Chapter 2

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The professor was sitting at his desk, head in his hands. He didn't know how much longer he could take, he had children of his own and sometimes he saw his children in the others. He looked at the clock, 7:15, time to get up (haha only Cecelia will get this) and went out to his last project.
Reaching the prep room, he put on a lab coat, mouth protector and gloves.

"Good luck Smith, I hope these children survive because we don't have enough money to buy anymore children. Nor can we find many teens anymore" One of his colleges said before walking through to a test room. John Smith grimly nodded to his colleagues back and walked through another door way. 7 teens were strapped tightly to hospital-like beds, wearing pastel green robes and had miserable faces. There was a bench along the opposite wall and a one way window on the right wall. He picked up all of the clipboards at the end of their beds and placed them in the slots above the bench. Below them on the bench was three needles, six cotton balls, three band-aids and three Redskins on a tray.

"Alright, these are the last three needles. After this you will be able to leave this room permanently and go to the recreation room for good. You will have your own room but may have to share in the future." Professor John Smith said, no emotion filtering through. Seven assistants with empty medical trolleys wheeled in, picking up the tray and placing it on the trolley. Each assistant was blank faced and in moved in unison. He hated how quickly they became mindless helpers to an organisation like this.

"Alright Peter, the first needle will be inserted in your left arm, the second in your right and the final one in the right side of your neck." He said to the boy, who was trying to not squirm in discomfort. After wiping the boys arm with a cotton ball, he inserted the needle slowly into the boy's neck, not to cause him pain but to keep it safe. He wiped the area with another cotton ball, as the Peter strained against the restraints. The professor did the same thing on the other arm and the poor boy's neck. Peter slowly stopped straining against the restraints as he was weak. The professor opened a Redskin, putting it in the boy's open mouth.

After he gave Peter the last two Redskins, he moved onto Cathleen. She had fear written across her face and Eli, in the next bed over, was trying to get to her. Cathleen, even  in that much pain, tried to reach out to Eli as much as she could. Sam was asleep but after the needles he woke up screaming, then slowly went to sleep eating his third Redskin. Gemma screamed out for her food, demanding for more. Willow screamed and fought against the restraints causing the guards to come in to hold her down. Which made her scream and fight more. Lili just pouted in a semi-sexy way. Once  he was done, he peeled off his gloves and placed them on the tray beside Lilian's bed. He watched as the mindless assistants walked out, without a care in the world. Those things left on  the trolleys would be thrown down a chute into the furnace to never be seen again, burnt beyond recognition.

He slowly makes his way to the furnace room, taking off his lab coat and mouth protector on the way there. After opening the chute and dropping them down, he wandered aimlessly around the lab area. Walking past other test areas, he heard screams of children.

"Not teens, children." He thought. "They sounded like they are'5 or 6. The youngest was only supposed to be 12. What the hell was going on?" The professor quickly walked out of the area, getting away from the screams but they kept following them where ever he went. He raced back to his office and locked himself inside. He sat at his desk crying, he couldn't do this anymore; it was all to much for him. He slowly calmed himself down after he realised he couldn't hear the screams from here but he still jumped when he heard a knock at the door.

"John? John Smith, it's Jane Clinton, your supervisor. Can you open the door please?" Her voice was calming. He wiped his face quickly and unlocked the door for his supervisor. They both sat around his cluttered desk, it was usually neat but he was so busy and stressed.

"Smith," She paused and looked into his eyes. "We have one last batch for you. The virtue formulas have been finalised and we have finally found 7 more teens. They're becoming hard to find, so we've had to save these ones for you." She had a sad look in her eyes, she knew he wanted to just go home and forget everything.

"We need you Smith, you've got the record for the least amount of kids who didn't make it. Don't let that 1 child let this whole project down." She placed her hand on his and gave it a sympathetic pat.

"Alright, I'll do it. But please don't ask me to any more, I just want to go home to my family." His voice nearly broke and he was struggling to hold the tears back.

"I'll give you a couple of minutes to clean yourself up before we go to the debriefing and meet the next set of test subjects." She stepped outside the room.


The debriefing took 2 hours, everybody talking about the dangers and safety procedures, the virtue serum, the teens, the chance of survival for the teens and what they could do to increase it. Everyone but John Smith was eager to go see the new batch of teens but he was the last to enter.

Walking into the room, he knew he was going to break. He was going to become a mindless drone likie all the others. He knew he would no longer care what he did to anyone or what happened to the teens in the end.

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