Chapter sixteen

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Kurt hasn't visited Blaine in two weeks, since the only news he got were bad -Blaine's coma might be permanent- that's what Sam told Kurt one day in Glee Club. He's been trying to avoid the reality somehow, he always had hoped it wouldn't last very long but now it is all different. There's no hope left and he has to face it, Blaine wouldn't wake up unless a miracle happened, and he knew it very well, miracles don't happen.

Not visiting Blaine is a way for Kurt to learn to live without him. It hurt too much to see him everyday lying there, looking like he was sleeping, like he'd wake up in the morning singing like he used to. But he wouldn't, Kurt would wake up but not Blaine, and the house would be in complete silence. And that was what Kurt had to learn to live like.

 He was scared, terrified actually, and it wasn't because Blaine could die soon -he thought if he died a lot of pain would end- it was because he'd had to go through it all over again. It was a selfish thought and he knew it, but the grief of losing Blaine and learning to live like that, alone, was something Kurt couldn't handle again. He lost his mom when he was 8 years old, some time after he thought he'd lose his father for other reasons, but he wasn't ready to lose Blaine too.

There's an amount of pain a person can handle and that amount changes from person to person, but there is a moment when you can't take the pain anymore, it doesn't mean you're weak just that your glass is full and sooner or later the water is gonna start to spill, and the problem with that is that you can't know how much damage is it going to cause to other things around it. That's what Kurt was truly afraid of.

He didn't want to become someone who damaged other people.

He didn't want to become someone damaged himself.


"Have you visited him lately?" Kurt asked Rachel when he entered in the choir room.

"I haven't since last week. I've been preparing the things for when I go to New York" she explained.

"Do you already know if you got into NYADA?" he didn't receive anything, did that mean he didn't get in?

"No, but I nailed my audition" she smiled "and so did you, don't worry, you'll get in and both of us will go to New York together"

Then Mr. Schue arrived and they started rehearsing. Kurt couldn't focus and he was just doing the background vocals. They had to perform for the graduation the following week and he wasn't really in the mood for any celebration.


He was lying on the bed just staring at the ceiling, thinking, he wasn't sure about what was he thinking about though -his future mostly and the graduation, New York... Blaine- he thought about Blaine and a tear came down his face. He couldn't stay this way anymore. He had to visit him, even if it was just to say 'goodbye' he had to go.

He took a jacket and walked out when he saw a letter on the mail box, a letter from NYADA. He was paralyzed for a second, that letter contained his future.

He opened it and read it and then he run to his car to drive all the way to the hospital. He needed to talk to Blaine right in that moment. He needed him.

It was early, he'd still had to wait a couple hours until everyone left and the nurses weren't there so he could see Blaine. He was so anxious that the waiting didn't feel long.

He came in and sat in the chair of the hospital room like he did just a week ago.

"I'm sorry I didn't come much lately. I wasn't feeling really well, I was overwhelmed with everything to be honest" he started "I have a lot of things to tell you. Do you remember I told you I auditioned for NYADA?" he asked, still waiting for an answer that wouldn't come "Well, I got the letter from them today. It said... it said I got in" he said smiling, though that smile wasn't a happy one, like he should feel.

"That means I'm going to New York next year. And the graduation is next week. I never thought I'd live until this moment" he looked down to the floor.

"And so I'm here just to ask you to do something for me" he looked up to Blaine now and took his hand "I need you to wake up because I'll be leaving town soon and I'll go to New York and I won't look back. I've lost so many things here that I can't wait to leave. But if you wake up, if you're here and you ask me to stay I would, for you, I promised I'd wait for forever if you asked me to. If you wake up now I'm pretty sure they'd make you retake the course but that's okay, I'd wait with you here and then I'd be there in your graduation and then we'd go together to New York, or somewhere else, I don't care. But you have to wake up for that" he was crying now, imagine the future they could have, the one they probably would never have.

"I don't want to live my life without you in it, but I can't stay here when you're in coma. Wondering everyday if today is the day you wake up or the day you die. That's not living for me" he felt like he was gonna pass out right there "I can't make you recover and you can't make me stay. But you have to know, wherever I am, with whoever I am, I'd much rather be with you. And if you appear in my door someday and you ask me to leave everything and go with you I would"

"Next week is my graduation. I wish you could be there" he stood up "Goodbye Blaine"

He was walking out the door when he realized Blaine's clothes were there in a closet. His bow tie, his shirt, his pants. They didn't smell like hospital, like Blaine did. They still smell to raspberry hair gel, to him.

He got closer and put a little piece of paper on his pants pockets. Now he left. And this time it was for good.


The graduation arrived, they sang and everyone was happy. The end of an era came for all of them. They took their diplomas and leave to wherever they were starting college soon. Finn would stay working at Burt's tire's shop, Sam got a scholarship to play football in California, Mercedes would leave to go to Los Angeles to persuade her career as a singer, Brittany wasn't sure about what she'd do but she went with Santana to New York, Santana got into NYU, Quinn was going to Yale, Tina to Brown, Artie got a movie project to release in Hollywood, Puck made his pool cleaning business to work in all the state of Ohio and hired some people to help him.

And Kurt, well he'd go to New York with Rachel. They both got into NYADA.

Their lives started now, leaving a small town to begin their futures. The ones that still had one.


AN: This is the last chapter before the prologue which means this story is coming to an end!

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