Chapter five

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"Hey" Blaine told Kurt the next day when he saw him opening his locker.

"Uhm, hi" Kurt greeted Blaine back. He didn't show any emotion in his voice.

"Are you okay? You seem... sad" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he lied hoping Blaine would just forget it and they could change the conversation.

"Are you sure? I don't know, you don't sound like you're okay" Blaine insisted.

"Blaine, I'm fine. Now let's get to class or we'll be late" Kurt stated.

"You're right. About yesterday, I-I really appreciate you told me about it" Blaine said with a genuine smile in his face. It changed when suddenly Kurt looked like he was panicking "hey, you're not okay. What's happening? Is it something that I've said?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know, I don't know if I should've told you. I've just known you for less than a week" Kurt said, he was almost crying "I'm sorry" and he ran away, leaving Blaine alone at the classroom door.

Blaine didn't know how to feel -Kurt doesn't trust him- he got it, Kurt is a really reserved person and opening himself up to Blaine must have been hard. But Kurt wasn't the only one who said private stuff, Blaine told him about the bullying and he has told Kurt things that are really difficult for Blaine to talk about. Kurt has no right to run away and hide in himself again.

At lunch time Blaine avoided Kurt, he didn't see him but he didn't want to either.

"How was you date with Kurt yesterday?" Sam asked.

"I told you it wasn't a date, and I thought it went well, but today he seemed upset, I asked him why and apparently he regrets telling me about his life, he doesn't trust me" Blaine explained "he ran away, and honestly, I'm tired of running after him"

"I'm sorry buddy, Kurt is... well Kurt. I'm sure is nothing personal, it's just difficult to him" Sam shrugged.

"Yeah, I know" Blaine looked down, staring at his food. He wasn't hungry anymore "Let's talk about something else please"

"Okay, are you excited about your audition for glee club?" as he finished, Blaine's face went white.

"Oh my god, I had totally forgotten about it! I have no idea what song I'll be singing" Blaine kinda panicked.

"Don't worry, you'll figure it out. You still have a couple days" Sam calmed him down.

The bell rang meaning they had to go back to class. Blaine was almost in class when he realized he had History class, with Kurt.

He sat in his spot and started doing the homework he hadn't done because of hanging out with Kurt. A couple minutes later the other boy came.

"Hey" Kurt greeted Blaine, he was just being nice he didn't really want to start a conversation.

Blaine was still angry with him so he didn't answer, that was something Kurt didn't expect.

"Are you serious? You're mad at me?" Kurt asked, he was sad, he knew what he told Blaine earlier could ruin their friendship and he regretted saying it, but what it's said it's said and he couldn't take it back, and inside him he knew he felt that way and he hated it.

"I don't know, should I be mad? We told each other private stuff, it was difficult for me too, but I don't just run away when I'm scared. You have to trust me but clearly you can't" Blaine responded, his voice was getting louder and when he realized it he shut up immediately.

"I know, I'm sorry, I can't help it but I'll try I promise. I owe it to you" Kurt said looking at Blaine in the eyes, he didn't noticed but unconsciously he took Blaine's hand. He let it go as soon as he saw it. 

They didn't talk again in the rest of the class but Blaine kept thinking about how Kurt took his hand. He didn't know he needed it that much. He had to forgive him, he couldn't lose Kurt. He knew he was trying hard and he appreciate it.

Kurt was leaving to get ready for the last period of the day when Blaine came to him.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't get mad at you, I know it's difficult for you. You don't owe me anything, I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me things if you are not ready" Blaine apologized.

"It's okay, we both didn't do our best. I haven't had a friend in a long time, I forgot how friendships work" Kurt said. A second after his face lighted up "why don' we skip this last class? We can go to Lima Bean and start over, as if yesterday never happened"

"What?" Blaine asked confused "You want to skip classes? I mean I'd love to, but wouldn't we get in trouble?" he was scared of what his parents would do to him if they found out.

"If you don't want it's okay, I get you might have problems with your parents or something" Kurt said, a little bit sad they won't do it.

"You know what? Screw them, we're going to Lima Bean" Blaine finally decided.

They got in Blaine's car and he drove to the cafeteria. When they arrived Blaine stayed in the line while Kurt went to get a table.

"A medium drip and a nonfat mocha, please" Blaine ordered to the waitress. When she gave him the coffees Blaine went to the place Kurt chose to sit "here is your nonfat mocha" and he sat in front of Kurt.

"You know my coffee order?" Kurt asked surprised.

"Of course I do" Blaine smiled at him and Kurt blushed. Kurt started talking but Blaine wasn't listening to him.

"Hey Blaine, are you here?" Kurt asked when he saw Blaine wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I was thinking about my Glee Club audition"  Blaine apologized.

"What are you gonna sing?"

"I was thinking I could sing a song I'm writing, but it's not finished yet so I'm not sure" Blaine confessed.

"You write music? Wow, I'd love to see it"

"I'll let you know when it's finished, if I sing it in my audition you could come" Blaine said with a wide smile.

"Oh, I don't know if I could go, well actually I don't know if the Glee kids would want me there" Kurt admitted.

"Why? I've seen you have some kind of issue with them and I don't understand why" Blaine asked, Kurt looked down and drank some coffee "sorry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"It's okay, you deserve to know. You're gonna be in Glee club and we are friends so I don't want to make things awkward for you" Kurt said and he smiled to make Blaine felt everything was fine "I was in Glee club, in sophomore year, after that I quit because I wasn't feeling well. It wasn't the guys in glee club, it was my whole life. My dad and  Finn's mom started dating, we lost regionals so I just left them with no explanation. That's why they don't like me" Kurt explained,

"I don't think they don't like you, but I think they deserve to know too. And if I'm going to be your friend and also part of the Glee club I could make you be friends with them again" Blaine said "I also didn't expect you were in Glee club, I'd love to hear you singing and maybe we could even sing together someday" Blaine suggested.

They kept talking for hours that they didn't even realized of the time passing.

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