Chapter 1

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This first chapter will be in the scientists point of view just until we reach a specific point in the story, thanks for your patience :) we hope you enjoy the starting of this story. the next chapter should hopefully also be up soon.

The man let out a deep breath as he walked into the lab again where the next couple of teens would be lying silently on the bed. They would arrive in groups of seven to eight. It was difficult doing what he did but this was probably the only way that would help them even the tiniest bit through but what would happen to them if they survived. A pair of what seemed to be twins, two more boys and another three girls laid on the surgery tables. Their small frames looked to be shaking like leaves in the wind but their eyes were blank. 

Pulling up the mouth cover he stepped forward and looked over the pages that contained their basic information. 

Names. Birth-dates. Ages. Siblings. Blood Types. Places they were born. Parents. Nationality. You name it they had it.

"Okay, my name is Professor John Smith" the middle aged man muttered walking past all the tables checking they were all strapped in properly, some of the children were known to be a little bit violent at times during the operation.

“Peter, Pride; Cathleen, Covetousness; Eli, Envy; Willow, Wrath; Lillian, Lust; Gemma, Gluttony; Sam, Sloth” the voice crackled over the loud speaker as it read out which of the Deadly Sins the group had been assigned.

This group and another seven other children were the main factors in these tests. They would be injected with the DNA of pure virtues and sins. The children would never be the same but each child had been checked by a psychologist to see which of them would find the transitioning with each attribute easier. Their names had also been changed so the first letters matched would also help people remember which was which.

The professor walked over to the first male starting from oldest to youngest.

“Now just hold still, this may hurt a bit but, it’s better if you don’t struggle in the beginning” he murmured monotonously his hand reaching for the needle that rested on the trolley tray that he pulled over from the corner of the room.

The young boy, Peter, glared hard and silently at the man yet a spark of fear was flickering behind the hard armour he had constructed. His entranced eyes watched the reflection of the syringe as it moved closer to its insert point. Peter winced as it slid smoothly into his skin before stiffening as the liquid began moving through his blood flow to his brain. His teeth yanked on his lower lip as he held back obvious groans of pain.

The next child a young girl watched in obvious fear at what was going to be coming for her. As the young boy fell still the man moved over to Cathleen, the young boy next to her Eli started struggling as he watched the older male made his way towards his sister.

“Don’t touch her!” his voice broke the silence that had resided in the room for so long that it seemed out of place.

Cathleen began crying as she attempted to shy away from the needle which was making its way towards her.

“Please no, please” her voice was broken as she slipped her hand into her twin brothers hand which caused her and him pain as they were straining against the cuffs but instantly felt a little stronger at the physical touch which brought them closer together.

The small figured girl let out a gasp of shock and pain as the needle slid into her pale smooth skin and connected with her blood vessels. A scream tore from her throat as the liquid moved like fire through her veins. Eli watched in shock at the pain his twin was going through. Though he didn’t have much time to think about it before he realised that a needle had connected with him and pain started flowing through his body like being caught in the waves at the beach and being unable to reach the surface.

The last four watched in shock at the pain they were obviously all going to go through. Though Sam had fallen asleep earlier and was already living up to the attribute he was going to receive as he stayed unconscious throughout the entirety of the screams of the others.

Though when the needle entered his own neck he started to struggle frantically against the restraints, looking as if he was suffering from night terrors and was unable to awake and escape from whatever was plaguing his dreams.

Willow was the most violent is struggling away from what was to come. Having gone straight into a full blown frantic panic attack she was thrashing around and yelling profanities that no child should possibly have known. A few of the agents had to come in and hold her down restraining her for the Professor to inject her with the attribute which she had been assigned, Wrath, most fitting for someone of her negative charisma.

Gemma seemed to have fallen into a state of shock and fallen unconcious as she laid silent on the table. Her wrists bleeding from her struggles against the restraints. He quickly inserted the gene which she was to be given.

Then last but not least was Lillian, she was staring blankly at the others who had fallen into a restless unconscious state their breath shallow and quick as they twitched their bodies still getting used to what was twining in with their DNA. Guilt wracked the professor as he lifted the needle closer to the young girls neck. Slowly the point broke the top layer of skin and made its way to its destination. This was the worst of all the DNA changes. None of the others had reacted this horrible to the changes going on inside of them, but it was to be expected, this was DNA changes and they were adding some one the worst attributes to these young kids who had long lives ahead of them.

Lillian was silent as she thrashed around her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she began reacting to the changes going on inside her. Finger nails digging into soft palms as she let out silent screams of pain.

The professor tossed all the syringes down the chute that would lead to the furnace that resided on the outer wall of the building. Guilt wracked him. He’d seen the innocence leave their eyes, that naïve childishness leave their faces. He turned to look back into the room where the seven laid almost broken looking, their limbs limp before making his way to his office where he would await the next group of seven. The one that would counter the sinful attributes he had inserted into the children.

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