"The food was delicious!"
"Malin, we didn't go there for the food, we went to get an observation of Jin."
"Well, I observed the food. I made sure there was no poison in it."
I turned onto my side and opened my eyes. I was sleeping and I heard voices. I got up and walked out of the bedroom to see Cyan, Malin and Daegu.
"Oh, did we wake you up?" Cyan asked and I opened my mouth to say something, but Malin interrupted. "Now that she's awake, we should tell her about the feast!" Malin raised his voice. I sighed and rubbed my temples in annoyance. Malin is really getting on my nerves right now.
Cyan walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Jin looks like he's in his 60s, so he's a getting a little old." Cyan said and I nodded as I looked to Malin.
"While you guys were out, I found a family member who is still alive." I told them and Cyan's arms wrapped around tighter as he pulled me closer. "Really?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, she was my grandma, my mother's mother. It seemed she couldn't tell me or Jin would kill her, but I promised I would protect her. So let's hurry and take the throne back so I can help protect her."
Cyan nodded, "Of course. Your confidence really makes me smile," he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. I smiled as I leaned my head closer to his. "Let's go shopping!" Malin shouted and me and Cyan pulled away and I sighed. I looked at Malin who stood there, rocking back and forth on his heels. "You've been acting very annoying and child-like for weeks, is everything all good?" I asked him and Malin shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I'm good." I nodded and he hung his head.
Then, I remembered what Malin said at the bar, weeks ago. "'And... And... The funny thing is... I liked Nissa...'" I remembered him say. Does he still have feelings or is he just being a pain in the butt?
"Well, I'm going to make something to eat." I said as I went to the kitchen. "We already ate," Malin said. "You did, I didn't," Cyan raised his voice in defense and I chuckled. "Okay, then, I'll make you some food too." I grabbed a pot and put it on the stove and lit one of the burners. I opened the fridge and took out the fish that Malin brought the other day. I threw it on the pan and waited until it was done cooking, flipping it over here and there.
I grabbed two plates and cut the fish in half, placing on half on one plate and the other half on the other. I grabbed two forks and handed one to Cyan along with his plate. I grabbed the remaining plate and sat down next to him at the table. Malin sat across from us, alone, watching us eat. "May we help you?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Okay then, go back to your house," I said as I took a bite of the fish.
"It's boring over there."
"So you're saying it's more fun to watch us eat?"
"No, I didn't say that. All Yane does is talk about work and stuff..."
"Well that's who Yane is, besides we're on an important mission. All Yane can do is stress about it and talk about it." I took another bite as I looked up at Malin.
Cyan placed a hand on my thigh and I looked at him. He looked back at me and smiled before turning back to his food and taking more bites. I heard a shuffle and I turn around to see Daegu sitting on the floor. "Daegu! Oh my gosh I didn't make you food. Here, have mine, I'm not hungry no more." I stood up and grabbed my plate, walked over to him and handed him the plate.
He shook his head and I placed a hand on my hip. "Eat it." I commanded and he nodded slowly as he took the plate from my hand. "I'll get you a fork, hold on." I jogged to the kitchen and opened a drawer and got a clean fork. I walked back to him and handed it to him. "Thank you," he said as he took the fork from my hand and began eating.
There was a knock on the front door and I beat Malin to it and I opened it. Yane, Riko and Hiro stood there. "Come in," I said as I stepped to the side and they all walked in and I closed the door behind them. Yane sat at the table next to Cyan and Riko took the last seat that was at the table. Hiro stood next to Riko and I stood behind Cyan as I rubbed his shoulders.
"I have a order for you ninjas," Yane said as he laid out a map on the table. "What is it?" Malin asked and Yane pointed to a section of the map. "This is the map of the palace. It's divided into four wings. The North wing, East wing, South wing, West wing and Jin sleeps in the East wing." I looked over to where Yane was pointing at. "So, tomorrow, I want you guys to inspect it at night. All four of you, Cyan, Riko, Hiro and Malin. Malin, you take the South wing. Riko, you take the West wing. Hiro, you take the North wing and Cyan, you take the East wing." Yane instructed them all and they nodded in agreement.
I dropped my hands to my side and looked over the map. "Anyways, I want you guys to just look around. Try to calculate how many guards there are in each wing. Depending on how much there are in each wing, we might be able to take them out ourselves. If not, I'll call in for more help," Yane said as he scratched the back of his head.
"More help? You have more ninjas?" Hiro asked.
"Of course, I don't just have you. I have been in this business for years, I'm not only going to have six ninjas."
"Six? There's only four of us," Malin said as he looked around at us.
"Kai..." Yane said silently and his face had no expression. Malin nodded, "Then, who's the sixth one?" Riko asked and Yane looked over to me. "Nissa is the sixth one."
I froze up and stared at Yane. "M-Me?" I asked as I pointed a finger to my chest. "Yes you. When the time comes, you'll be the one who assassinates Jin."
"A-Assassinate?!" My mouth hung open. "I thought we were just gonna capture him and keep him locked up until he dies. I... I don't know if I can take on a job as big as that. I feel stupid now," I said to Yane as I shook my head.
"You've come this far. You've held on this long. All of us believe in you, Nissa, you can take on a job like that. You're able to fight so well without any true practice. You've killed before, you're able to kill the one who killed you're family. Aren't you mad, upset or angry at Jin? You lost your real family and your adopted family."
He is trying to get me to want to fight. I don't know if I want to assassinate Jin. He's still a human after all, but Yane is right. He supposedly killed my real family and he murdered my adopted family. I am ready to kill him. It would be nice to have Jin's blood on my hands, just to prove the world that I am capable of getting my throne back.
"You're right Yane... I am ready." I clenched my fist and held it to my heart.

Let You Go
RomanceWrote this a long time ago when I was like 13 or something like that. Read at your own risk, it's terrible. But I'm keeping this up as a memory and how far I've come with my writing.