Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry we have taken ages to update but holidays seem to have made us relax in how much work on this we do. Mainly me (Laci)...

"I have decided we are going to escape." He says loud enough for everybody at the table to hear but quiet enough so the guards, other groups and scientist in the dining hall don't hear. Sam sits up, only hearing this half-awake. Everybody looks at Peter with shocked faces, nobody says anything for a good 5 minutes.

"We knew you were thinking of it, but we didn't imagine you would say it this soon." Eli says slowly, looking at Cathleen in his lap, communicating with their eyes. "We want to help but only after we are satisfied that everybody is fully prepared and trained to get out. We aren't leaving anyone behind, we are not letting this family be ripped apart."

Everybody looks at Eli, shocked with happiness. This was the most the twins had opened up to them and they had never said anything like this before.

"That... was beautiful." Willow says emotionally, her eyes brimming with tears, happy tears. Only this group had ever made her happy, to the point where she was in near-tears. The whole group was slowly coming closer everyday, opening up and sharing secrets. When the group first got together, they didn't trust each other that much but after being confined to a lab area together, they slowly bonded.

- Memory -

The door slid open and the seven teens were pushed into the room, the doors slamming shut behind them. They all looked uncertainly around for a moment, before Eli recognised Cathleen, ran over to her and protectively hugged her.

In the room was seven single beds, seven toilet stalls, seven sinks with all the bathroom necessities and seven shower stalls, all with names. There was also a small room off to the side with a kitchen in it, that would be refilled everyday by the scientists. The teens stayed by the doors for a couple of hours, Eli with Cathleen hugging on the floor, communicating thorough their eyes, Peter watching everyone like a hawk, Lili sitting against the door careless to the fact her clothes were drooping to partially reveal her assets, Willow clenching her fists and jaw, Gemma contemplating about whether or not she should go to the kitchen and Sam asleep while leaning against the door.

After a while (and after Willow and Peter fighting), they had basic trust for each other. After about a week, they finally had enough trust to between them all to have simple conversations.

- Memory End -

"So I have all the plans but I need this list of things from certain areas. Gemma, food; twins, we need these things from the lab; Lili and Willow, distract the guards but in a way they won't suspect anything and Sam, I'll need you to gather all of our camping gear. Meet back in the dojo in about a hour, I've got a few things prepared in there for us when we escape tonight. " Peter passes each person a sheet of paper written on it in messy writing what they needed to retreive or needed to do. Everybody else quickly departed to where they need to be, while Peter rushed to their designated gym to collect all the things they had already gathered. Laying out everything in seven different piles in the back room, he waited for everybody to return.
Suddenly he heard to high pitched voices screeching at each other, with a lot of unfriendly language. Willow and Lili burst into the dojo with a few guards accompanying them, some entertained by the two teen girls fighting, others trying to calm them down.

The girls were a terrifying sight as they rolled around on the floor yelling profanities at each other in a variety of languages. 

" je teef, je verpest mijn haar!" Lilian screeched as she shoved Willow back into the bunching bag before throwing things knowing she wouldn't win a hand to hand battle fake or not.

"ouch! die eigenlijk pijn kalmeren dit is niet echt" Willow cried out in return knowing that Lilian had picked a language the guards wouldn't understand.

The guards didn't see Eli and Cathleen slip into the room or as they went back and forth transporting everybody's things into the back room. They didn't even notice when Gemma and Sam joined in watching but they did when the twins raced in to break up the fight. Gemma and Sam had to help keep the girls separated as they struggled to get to each other. Eventually the guards went back to where they were supposed to be and the group went into the back room.

"I've packed everybody's pack with one of everything basically, in case we are separated but there are a few things different." Peter the backpacks to the other six. "At exactly 7 be at the east gate with your packs and nothing else. At 7:15 there is a truck leaving, we will have three minutes to get out and deep into the forest before the light tower turns towards the forest." Peter spoke quickly and quietly, determined to make this work. It would all depend on if he got the timing right.
They would all know their fate at 7pm.

Language Translation

 je teef, je verpest mijn haar! = you bitch! you ruined my hair (Dutch)

ouch! die eigenlijk pijn kalmeren dit is niet echt = Ouch! That actually hurt, calm down

We apologise for the late update we've been on holidays and have spent alot of the time with family and were unable to update.

P.S. please help us by  commenting and voting it means alot when you do :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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