Chapter 5: Your Fantasies Are Coming Out

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When Bran's father reached the library, he understandably began to freak out. There was nowhere that his son could have run to, the library was practically isolated.

Once we got out, we got into our vehicles and went to the hospital, contacting Bran's father and 911.

Cops and the fire department were dealing with the fire. They said it was probably a bad wiring considering the library was old.

About a half hour back, Dad showed up,  and he hugged me, then yelled at me just because he was panicked, and then hugged me while yelling at me.

The M&Ms, Parker and Heath joined in soon, Parker practically skidded across the floor to hug us. Heath slapped Scar (whose face was priceless) then hugged him and the M&Ms kept on asking us if we could see clearly, walk properly and what not.

"Alright, guys, you have school tomorrow, off you go. Scar, Axel and J, I want you here, a few more tests, just precautionary measures, okay? I'll go get some food for us." Dad leaves, leaving a trail of commands behind.

After a few protests, everyone except Scar, J and I have to leave, not before they tell us not to die, which obviously is impossible for me, I mean it's my favorite pastime, I do it all the time.

It was just past midnight now and the floor we were on was near empty as I sat, sandwiched between my... distant cousin (all that I got from Dad's longggg and complicated explanation) and my girlfriend.

Juliet soon lies down, placing her head on my lap. She's out like a light in no time. I keep staring at her and making sure that she's there and fine. And breathing.

I've had this paranoia since the whole Amos incident, rightfully so, considering she, you know, died.

She breathes slowly and evenly and I stroke her hair lightly with my finger as Scar and I sit in silence.

"Can't believe you've only had eyes for one girl since you were a little kid. That's just... wow." Scar muses.

"Yeah, well, she's pretty special." That's an understatement, but for now it'll suffice.

"Oh, she's pretty something alright. I mean she's so weird, just thinks it's okay to come along and become my friend. And today, when she could barely breathe, instead of getting out of there, she risks everything to do what? Help me? That's just, I don't know..." He rants and I'd defend Juliet if I felt like he was insulting her, but it sounded like his own way of appreciating her.

"That's Juliet for you." I smile proudly, trying not to think about the fact that she couldn't even breathe and I wasn't there to help her, but the more I think of it, the more I realize she doesn't need me.

Which makes us better for each other, because we are not dependent on each other. We do not complete each other. But we complement each other.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say is, I'm glad she didn't die today. Maybe this friendship thing could work out." He fiddles with his hands and I try not to laugh.

The power of Juliet Hastings.

"And, I suppose, you not dying is okay too." He smiles slightly and I take that as a compliment.

"Yeah, I guess you not being dead is pretty okay too." I nudge him.

"Should we make out now?" He asks teasingly.

"Oh," I mock, "I'm dying to rip off your clothes right here, right now."

"Be careful Axel," he smiles, "your fantasies are coming out."

I punch him lightly.

We fall into comfortable silence again until he asks what I always knew he was going to one day.

"Axel, how did she...?" He asks and I see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

He wants to know how she died, subconsciously, I tighten my hold on her, as though it'll make the memory hurt any less.

I explain how we had to be apart due to Max's theory which was really just a lie planted into his head through Stella's mind tricks.

"This Stella girl sounds like a bitch." He remarks and I nod wholeheartedly in agreement.

"And then I was asleep, and this woman literally in my dreams had me chained up and she was just sending this unbearable pain through my entire body. I thought I was gonna die. And somehow she brought Juliet into this and said that Juliet could take my pain away through physical touch." I toy with a strand of J's hair, blinking away the pain.

Scar is stiff next to me.

"The pain was meant for me, someone who has a stronger body than usual, and she took it, and it was... too much. But dammit, she wouldn't let go. And then she-" I can't complete my sentence.

"Lemme guess, the lady was super tall only wore black?" He asks after a while and I nod. "She's Davina, probably told J  she was letting her live with the help of a memory or something."

"Yeah," I'm alert now, "what do you know about it?"

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