Chapter thirteen

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Blaine was sitting on the couch, he and Kurt were watching a movie, Blaine had his head on Kurt's shoulder and the other boy had his fingers through Blaine's ungelled hair. It was really soft and curly and Kurt loved how it felt. Suddenly Blaine's phone rang and he stood up to pick the call.

"Who is it?" Blaine asked.

"Hey sweetie, it's me, mom" the person on the other side of the line said.

"Oh huh, hi mom" Blaine replied a little bit shocked "what do you want?" 

"I miss my little boy, I want you to come back home" she said almost crying.

"I'm sorry mom, but I'm not going back where my own dad hates me. That's not my home anymore" he felt really bad to say that to his mother, but it was how he felt it.

"He- he doesn't hate you" she whispered, she wasn't really sure and Blaine noticed it in her voice "I haven't seen you in weeks, could you at least pass by soon?" she asked.

"I guess I can go to pick some clothes and stuff I left there" he didn't want to go actually but he missed his mom too. "Just make sure dad's not there please"

"Okay, I hope I'll see you soon honey" she said.

"I'll be there this evening, I promise. I love you mom"

"I love you too baby" then she hung up the phone.

"Who was it?" Kurt asked as Blaine sat back on the couch.

"It was my mom, she wants me to go back there" Blaine explained.

"What did you tell her?"

"That I'm not going back, that's not my home anymore" he kissed Kurt in the cheek to let him know he meant his home is with him now "However, I'm going there this evening, I miss her and I should take some clothes. I asked her to make sure my dad won't be there."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Blaine seemed like he was feeling low and Kurt just wanted to support him.

"No, it's okay. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable there. This is something I have to do alone"

"I understand. Either way I want you to know I'm really proud of you" Kurt kissed Blaine softly on the lips.


The hours went by and Blaine didn't want to go back to his house, but he promised his mom he would go so he'll keep his promise. He got ready and drove almost two hours from Lima to Westerville.

Once he arrived he waited a few minutes in front of his old house, the place that didn't feel like home. He noticed his father's car wasn't there and he decided to come in.

He knocked on the door and his mother opened it.

"Hi mom" he hugged her and then he got inside.

"I'm really happy to see you! You look good" she said "Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good thanks. I'm happy now mom, I think for the first time in my life I'm truly and fully happy" he smiled, he knew hearing that would comfort his mom.

"Because of that boy, Kurt?" she asked out of curiosity.

"Yes. I love him, I really do, and he loves me back" he confessed, somewhat scared she would react bad.

"I'm glad you've found someone to love. I need you to know that I support you" they were sitting in the kitchen table and his mother grabbed his hand.

"Thank you, it really means a lot to me. But dad doesn't" he looked down, as he realizes that, even if he's been trying to act like he didn't care anymore, he still cared a lot abut what his dad thought of him "and he will never support me on that, or on anything for that matter, and he said he'd kick me out and you did nothing about it" he finished.

"I'm sorry son" she apologized.

"It's okay, I'm not trying to blame you. You don't have to defend me, but I can't stay here. This place doesn't feel like home anymore, my home is with Kurt now"

"I understand, but if you ever want to come back here you're welcome" she offered.

"Thank you, though I'm not so sure" he felt bad to say that but he felt free now in a weird way he couldn't define or put in to words.

Suddenly the front door opened and Robert appeared.

"Pam, who's car is the one there?" he asked as he didn't know Blaine would be there. She didn't answered but just a second later he saw his son "What the hell is he doing here?"

"Don't worry about me, I was just leaving" Blaine said ignoring that the question wasn't even mean to be to him.

"No, don't" his mother interrupted "we were talking, can we keep talking like a normal family?" she basically begged.

"I actually should get going, I still have to drive one hour and a half to get home and it's getting late" Blaine explained.

"No, stay. Let's hear what your mother wants to say" Robert said "Besides, you don't have a home anymore. You left your home"

"I didn't leave, you kicked me out. And I do have a home, I live with Kurt" he said proudly.

"I don't want you to live with that- that person" he said as if he was disgusted to even call Kurt a person.

"I don't care about what you want or not, because you're not my father anymore, you said it."

"I still can decide over your life. You're leaving that house. Tonight" he demanded "And I don't care where you're going, I don't mind if you go to live in a hotel or under a bridge, but you won't keep living there nor here."

"You can't leave me homeless. I'll go back to Kurt, at least I know he loves me" he was acting strong but he just wanted to cry. He lied. His dad could ruin his happiness, he already had ruined it.

"A boy cannot love another boy, that's disgusting. You know what, you are fucking disgusting" he yelled at Blaine "Leave my house right now. And don't come back ever again. I don't want to see you. You are just a disappointment" he finished. He was going to take Blaine's arm and push him out, but when he was nearly touching him he suddenly put his hand back and just told him to leave again.

Blaine run into the car, he began driving and crying. Thinking over and over what his father just told him. Everything he'd felt the past days was gone, there was no trace of happiness left. And even though he loved Kurt he didn't want to see him, Kurt reminded him of his father hating on him and that wasn't Kurt fault but he couldn't help it. Kurt would try to comfort him and tell him to screw Robert and that he understands what Blaine's going through but that wasn't true. Kurt didn't understand and that would make him feel worse.

He was going too fast and he wasn't paying attention to the road. His vision wasn't clear because of the tears in his eyes. He didn't see the curve. He didn't have the time to slow down. He lost control of the wheel and the car crashed, it rolled down the road where there weren't any other cars near. Blaine was bleeding and slowly he lost his consciousness and it felt like slowly falling asleep.

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