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"Zac! It's been too long." I greeted my best friend as he got in the passenger seat, Zacharias Sin, who just came back from Hong Kong, his hometown.

"I know Kade," he gave me a warm smile and glimpses of his straight white teeth.

"How was it over there? I can't believe you suddenly left just like that! I thought we were going on a road trip for the summer. We had everything planned," I said to Zacharias as we drove to school just like last year. I did not mind that our plans did not go accordingly. (Okay I was a little upset but it's life).

"It was so much hotter and humid there, but it's nice to see my family and spend some time there." Zac said. Zacharias changed to our school during middle school, a seating plan threw us together and we had been best friends ever since.

"What did you do? Did you travel anyway?" He asked me, turning his dark chocolate eyes on me.

"Nope, stayed here whole summer, helped out the church and hang out with other friends, pretty boring." I said airily, I parked my car in the school's parking lot and we got out.

Weniville high school was not much of a sight, your pretty typical public school that was not too bad but a far cry from private schools. There were crowds of students slowly going in, everyone still floating in the summer mood, the weight of school not fully sank in yet.

Zac and I went in, Zac began telling me about what he did in Hong Kong. Friends and teammates greeted us as we went in, "still joining the volleyball team this year right?" a teammate called out as he passed by us.

"Yes of course," I shouted back, Zac echoed a 'yes' too.

We continued our talk until we had to part ways as we arrived to our lockers; just a few feet away from each other; two lockers between us.

Zac and I took our time walking to our homeroom, which fortunately were the same; but our schedules were quite different. Zacharias took AP English, literature and Art, while I took music, AP calculus and additional mathematics.

The day went by like your typical first day of school, everyone was excited to see their friends and chaos ensured with the teachers trying to "get to know us".
I only had homeroom, PE, general science and lunch with Zac; which meant that I barely saw him.

I stood by Zac's locker and waited for his Art lesson to end, tapping my foot impatiently. Finally, in the distance, I could see a familiar mop of dark hair that stood several inches above everyone else's lighter hair, coming towards me. He shoot a smile at me but some guys stopped him before he could come any closer, clapping his back and pulling him away to catch up. I tried not to feel annoyed as I peeled myself off his locker and stalked towards them.

"Kade! It's been a while! That party at Jean's were wild yeah?" One of the guys said as I approached them.

"Yeah, it definitely was a night," I replied, not really interested in the conversation.

"If only you were there man," the other guy said to Zac.

"I'm sure his next party will be as crazy," Zac answered with his signature smirk that drove all the girls crazy.

"Yeah of course, and you will go yeah?"

"Of course, why would I miss it?" Zac laughed and the other guys chuckled with him, a smile tugged at the corner of my lips at Zac's infectious laugh.

"Okay I'll see you guys tomorrow in history yeah?" Zac said to them, noticing the arms crossed over my chest.

"Yeah see you tomorrow Zac, Kade." They gave both of us claps behind our backs and at last they left.

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