook my head. "No! Jaehul! I know you, this isn't like you! This did something to you! Where's the old Jaehul?! I want the other one back! Not this one!" I said as a lot of hot tears poured down my face uncontrollably.
"Nissa. You're worth a lot. I would do anything to get more money." He said as he kneeled down with one knee over my stomach. He pinned my shoulders down and looked me in the eyes. "If I don't capture you. I'll fail a second time and I'll be executed." He said and I shook my head.
"N-No! This can't be... Jaehul..." I placed a hand on the side of his face. "I... I used to love you..." I whispered and his eyes narrowed. "Jaehul... They're using you, whoever they are, they're using you because you have power. You're one of the Buri sons, of course they can use you. I'm not an item, I'm a human." I said and some tears fell from Jaehul's eyes.
"I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me... Nissa... I love you so much." He said and then a blade went through him. He gasped for air and he fell over. I screamed as I looked up to see Kai holding a knife. I scrambled over to Jaehul and held his body. His blood stained my kimono, but I didn't care.
Jaehul used his last seconds of life to look up at me. He placed a hand on the side of my face and smiled weakly. "Nissa... Don't... Let... Anyone hurt... You... I... I... Love... You..." He said and his eyes closed slowly, as a tear trickled down his temple. I screamed out in terror. "No! No! Jaehul!" I cried harder as I buried my face into his neck.
I held his body close to mine. "Jaehul... Jaehul..." I cried out his name. No matter how many times I called his name, he wouldn't come back to life. "Come on." Kai said as he touched my shoulder gently. "No... I cant leave him." I said as I looked up at Kai. "I'm afraid, he's left you first." He said as he narrowed his eyes. "I'm sorry," he added as he grabbed my arm and helped me stand up.
He picked me up, "Hold on tightly." He said and I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He ran fast as he jumped from roof to roof until we got to the forest. He jumped down from a roof onto the ground and ran into N.P.S. We went through all the doors and finally got to the big room where everyone was gathered. Malin was there, it seemed he was injured and I rushed to him. "Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."
"This is all my fault." I said.
"Nissa!" Cyan yelled my name as he ran into the room. He looked at the blood on my kimono and he rushed to me. He wiped the remainder of my tears with his thumb. "I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier." He said and I shrugged my shoulders. I walked over to a couch and sat down. "She lost someone she loved..." Kai said quietly and Cyan nodded as he sat next to me.
"It's okay..." He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

Let You Go
RomanceWrote this a long time ago when I was like 13 or something like that. Read at your own risk, it's terrible. But I'm keeping this up as a memory and how far I've come with my writing.