Chapter 1: I Don't Want Your Feet On My Feet

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"I think we need to get up," I whisper.

"Nooooo," The girl in my arms groans. "I mean, is education really that important? I'm perfectly happy here."

"Oh c'mon, I know senior year got off to a rocky start with everything, but it's been a month. And we're good, now. After all this time, everything is finally normal," I play with her hair.

"Still doesn't mean I should go to school."

"Hey, love birds! We leave in 30!" Scar knocks on my door.

It had been a month since Scar and Heath moved in. They seemed like good people and I got along with Heath, couldn't say the same for Scar.

But Juliet hopes we'll get along one day, because we're 'family'.

"Alright, up you go," I lift her up and take her to the bathroom and she whines.

I leave her next to the sink and run out to get some breakfast before Heath, Scar and the M&Ms gobble it all up.

We each had kitchen duty on different days, which worked because there were 7 of us considering Dad doesn't cook.

At least not for us.

"Hands off of my strawberries," I reprimand Scar as he easily leans against the kitchen counter.

He gives me a flat look. "The box didn't have your name on it, now did it?"

I show him the lid of the box that clearly has my name written on it.

"Oh," he says, "then I guess I just didn't give a shit."

Heath laughs and I steal strawberries from his bowl. He doesn't mind, though. He always lets me eat his food.

The M&Ms stroll in, Juliet right behind them. She takes her usual seat, either the kitchen counter or my lap, today she chooses the latter.

"Those were my socks!" Mason complains.

"No, they weren't. Mine are way better than yours and I wouldn't make such a disgusting mistake. I don't want your feet on my feet," Max reasons.

"Guys!" Parker rushes into the room.

Heath stiffens and gets off his stool, walking hurriedly towards the main door of our house.

"Heath Adams, you stole the chocolate that I hid in my sock drawer," Parker accuses and Heath puts a defensive hand over his pocket.

Scar and I both spit back some of our juice into glass, unable to contain equal parts of our disgust and laughter.

"All this talk about socks is making me nauseous," Juliet makes a face.

"You have weird friends," Scar comments and I know it's directed to me, but the girl who is too busy eating Nutella on my lap chirps in.

"And you don't?" She says and I try to steal some Nutella from her but she slaps my hand away.

"I don't have friends. I have family. And that's Heath."

Juliet dramatically puts her spoon back in the Nutella jar and faces Scar.

"Not even one?"


Mason laughs. "Oh no, Juliet's human side is showing."

Max hits him lightly on the back of his head.

Parker and Heath play tug of war with a Kit-Kat.

"Well, I'm your friend," Juliet supplies.

Um, since when?

"No you're not," Scar laughs.

"Fine. Hi, I'm Juliet Hastings and I'd love to be your friend," she extends her hand.

Scar stares at her hand warily. "I don't know..."

"Just do it man, there's no getting out of this," Parker laughs.

"Ha! Scar? Someone's friend? I can't imagine." Heath laughs and Scar shoots him a dry look.

Then something magical happens.

Scar shakes J's hand causing her to have that stupid accomplished smile on her face. Well, at least one good thing came out of it.

I'm hungry.

Wow, that came out of nowhere. I'm so weird, I need to get it together.

After breakfast, Parker, Juliet and I rush out to my Jeep to leave for school.

Heath leaves earlier than us, he likes to walk. Scar takes his Harley Davidson, Mason and Max have their own cars but carpool alternately.

Dad said he was gonna buy a mini van so we could all go together, soon.

Our basement had even more cars that we didn't use. But Dad liked cars, so hey, we never questioned it.

As we step out of the house, I notice that there's a moving truck parked across the street.

Someone's moving in?

I see a boy, perhaps of our age, step out of the truck.

New neighbors, couldn't affect us much, right?

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