I woke up in Cyan's arms as the morning rolled in. I turned to look at Cyan who was still sleeping. I smiled as I touched his face gently with my fingers. His lips twitched slightly and his eyelids opened slowly. As he looked up at me, he smiled and pulled me closer to him. "Good morning," he mumbled. "Good morning."
Malin still had a habit to just walk in our house like no big deal. The front door flung open, "We're here!" Malin yelled and I sighed as I broke away from Cyan's arms and stood up. "Could you be any louder?" I said as soon as I walked into the main room. I've been cranky a lot lately and I'm tired of putting up with Malin's rude manners of just barging in here. "Of course I can, wanna here?" He talked back and I sighed louder.
"I swear you're gonna get it! You barge in here one more time, it'll be the death of you! I can't tolerate it no more!" I yelled at him as I rubbed my temples with my fingers. I took deep breaths to calm me down and Malin stood there with his hand on his hip. He had the same expression on his face, he really didn't care...
"Anyways! I heard from Yane, Jin is going to be at this feast or whatever tomorrow night. Everyone in the town is invited to go, he's celebrating his 22nd year of being 'King' and he wants as much people as possible there." Malin said excitedly. "King? More like dictator, but anyways, let's check it out," I blurted out as I turned back to see Cyan standing there, leaning on the wall. He nodded slowly, he still looked sleepy. "Okay! Tomorrow night! Remember that." Malin dashed out the room, slamming the front door shut behind him.
I looked around the room and there was a rolled up mat. "Where's Daegu?" I asked as I checked in the bathroom. "I don't know...maybe he's running errands?" Cyan answered as he walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.
I pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. I sighed as I placed my elbows onto the table. I buried my face in my hands and shut my eyes tightly. I felt Cyan walk behind me and began massaging my shoulders. "What's the matter?" He asked as my shoulders began relaxing. "I wish I could be a little more happy, you know? I'm super happy I have the baby and all, but I still have to live in fear because of Jin. I still have a duty to fulfill and take back that throne and... It's just really stressing me out.
This feels like a dream, to live with you and being able to love you. But then, I snap back to reality and realize that, I'm still being searched and hunted for and that Jin wants me imprisoned or killed. It's so...stressful..."
He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. "I know and I'm sorry. When the time is right...you'll become the Queen of Urina and I know you'll be a good one. I'll even be your family there too as your husband, and plus I'll be a father. Just hang in there Nissa, we're going to the feast tomorrow and we'll try getting closer to him." I nodded and he patted my back.
I paused for a second, "Wait... He knows what I look like, so I can't go... I can't because he knows who I am." I turned to look at Cyan who nodded, comprehending what I just said. "I understand, I'll talk to Yane about it later today. I can have Daegu stay with you tomorrow while the rest of us go." He rubbed his thumb on my neck, making small circles. I nodded and turned back to the table. "Still, where is that kid?"
I got up and started pacing around the room. "Relax..." Cyan sighed and I shook my head. Suddenly, the front door opened and Daegu came in and looked at me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. "Where were you?" I stared him down in his eyes. "Inspecting the area...why?"
I sighed, "I was worried about you, because you were gone." I pulled back my hand from his arm and shook my head. "Thank goodness, anyways tomorrow night we're going to Jin's feast." I told him and he nodded, "Yeah, I know." I raised an eyebrow. "Did Malin or Yane tell you that?"
* * *
I sat next to Daegu at the table. "Do you think they're doing alright?" I asked him and he nodded, "Don't worry, your Majesty." I sighed and looked down, "Yeah, you're right. I'm going to go for a walk." I got up and headed towards the door.
"I'll have to come with, your Majesty."
I nodded and I opened the door and Daegu followed behind me, closing the door behind me. I sighed out loud and I started walking on the gravel road and Daegu walked beside me.
"The long lost princess!" A voice cried out and I turn to see a short gray-haired woman as she rushed to me. "You're the long lost princess! I can recognize your face anywhere!" She said as she clung onto my arm. I smiled weakly as I tried to shake her off. "You have to go to the feast! We need to show you to Jin!" She began tugging on my arm and Daegu stepped in. He separated her from me, "Sorry, ma'am. I'm afraid that's not happening, she's staying here." He told her as he stepped in front of me.
"Nissa Urina." The woman called my name. I looked at her. "That's your name."
I shook my head, my last name was Kang, not Urina. "You're real last name is Urina. I know you. You're my..." She paused and began walking away. I pushed Daegu out of the way and ran up to her. "I'm you're what? Tell me!" I clasped my hands on her shoulders and shook her. She put her hands up and looked me in the eyes. "If I tell you, I might be found out." She whispered as she looked around.
"Why might you be found out?"
"I was forced by Jin to keep it a secret and if I ever tell, he'll come and kill me."
She sighed and she narrowed her eyes. She looked very frightened and nervous. "Tell you what... Me and my friends are on our way to get back my throne, so tell me, I'll make sure you or no one else gets hurt." I whispered to her and she nodded slowly. "I'm your... I'm your grandmother."
My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. "M-My grandmother?" I asked in disbelief and she nodded. "Well, why would he kill you?"
"He wants to make the sure that the princess's family is all dead so that way she won't have any family left and she'll believe she's just an ordinary person. Jin looked into your family history and records and he found me. He sent people to search for me and they warned me. I'm your mother's mother, he probably didn't worry too much because your mother came from a poor family."
I nodded and I hugged her gently. "I'm glad I found family..." I said to her and she smiled. "I'm glad I found my granddaughter, I thought I lost you forever. Now... We can't see each other too much, so I'm wishing you luck on getting that throne back. I hope I get to see you again soon, since I am getting old, I don't have much time left." She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.
She pulled away and began walking away. I watched her as she disappeared into the dark night and I slumped my shoulders and walked back to the house with Daegu quietly trudging behind me.
I found a grandmother, and she's my mother's mother. I'm glad I found someone who is still alive, my mom and dad might be alive. I don't know, but I'm keeping my hopes up. I'm still getting back that throne and no one is going to stop me!

Let You Go
RomanceWrote this a long time ago when I was like 13 or something like that. Read at your own risk, it's terrible. But I'm keeping this up as a memory and how far I've come with my writing.