Chapter 30: Waffles Aren't That Bad

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When I was in Grade 6, I handed in an essay that my English teacher praised in front of the entire class. I was so proud when she mentioned my extensive use of vocabulary.

If I knew so many words, then why was it that I couldn't I find a single one to describe the plunging dagger in my heart? It ripped me apart to the point where I couldn't tell if I was truly breathing or it was a feeble attempt of my body trying to keep me alive.

I watched the trees as Chase effortlessly drove.

"Where'd you wanna go?" He looks at me and I'm glad he's ignoring what he just saw.

"Can we go to Rustenberg?" I ask, knowing it's a far throw.

"You mean the town 3 hours from here?" disbelief drips from his voice. Then he looks at me and smirks, hitting the accelerator. "Let's do it."

I smile back, despite everything.


"I'm sorry, we're gonna have to pull over, it's raining too much. Let's stay at that motel for a while," Chase yells over the noise of the rain.

By the time we run from to the car to the hotel, we're soaked and we rent a small room.

Extremely small room.

Drying my hair, I sit on the bed, leaning against the headboard and he takes a seat next to me.

After a beat, I ask him, "What's your favorite colour?"

He thinks for a second, stretching his legs out. "Blue."

"Why blue?" I ask.

He gives me a sheepish smile. "Pass."

I smile back. "Okay, then can I ask you something else?"

He nods, his brown eyes sparkling.

"Do you miss your sister?"

All humor drains from his face. "No one's ever asked me that before."

"I'm asking now."

He smiles at me a little, an unfairly beautiful smile. "I do. I look at random things and wonder if she would like them. Like ice-cream and those horrible waffles. But my mother hates me, she'd never let me talk to her."

When I don't know what to say, I pass the worst possible comment. "Waffles aren't that bad."

He laughs, leaning his head against my shoulder and I stiffen entirely. And then he pulls away slowly, as though realizing what he did.

I lie down and does the same. With an arm over his head, he stares at the ceiling and I turn on my side, my hands tucked beneath my head as I stare at him.

"I'm sorry you go through that alone," I say softly, wishing I could help him.

He shakes his head slightly, "Sometimes I wonder if I'd be protective, like your brothers are."

"They're only protective because I've died before," I say and instantly regret.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

His head turns to face me instantly. "What?!"

"It's not a big deal. I flatlined once. I was with Mason and he called for medical help. I was fine then."

He looks at me in disbelief, and I don't know if he notices, but he leans towards me a little more.

"It's a big deal to me," he states flatly. "What happened?"

I shrug. "Some genetic thing, I collapsed, literally in Mason's arms."

What I really mean is that an evil psychopath used mind control to try to kill Axel and I took the fall for him.

But those were minor details.

He shudders, closing his eyes, "I can't imagine what he went through."

"All things considered, I'd say it's a good way to go, in the arms of someone you love."

He looks at me and I shift uncomfortably, "You're okay now?"

I debate on whether or not I should tell him the truth.

"I get... side effects. Like shivering, and bruises stuff."

He narrows his eyes, letting his finger travel down my arm. "I'm so sorry, J."

He sounded so in pain, I almost forgot what we were talking about.

"What happened out there today?" he asks me.

I flinch. "Tina kissed him. But we're on a break and it's fine. He shouldn't feel bad."

He shakes his head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and I'm surprised.

"Why do you suppress your feelings to make someone else feel better?" he asks me and I stumble at the thought.

As I think of the moment Axel told me about this, I begin to tear up again.

"I'm stupid, that's why. I could never love anyone enough to make them stay. Not even my own father."

He wipes my tear lightly. "Did your father ever...?"

I nod, leaving it there, not wanting to repeat all that I had to tell Axel. How my father would hit me with his belt and kick me till I couldn't breathe.

Anger fills his eyes as he looks at the ceiling but then he looks at me again and it goes away.

He pulls my head to his chest, placing his chin on the crown of my head, his arms wrapping around me.

"You're so brave," he whispered.

"I'm really not," I admit.

For a second he says nothing.


I hum in response.

"The reason my favorite colour is blue is because that's the colour you were wearing when I first met you."

I look up at him. Then, I proceed to give the best reply anyone's ever heard. Ready?


He laughs, crinkles forming by his eyes.

"You're really cute," he remarks.

I look at the ceiling, hoping my cheeks aren't resembling a tomato.


More of his laughter fills the tiny room where we both sit, leaning on each other.

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