15. Sunday

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Blood / Implied sex

It was Sunday.

Salvation day.

The day that Tyler finally got out of this God forsaken town.

He had laid awake all night, tossing and turning next to Josh, who was snoring slightly next to him. Tyler watched as he slept, savoring every moment, every breath, knowing quite well that it could easily be the last night they would spend together.

When the sun rose over the trees and the bird began to chirp, sunlight flooding in through the windows, Josh finally awoke. The house smelled like death, and Tyler had stuffed towels around the master bedroom's door in an attempt to hide the smell. It wasn't working.

"Morning," Tyler said softly, not moving from where he had made himself comfortable against Josh's chest. He didn't dare move. It was the last moment of peace that they'd ever have.

Birdsong wafted against the windows, gently lulling the duo up. Josh was solemn and silent as he sat up, moving Tyler. Without a word, he stood out of bed and headed down the hall into the bathroom. Tyler heard the sound of vomiting come down the hall.

It was silent for a few moments until he heard the toilet flush, and a loud crash noise come from the bathroom. Jumping up, Tyler raced down the hall in a panic to see Josh staring at himself in a cracked mirror. His fist was bleeding.

"Why?" Tyler asked softly, taking Josh's hand and grabbing the towel that sat on the sink to dab at the blood. Josh had been in a sour mood since the previous night, and he knew why.

They were massacring members of the church today. Nothing would ever be the same again.

"Sorry," Josh mumbled out, pulling his hand away from Tyler and wrapping the towel around his hand. "Let's go have breakfast."

Tyler nodded quietly, not daring to speak as Josh padded down the hall and down the stairs, Tyler on his heels like a puppy following it's owner. Everything was deathly silent throughout the house. It was an eerie glow downstairs due to the rising sun shining in through the curtains, and the table where their plans laid out was illuminated in the sun.

Tyler smiled to himself as Josh sat down, and he headed over to the kitchen and pulled out some bowls to fill with dry cereal. Grabbing two oranges, he headed back to the table and set a bowl and an orange down in front of Josh, who began to pick at the cereal with his free hand.

Tyler silent ripped the skin off his orange, and pulled the slices apart to munch on while he looked over the papers. They'd have to wait until Father Urie began his sermon, which always started around twenty minutes after the service began.

He didn't know how he'd kill the Preacher, or the Ushers.

It was all going to have to go off blind luck.

Both of them ate in silence as they reviewed the plans. The sun was rising farther over the windows now, sunlight steadily streaming in as it was finally over the trees. Glancing at the clock, Tyler realized it was time.

"Let's go shower," Tyler said softly, standing up and grabbing the empty bowls. He didn't bother with the orange peels.

Josh was silent as he stood up, waiting for Tyler to put the bowls into the sink before he followed him upstairs.

"Together?" Tyler asked innocently. He hadn't seen Josh even in his underwear before, let alone naked, but he thought it didn't hurt to ask.

"Sure," Josh said softly, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind them both. "I love you," he mumbled, placing the bloodied towel back onto the sink. His knuckles had mostly scabbed over now, and all that was left was a dull ache on his hand.

Southern Gothic // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now