Chapter eleven

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Blaine has stayed at Kurt's place since his dad said he'd kick him out, he was really scared and he's been feeling quite down. He felt devastated, he felt worthless and, even though he knew he should't feel like that, he felt disgusting. Kurt's been there for him and he really appreciated it but he wasn't sure if anyone, even Kurt, could help him at the moment.

He also was confused about his relationship with Kurt, they kissed and they both liked it and now they were living together which didn't help him much to know what he was feeling and put his thoughts in order.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked when he saw Blaine was staring at the wall.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just got lost in my thoughts" Blaine shrugged.

"What were you thinking about?" Kurt asked curious.

"A lot of things, my dad..." he made a pause, he still needed time to process everything "about us too" he said shyly.

"What about us?" Kurt knew what Blaine meant but he asked anyways because he hoped they'll have the conversation Kurt wasn't brave enough to start.

"What are we? Because I kissed you," Blaine looked down to the floor "and you kissed me back, and you said you liked it"

"I did" Kurt interrupted Blaine.

"And now you've let me move in your house and this is all really confusing to me. And I don't want to ruin our friendship, or whatever we are, but I really like you, and I've liked you since the first day I saw you, and now we're living together and I am really confused. I just want to understand us" Blaine let it all out, yes he just confessed to Kurt he liked him but he didn't care because he needed to say it.

"To be honest I'm confused too, but I do know I like you too. You make me feel safe and us being together feels right somehow. And I don't want us to be friends because I want you and me to be something more"

"What do you mean?" Blaine felt even more confused now.

"I want you to be- to be my boyfriend" Kurt was really scared now that he had said it out loud. 

"I don't know what to say" Blaine looked up to Kurt, his eyes hid a lot of emotions, but Kurt couldn't tell if they were good or not "I like you, I really do, but I'm afraid what my dad would to me or even to you!" he was holding back the tears, just the thought of his dad hurting Kurt was horrible.

"I'm not scared of your father, Blaine"

"And what about the people at school, I've seen what they do to you and I'm the the team  with them, I can't go through that, not again"

"It's okay we can go through that together, we can go through everything as long as we're together. Besides, I'm not out yet though I think everyone, at least in Glee club, have assumed I am gay" Kurt lowered his voice.

"So what do you propose us to do?" Blaine looked at him in the eyes.

"We can date, and keep it as a secret until we're ready to be official" Kurt softly smiled to Blaine.

"I'd like that" Blaine answered. At least one thing in his life made sense now, he was really happy about it.

He stood up from the couch where he was sitting and went to Kurt, who was standing next to coffee table. Blaine kissed Kurt, Kurt kissed Blaine too. They blended together in one kiss and as they kissed they felt more confident, about themselves and about each other. They knew it was right.


They tried to spend as much time as they could together but always being very careful no one saw them. They went straight back home after school if Blaine didn't have rehearsal or practice. Kurt had stayed a couple days with the Glee club to wait for Blaine.

Finn and him were getting close and everyone in Glee was fine with him finally. Finn told Kurt to join Glee again almost everyday and he had to admit he was really considering it. Not just because he missed singing and being a part of something special, but also because if he joined he could spend more time with Blaine and that was something he definitely wanted.

He was sitting in the auditorium. The Glee club just finished rehearsing and he was waiting for Blaine to be ready to go home when Rachel came up to him.

"It's really nice of you that you let Blaine live at your house not that things at his place aren't cool" she said suddenly.

"Yeah, well I get what he's going through" Kurt replied nicely.

"He also seems happier lately, you're good to him" Rachel smiled "you know you don't have to stay here watching, right? You can join us if you want. The past is forgotten and you're really talented"

"Thanks Rachel. Finn told me to join too, I'm considering it" he admitted.

"If you end up wanting to join just come here, we talked to Mr. Schue and you don't have to audition since you already were part it the group" Rachel said.

"Okay, thank you Rach"

"By the way, I know it's none of my business but, are you and Blaine dating?" she asked.

Kurt panicked for a second, she knew he was gay. Not that he didn't think she knew but openly admitting it was a bit scary for him.
But one the other hand, he thought he could trust Rachel, they've known each other for years even though they weren't always close.

He decided to answer, partly because he didn't want to lie, partly because he knew Blaine wouldn't mind it, partly because the silent was being too long.

"Uhm yeah we are, but no one knows yet" Kurt confessed.

"I knew it! Blaine looked really good these past days" she said "and you do too, I'm really happy for you two. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone" at that moment Finn called her and Blaine appeared so they both left.


A couple hours later they were at home doing homework together when Kurt remembered to tell Blaine.

"Rachel came up to talk to me today at rehearsal" Kurt began.

"What did she want?" Blaine asked curious.

"She told me to join Glee club" Kurt made a short pause "and she also asked me if we were dating" Blaine looked up from his notebook a little nervous to know what did he tell her.

"I told her the truth, she knows but she promised she wouldn't tell anyone"

"It's okay, I don't mind that she knows. I wouldn't mind anyone from Glee club knowing it, and I wouldn't mind you being in Glee club either" Blaine smiled to Kurt and softly kissed him.

"Actually I think I'm going to join again, I really miss singing"

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