The sound of Cyan's laughter made me smile. Even though, each day Kai and I became closer, there was a special place in my heart for Cyan. I know that I would never get an inch closer to Cyan because he has Yona. I know that it would probably never mean that me and Cyan can just become friends, we can still stay as acquaintances or strangers if he wants that.
The wind slapped the sides of my face violently as we rode even faster through the forest. Only that, we got surrounded by some ninjas sent by Jin. Cyan got down off the horse and I sat there staring at the ground below. This is the hardest part, getting down. Cyan looked at me with an impatient expression. I took a deep breath and then a blade went through my shoulder. A ninja threw it at me and I fell back off the horse.
I screamed, I screamed in pain and in terror as I hit the ground with a loud thud. "Nissa!" Cyan said as he ran to me and picked me up. He looked around and nodded at someone as he began running. He ran far away enough and set me down on the ground, surrounded by tall grass. "This is going to hurt." Cyan said as he pulled out the blade from my shoulder.
I squeezed the grass around me as I screamed out in pain. "It's okay. Shh..." He said as he pressed down on my wound to stop the bleeding. I whimpered in pain quietly as I grabbed ahold of his arm. We heard a rustle behind us and Cyan stood up and drew out his daggers. There, stood a ninja glaring at Cyan as they held a sword in their hand.
I sat up and scooted back slightly. The ninja tried running to me, but Cyan blocked him. "No! I'm not letting you take her!" Cyan yelled as he stabbed the ninja in the throat. You could tell that Cyan was angry, very angry and the way he kept stabbing the ninja after the ninja's body was dead and on the ground. "Cyan... Enough... You're wasting your energy over someone who is already dead. They're not going to come back to life..." I said gently and he turned to look at me.
Cyan came over and sat next to me and took my hand into his. "I'm not letting anyone hurt you, understand? You're someone important and I-We can't bare to lose you." He said and I nodded. "Hang in there, we're almost to the Blue Dragon district and we can seek for medical help there." He added and I nodded once again.
I still winced in pain every time I moved and I always forgot not to apply pressure to my shoulder. There was a tree behind me that came in handy when Cyan tried helping me stand up, but I lost my balance and fell against the tree and Cyan stumbled forward until he was right in front of me. Our chests touching and his nose barely touching mine. I looked up at his orange eyes and then I looked down at the ground.
He pulled away quickly and grabbed my other elbow, on my good arm and he helped walk me. "I just hurt my shoulder, I didn't lose a leg. I'm fine, I can walk." I told him, but he ignored me as his grip around my elbow tightened. "Ow... Cyan you're hurting me." I said and then he jerked suddenly to look at me. "Hurting you? Don't be complaining over stupid little things like this, all of us could have lost our lives because of just you. You're the little lady of this group and I'm tired of us treating you all high and mighty."
"Cyan," I yanked my arm back and stood there looking at him, "What is your problem with me? I've tried so hard over this journey to avoid you and cause you any trouble. I wanted to ride with someone else and not you because I was afraid another conversation like this would happen. I'm tired of you ratting me out every single day! I didn't do anything wrong! I don't even know what is happening, I don't know why you guys are taking me and why people are following me and why ninjas are out to kill us!" I yelled at him, using every last breath I had of me. I stared at him in the eyes, to let him know that I meant what I said.
He took a deep breath, "Look, Nissa. I'm sorry, but every time I'm around you, I just sometimes get angry all of a sudden. All these emotions just pour out of me and I can't seem to control them. I don't even know why people are following you and out to get you, Yane won't even tell me. I... I'm sorry..." He said as he looked down. "Y-You said sorry to me?!" I said as I raised my voice in surprise. "Yes! Get over it!" He said as his face turned red and he looked away. The way he stood signaled to me that he was getting impatient.
"Okay. Apology accepted, by the way." I said and he let out a sigh as I followed behind him back to where the horses and everyone was. Yane approached us, "Where were you guys?" He asked us and Cyan told him where we were at. Yane sighed and nodded, "As long as she's protected." Yane said, but he looked over at my shoulder and gasped. "Her shoulder! Someone! Wrap her shoulder up or something!" Yane ordered. One of the other men, I'm guessing Riko, came over with a small towel.
"This might hurt just a little, but it'll help apply pressure to the wound to help stop the bleeding and help it heal a little faster without it having exposure to the air." He said and I nodded.
He gently lifted my arm and wrapped my shoulder with the towel as it rested under my arm and over my shoulder and I kept whimpering and jumping in pain every time he touched my shoulder. I thanked him and I sighed in relief it was over and Yane smiled at me. "Anyways, I'm glad you two are okay. The thing is, Kai is missing." Yane said and I looked over at him in shock. "Yeah, I didn't see him at all when we were facing the ninjas." Malin included himself in the conversation.
I nodded, taking the information in with shock. How could Kai go missing? "I hope he's alright..." I said quietly and Yane patted my other shoulder. "He'll be alright, he's Kai after all. He can handle things on his own." Yane told me and I knew he was trying to make me feel better. But I could see just a little bit of worry in his eyes as they stared right at me.
I smiled as I nodded. "Okay."
"We can't worry about him too much. What is done, is done and we can't afford to spend too much time on what has happened. The sooner we get to Sugar Crystal, the more chance of what we wanna do is going to go smoother." Yane said.
"Understood. What about Nissa? Shouldn't we stop by the Blue Dragon district or something for medical attention towards her shoulder?" Malin asked.
"I agree, that wound seems very deep, sir." Hiro said.
"I suppose a quick drop by the Blue Dragon district." Yane said as he took a deep breath.
Cyan took my hand and dragged me to the horse. "I'll let you ride in front because of your shoulder. If you're in the back of me, you're very weak and there's more of a chance that you will fall off the horse." He said to me and I nodded. Good, I don't want to fall off the horse, or any horse.
He helped me up first and I sat down, holding the reins of the horse. Cyan got on after me and I could feel his chest press against my back. "I'll still be the one navigating the horse." Cyan said and I nodded, once again. He reached with his both arms for the reins, his chest pressing harder against my back. I could feel him leaning over my good shoulder, his breath tickling my ear.
After some hours of riding on the horse, everyone stopped to take a short break and walk around to loosen up our legs. I sat down next to Yane on a boulder while the others wandered off. "Yane, can you please tell me why people are after me and want me captured?" I asked him and begged him the best I could.
"Okay, maybe you're ready for it. What I'm about to tell you is going to be all true, so prepare yourself for some shockers. Don't say anything, just listen to me. I'll explain everything..."

Let You Go
RomanceWrote this a long time ago when I was like 13 or something like that. Read at your own risk, it's terrible. But I'm keeping this up as a memory and how far I've come with my writing.