Chapter nine

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"Hey, are you free this evening?" Blaine texted Kurt "I was thinking about going to Lima Bean and have coffee together."

"No, sorry. My dad wants me to go have dinner with him, Carole and Finn" Kurt texted back just a few seconds later.

"Oh it's okay" Blaine was disappointed though he knew he just wanted to meet Kurt to avoid being at home with his dad "Good luck with your family dinner, and try to actually talk to Finn."

"Thanks, we can meet any other day you want tho" Kurt realized how much was he smiling to his phone just by the idea of getting coffee with Blaine again.

"Sure! Anytime you want" he threw his phone to his bed once the conversation ended and he checked all the books and movies he had so he'd be locked up in his room all evening.


Kurt was in front of his dad's house deciding whether he should knock or run away. He didn't know why he was so nervous. It's true he doesn't go there that often but it's not his first time there either. He finally found the courage to knock and Carole opened the door with a wide open smile in her face.

"Hi Kurt! It's so nice to see you, I feel like it's been ages" she hugged him and Kurt came in.

"Yeah, how are you doing?" Kurt tried to be as nice as he could though it was a bit weird.

"We're good, what about you? Finn says you have a new friend, the guy Burt saw at your place" Kurt slightly blushed when he thought about Blaine.

"Blaine, he's actually in Glee club with Finn" he came downstairs just when Kurt said his name.

"Hi little bro" Finn said, Kurt was surprised by the little bro part, since when did they had affectionate names for each other?

"Hi Finn" Kurt greeted back.

"I'm gonna go help Burt in the kitchen" Carole said trying to excuse herself from, what seemed, to be a very awkward.

They sat on the couch in silence for a few minutes before Finn decided to break the silence.

"How's Blaine?" he suddenly asked.

"Uhm he's fine, he wanted to go get coffee together today but I told him I couldn't so I guess he's stayed home" Kurt explained "why?"

"He was a bit all over the place today, I thought maybe you knew anything"

"He seemed okay when we talked earlier today" after that there was a silence again, none of them liked it but they didn't know what to say, specially Kurt.

"I like that your friends with him, you're so a lonely person that I've always thought you were waiting for the right person to open up, and it seems like you've found it" Finn shrugged.

"I didn't know you cared so much about if I had friends or not after how things ended up in Glee club"

"About Glee club, I was thinking you could join again" Finn's face lighted up "now Blaine's there and I could help you too, plus everyone's forgotten about that, it was two years ago"

"I appreciate what you're trying to do but I don't know, I don't think Glee club is my place, it never was" Kurt looked down as all the memories came through his mind.

"We could really use your voice. Just think about it, okay?" Finn looked at Kurt and he felt, for the first time, that maybe he could try to actually be brothers. Maybe it wasn't that bad.


After dinner they were all sitting on the living room and they even looked like an actual family. Kurt was having fun and he forgot about everything else, he just remembered how much he missed a family.

He checked his phone for the first time in two hours to see that he had more than twenty messages from Blaine.

"Hey I know you're with your family but I miss talking to you"

"Ugh I'm so bored, I wish you were here"

"I could've really used that coffee today"

"I'm sorry I'm bothering you"

"My night is officially ruined, cool"

"I really need to talk to someone who understands"

"I can't anymore"

Those were just a few of them, when Kurt read them, he jumped out of the couch to call Blaine to see what was going on. He called him twice until he finally answered.

"Blaine, it's Kurt, what happened? Are you okay?" Kurt asked, you could hear the worry in his voice.

"No Kurt, I'm not okay" his voice cracked "I'm sorry I bothered you all night" he started crying, not crying but sobbing.

"You didn't bother me, I'm on my way to your house to see you so we can talk properly" Kurt was already going to pick up his jacket, he didn't care it was late, he was truly worried about Blaine.

"No!" Blaine almost screamed "Don't come here, you can't come here. I'll go there... well actually I'm already there" Kurt was shocked to hear that "I'm at your house, I couldn't stay at home, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" Blaine was still crying so bad, Kurt didn't understand anything but he knew he'd do whatever it took to make Blaine feel better.

"Don't apologize, I'm almost there" Kurt didn't live far from his dad's house so it only took him about five minutes to get to Blaine. When he arrived Blaine was sitting against the wall with his head between his knees.

"What happened Blaine?" Kurt asked again really worried.

"It's my dad, he's in town and he's making my life a living hell and he's only been here two days" Blaine said into tears "He hates me Kurt, my own dad hates me!" Kurt saw he really meant it, he felt so bad for him that the only thing he was thinking about was going to Blaine's house and kill his dad, he obviously knew he wasn't going to do it, but he still thought about it.

Kurt sat down next to Blaine and hugged him as tight as he could.

"He looks at me like if he regretted I was even born, I locked myself up in my room but then we had to have dinner together and he literally told me I was disgusting, he said there's something wrong with me, he said he had tried but he can't stand his faggot son" he couldn't breathe properly and he was shaking, his voice kept cracking.

"Everything will be okay" Kurt didn't know what to say "you're staying here tonight, actually as long as you need, I'm not letting you go home with him" he hugged Blaine even tighter.

"Thank- thank you Kurt" Blaine was still shaking, he looked so pale and he was really cold "I'm so sorry I put you in this situation"

"Stop, it's okay, it's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay, and I'm gonna be right here for anything you need" Kurt took his hand and looked at him in the eyes.

And then Blaine just did it.

He didn't think about it.

Suddenly their lips were touching. Kurt's lips were warm. Blaine's were soft. The kiss was slow, it wasn't rush, they wanted to remember it. Blaine felt better from one moment to another. Kurt's body fully relaxed, like if he was flying. They were kissing. They longed for it and they were finally doing it.

Blaine was still really upset but at least he knew there wasn't anything wrong with him, how could it be if that was what he loved? That was the best thing to ever happened to him. Kurt was the best thing to ever happened to him.

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