Chapter three

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After practice Blaine and Finn didn't finish their talk, Blaine was confused, out of everything he didn't know about Kurt, he being Finn's stepbrother was the most shocking. He's sure he'll find out more things about Kurt eventually although he felt somehow honored by the fact that Kurt has opened himself a little bit to him.

He just got home when his phone started ringing, it was a number he couldn't recognize "who is it?" he asked curious. No response was heard "hi?" Blaine said again.

"Uhm hi" someone said at the other side of the line "I'm sorry I'm calling you like this, I just wanted to apologize" the guy said, Blaine still had no idea who was it. His voice sounded familiar though.

"I'm sorry- who are you?"

"Oh I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel from your History class" the boy finally said.

"Kurt, why do you want to apologize?" Blaine didn't know why would Kurt want to apologize, he's done nothing.

"Because I've been a pain in the ass, you wanted to be friends with me and I just rejected you" he said with regret in his voice "and I don't have many of them, actually I don't have any. You know, I really need to let people get into my life, it's what my therapist says but I just can't"

Blaine didn't say anything for a second "It's okay, I forgive you. And if this is a proposal to be friends, I accept it" Blaine said, he couldn't help but smile. Kurt really wanted to be friends with him, and knowing what he knew about Kurt it was a huge step.

"Really? Well thank you, I was so mean to you and it's just not fair, you just wanted to help me" Blaine heard Kurt's voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.

"How about we have coffee together someday? Sounds good to you?" Blaine asked, he hoped he could get to know Kurt better.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds amazing" Kurt smiled, for the first time in a really long time, since his mom passed away when he was eight he hadn't smiled again. Until now. Until Blaine. 

They hung up the phone at the same time. Blaine jumped in his room, he was so happy Kurt wanted to be friends with him, even have coffee together.  A couple minutes later he decided to text Kurt, he didn't want to pressure him but he couldn't wait to have that coffee "I know a place, Lima Bean. We can meet there tomorrow after school" he sent it, he's never been that nervous to send a message.

A few seconds later Kurt answered "Perfect."

It was late, he decided to go to sleep, he knew he would dream about Kurt. He thought today would be awful after knowing how were the guys at the football team, but that call fixed everything.

"Hi guys!" Blaine greeted Sam and Puck when he saw them in their lockers.

"Hi man, what's up?" Sam said, he was putting some ChapStick on "you look good today, is something special happening?" Sam asked.

"No, not really. Well, I'm going to have coffee with Kurt after school, but it's not that special" he lied, it was special, hell it was! He's been waiting for it to happen for four days.

"Is it a date?" Puck just said, Blaine wasn't expecting that question but he knew the answer- it wasn't  a date, Kurt wouldn't have a date with him -he thought-

"No, it's just as friends. Plus, I don't think he would want to go on date with me"

"Why not? You are gay, he is gay, I can't see why he wouldn't go on a date with you" Puck continued.

"Yeah, he doesn't really say it but we all know he is, last year he had a crush on me" Sam said.

The bell rang so they all went to their classes. Blaine couldn't focus. He had too many things in his head to think about. Kurt was gay, he was going to have coffee with him later, it wasn't a date but Blaine wanted it to be a date, would Kurt wanted it to be a date? He also had too many question to ask Kurt, he had to confirm he if he was gay although he had told him he wasn't, he wanted to ask Kurt about Finn who is his stepbrother but they never talk to each other. But at the same time he didn't want to ask Kurt anything, he didn't want to scare him, he knew if he asked too much Kurt would run away and put his walls up again.

After two periods he had History with Kurt. He sat next to Kurt, like always.

"I can't wait to meet you after school" Blaine told Kurt.

"Me neither" he smiled, Blaine realized how beautiful was his smile and how much he loved seeing Kurt smiling.

They barely talk during class but it was obvious they both were excited about later.

At lunch Blaine didn't sit with the glee club kids as he's done the past couple of days, instead he sat with Kurt, who usually just sit alone in the table in the corner. They talked the whole time, but mostly was Blaine talking and Kurt listening, not because Blaine wanted to talk but because he saw Kurt wasn't really comfortable with him yet and he didn't want Kurt to feel uncomfortable. They had a lot of fun though and they both couldn't wait to go to Lima Bean and finally talk more without anyone looking at them.

Blaine pretended he didn't noticed but he actually did, all the jocks looked at him when he sat with Kurt. Not just the jocks but everyone, he knew some of them might look at them due to Kurt being known as the lonely kid and Blaine as the new kid but he didn't expect that everyone looked at them. Some of them seemed surprised to see Kurt with someone and that was okay, it didn't bother Blaine. But some others looked at him as if he was about to get any illness and that was really pissed him.

Kurt seemed to be used to it. He didn't really care, he always thought nobody was watching him, even if the whole school was. He always felt... invisible.

The bell rang and they both headed their classes. Dreaming about the coffee they'll have in just a few hours. 

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