Chapter ten

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The boys came inside the house and they sat on the couch in silence, one on each corner of it. Blaine was still sobbing but his breathe seemed more relaxed, natural.

Kurt was like dreaming, why did Blaine do that? He just couldn't believe it. It was his first kiss, and it was as great as he could've ever dreamed of. He was going on and on on his mind to choose the right words to say to Blaine, he had no idea what to say now and the quietness was being a little too long.

"I'm sorry" Blaine turned to Kurt and with tears falling down his face he went to sob on to Kurt's shoulder.

"What are you sorry for?" Kurt asked while comforting Blaine.

"Everything, coming here in the first place, ruining your night, bothering you..." Blaine looked up and though he was crying like crazy he still looked like a precious puppy Kurt had to protect at all cost.

"It's okay, you didn't ruin anything okay?" Kurt's hand was going through the other boy's hair really softly, he hated seen Blaine like that, he really did.

"I'm also sorry for... you know... the kiss" Blaine said shyly.

"I liked it" Kurt smiled genuinely and Blaine suddenly felt so relieved.

"You- you did?" He couldn't believe it, Kurt liked it. And Blaine knew he was being honest with him. He could see it in his eyes, he just knew it. Blaine smiled back. He stopped crying gradually and after a couple minutes all the tears were gone. He forgot about his dad and how bad he felt earlier because now all that mattered was Kurt and the kiss and the fact that Kurt liked it.

"It's late, I'll get you some blankets and you can sleep here okay?" Kurt offered Blaine. They both knew neither of them were going to actually sleep that night but they at least tried it.

Kurt brought some pillows and a couple blankets for Blaine and once he was already lying on the couch Kurt kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight Blaine" he said gently.

"'Night Kurt" he smiled and then he closed his eyes.


The next morning Kurt drove Blaine to school and they spent all day together, even at lunch Blaine invited Kurt to sit with the Glee club and Kurt agreed.

After talking to Finn the previous day and with Blaine there maybe the Glee club wasn't that bad. No one really talked to him except for Blaine and occasionally Finn but he didn't feel uncomfortable, it actually felt right.

After lunch Kurt had French and Blaine chemistry so they wouldn't be together that period. Blaine walked Kurt to his class and then he headed the lab.

"Hi what's up?" Sam asked Blaine when the boy was sitting next to him "We haven't talked at all today, you were with Kurt all the time."

"Yeah sorry" he looked down for a second deciding whether he should tell Sam about the kiss or not, just a moment later he felt like he had to tell someone "Okay so I have to tell you something" Sam looked at him smiling "long story short, my dad's in town and I hate him and I felt bad so I went to see Kurt and, and we kissed" Blaine said those last words proudly.

"What! Wow yeah that's good right?" Sam was happy for Blaine because he really seemed great.

"Yeah it is. Actually I kissed him but he liked it so it's all good" he couldn't help it but smile when he remembered the kiss.

"So are you two a thing now?" Sam asked curious.

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it but being with him feels just right you know."

Blaine was so happy at that moment that the chemistry class passed by so fast when the bell rang to take him out of his recreation of the kiss on his mind. Sam left to meet with Mercedes and Blaine just went to his next class.

As he was walking there he saw him standing in the corridor.

"Blaine we have talk" his dad said.

"What the hell are you doing here? It's school hours, plus I don't want to talk to you" Blaine said and then he turned back.

"I don't care what you want. I'm just here because your mom thinks it's my fault you sneaked out yesterday and she wants me to apologize" he shrugged and he didn't give an actual fuck about his son.

"I don't accept your apologies, you can go now" Blaine was really pissed again, his dad was officially the only person who could ruin his mood no matter how happy he was.

"Good because I didn't apologize. It's your mom who thinks I have to, not me. I'm just here to tell you don't you dare to do it again" 

"And stay at home so you can insult me, no thanks. So what if I do it again huh?" Blaine said defiantly.

"I'll make sure you can't ever get in again."

"You can't- you can't just kick me out!" Blaine said holding back the tears.

"I can and I certainly will" Then Robert walked out.

Blaine started crying immediately, he couldn't believe his dad would kick him out of his house that easily. He wanted to go to Kurt but he couldn't this time because he was in class so he decided to skip class and went to the auditorium to do what worked best for him when he just didn't know what else to do.

He threw his bag away and sat to the piano. The notes came out without even try it.

 I only got you in my stories
And you know I tell them right
I remember you and I, when I'm awake at night
So give it up for fallen glory
I never got to say goodbye
I wish I could ask for just a bit more time
Every step I take, you used to lead the way
Now I'm terrified to face it on my own
You're not there
To celebrate the man that you made
You're not there
To share in my success and mistakes
Is it fair?
You'll never know the person I'll be
You're not there
With me
Though I know that you're not there
I still write you all these songs
It's like you got the right to know what's going on
As I struggle to remember how you used to look and sound
At times I still think I can spot you in the crowd
Every step I take, you used to lead the way
And now I'm terrified to face it on my own
You're not there
To celebrate the man that you made
You're not there
To share in my success and mistakes
Is it fair?
You'll never know the person I'll be
You're not there
With me
Time can heal your wounds if you're strong and standing tall
I've been doing all of that, it didn't help at all
They say, "You'll grow older, and it'll get better still"
Yes, I will, but no, it won't
They don't get it's cause
You're not there
To celebrate the man that you made
You're not there
To share in my success and mistakes
Is it fair?
You'll never know the person I'll be
You're not there
With me

By the end of the song he was completely full on tears sitting alone right in front of the piano. He was feeling devastated, disgusting and broken and he hated it but he couldn't help it. He felt like he was going back to where he had been before, where it was so hard for him to leave.

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