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"There are you guys! We thought you never came," Blake found us when we were pouring another drink in his ginormous kitchen, "there's a game of spinning the bottle, come join us,"

"Games again? What are we, back in middle school?" I laughed loudly, Zac shot me an amused smirk.

"What else are parties for? Besides these are classic games," Blake dragged us away, but not before I grabbed another bottle of vodka. 

"Getting laid and wasted?" I answered Blake's previous question.

"That too, but I don't see you with a girl," he dragged us around the dancing crowd and towards the people sitting in a secluded corner of the living room.

"I was with one, but then her fiancé found us,"

"Fiancé?? Kade you asshole," Blake clapped me on my back and pushed us into a loose circle of people.

"What did Kade do again?" Kean asked bemusedly, he sat crossed leg in the loose circle, next to Jeremy and some girl.

"Hook up with an engage girl," Blake boasted like a proud dad, the people in the circle gave me disbelief looks.

I shrugged, "I didn't know she was engaged," some laughed and shook their heads in awe. I took another swig of the vodka and pulled Zac down with me, sitting next to some girls.

"So I'll start by spinning the bottle and whoever it lands on have to do a dare or kiss the person," Blake said and then he spun, the bottle landed on some girl. The game continued for a while and honestly the bottle of vodka was more interesting than the game. Some girl kissed me and almost fell off, my arms snaked around her waist just in time and then she decided to sit on my lap for the rest of the game.

"Urgh I'll get another bottle," I gently pushed the girl off me, who pouted and gave me another kiss before climbing off.

"Zac where's the kitchen again?" Standing up, I draped an arm around Zac's tensed shoulder and tried to pull him up.

Sighing loudly, he got up and guide me towards the kitchen, an arm around my waist as I kept tripping over air.

I rambled on about the most random stuff as I got more vodka, I offered him some but he declined. Zac listened to my rants with fond look and gentle eyes.

"So what did the words you said mean, zong zi ni?" The lack of filter from my brain to mouth would someday be the death of me, but I couldn't care more or less right now. I was curious and it bothered me too much.

He froze and swore softly, those chocolate eyes refused to meet my hazel ones. Subconsciously, I stepped closer towards him, trying to get him to look at me. His eyes widen and the chocolate eyes finally met mine. I would drown in those eyes voluntarily.

"It's zung ji nei, " he corrected me. This close, I could feel the tension radiating off him.

"I love it when you speak Chinese," I blurted out loud, great job Kade. Maybe I would get alcohol poisoning and then I could avoid this.

"It's Cantonese," he said after a pause too long. The dimness hid his blush very well, I could faintly see his cheeks paint pink, but I knew the tips of his ears were red.

"Yes stop changing the topic, what does it mean? Why did you say it to me?" When he didn't answer, my mouth continued to run off, "oh or wait you are not saying it to me and it's just some secret you don't want me to know. That is totally cool I understand, I think I should shut up wow," I downed my cup and pour another, missing the anguish look on Zac's.

After I finished another bottle, and I was pretty sure I am going to die soon, Zac finally broke the heavy silence.

"It means," he closed his eyes and when he opened them, it was like I had never seen them before, I could not look away. I held my breath, "I like you,"

I laughed, "yeah man I like you too, awww I love you, you know, yeah how's that a secret?"

"No, I like you," Zac looked so done, with me or himself I did not know. Probably with my obtuse head.

"What?" A huge smile was still on my face, my drunk mind could not process the words properly and took too long to put everything together.

"Oh," I said at last, finishing another cup, "wait, like you like like me?"

"You fucking dumbass," he looked like he was about to strangle me, "yes." But then he leaned down and kiss me instead.

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