Chapter 4

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Peter, Eli and Sam lay around on multiple couches in the recreaction room, bored out of their minds. They had just finished a big  lunch in the mess hall, the four girls walking out right behind them. Well, at least that's what they had thought.

"Where's Cathleen, Gemma, Willow and Lili?" Eli asked in a whiny voice, rolling off the couch and onto the pile of beanbags and pillows, making Lili's name muffled. They had been waiting for the girls in the rec room for not even 5 minutes but they were already bored and had planned on learning more fighting moves from Willow and learning how to make themselves quiet from Eli and Cathleen. Just as Peter was about to ask if they had said anything about staying behind, the four girls came running in. Cathleen jumped on top of Eli, Willow and Lili jumped on Peter and Gemma jumped on Sam.

"Holy shit! What the fuck was that for!" Peter yelled. He groaned and pushed the two girls off him, pushing Willow further than Lili. Eli grabbed Cathleen and rolled around on the floor wrestling in a sibling like manner and Sam just used Gemma, who was nibbling on choclate bisuits, as a blanket.

"We were seeing how long you three would survive without us. And we just got caught up talking about girly things, like soap and kittens!" Cathleen laughed, emphasising on kitten while looking at Lili. Lili just pulled a face and buried her face in Peter's shoulder, remembering when she lost the game challenge to Peter. After playing around for a while, it goes silent and everybody looks at one another in the almost awkward silence.

"You know what?" Peter said suddenly. "We should leave. We should go out and see the world, getting away from this place. Become free from these restraints of the scientists." Everybody looked at him shocked and he looked uncertainly back at the gorup around him. Lili even stopped messing around. "I mean, we..."

"Yeah, that sounds..." Sam said quietly at the same time.

"I think that..." Lili also said at the same time. They all burst out laughing, a rare sound heard by the scientists from the children and it was real laughter too, not the fake laughter they force every so often for the scientists and guards. Their laughter slowly died down into a comfortable silence, each thinking about how they would escape if they were to, what they'd bring and how they'd do it.

Peter was thinking about how to get out past the wall and gates. Sam was thinking about what sort of bedding and relaxing fold-up furniture to bring. Gemma was thinking about how much food to bring and how long she could survive on cookie dough. Lili was thinking about how many guards she'd have to seductively ask to look the other way or distract. Eli and Cathleen were thinking about how many guards they'd be able to slip past, sharing ideas wiht their eyes. Willow was thinking of how many guards she could take out in one go. Alll in all, they were thinking about escaping.

"I think we should come up with a plan, just in case we do. Escape, I mean, that is." Eli said after he and Cathleen had stopped their eye communications. "I think Peter should be in charge, if that's alright with everyone else." Everyone nodded slowly. Peter jumped up and ran out of the room, coming back with a stack of papers and pens before anyone else could even share a confused look.

"Here, everybody write their plans on the paper, in our special code. We can all do certain things as well, like Gemma can do food because of her knowledge and Sam can do the security cameras." Peter handed out the papers and everybody started writing down their ideas, each writing at least 10 pages. By dinner time, they had the plans for foods that would keep them alive in all circumstances (rainforest, sand, ect); all the places of security cameras and alarms; the guards and scientists time tables; information on every guard and scientist (their strengths and weaknesses, age, height, weight, marriage staus, IQ,etc); maps of the places they had been; every little piece of information they thought was important to escaping.

"Where are we going to hide all of this? Even though it's in our special code, oppose to our normal code, we should hide all this anyway. Especially the maps." Willow said and they all nodded. "We could move them around, I can keep them in under the floorboards in my part of the dojo. Sam, maybe under your bed? Gemma, in your cupboard?" With that, they figured a timetable for who would have the plans when.

"I think we should really practice fighting moves and learning how to be silent then. Everybody knows, with my weight, I need to learn. Speaking of weight, it's dinner time!" Gemma sang, patting her imaginary stomach.

"You're not fat, "Cathleen said defensively. "But that is a good idea. And yes, I'm little hungry too."

They ferociously ate dinner with the speed of squirrel drinking coffee, Gemma didn't even go back for seconds. They raced to the main training room and spent the next few hours training. Eli and Cathleen taught them how to sneak up behind people, learn to know when people are sneaking behind them and to find the quietest path. Willow, getting angry of the fact she couldn't sneak up behind Eli or Cathleen, taught them several different martial arts sytles, how to defend and which style to use on what sort of person. By midnight, there was tears (Sam), sweat (everyone) and blood (Willow may or may not have hit Peter in the nose when he was winning...). Everyone was so exhausted that they all ended up sleeping on the mats in the training room.

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