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The next few weeks were a bliss, we spent even more time together if it was possible. Before, we were attached to the hips but now we were literally inseparable. I couldn't fathom how no one noticed, the stolen touches and lingering glances were exhilarating and terrifying. We alternated between our homes and our parents were so supportive. We never did anything more than making out since we wanted to take it slow. In our private little bubble, in our houses, we were safe and free. I would not mind living like this forever.

"Dude it's been weeks, you coming to the party?" Kean asked. Painfully, I tore my gaze away from
Kade's sharp profile.

"Uh," if I go to the parties, they would expect me to hook up with some girls. What if I got drunk and kissed Kade?

"Everything alright?" Kean's tone was surprisingly serious, and that alerted everyone in our lunch table. Conversations stopped and everyone focused on us. Kade's hand lightly squeezed mine for support and he quickly continued eating. I was too busy thinking of an excuse to noticed Jeremy's stare.

"Yeah, just- yeah I will come tonight," I tried for a smirk, thankfully, they didn't notice any different and they turned their attention on Kade.

"Since Zac is coming, Kade you're coming then right?"

"Yeah of course," Kade's smirk was no better than mine.

"Good, a party wouldn't be one without you couple," Jeremy said, Kade choked besides me and I pounded his back too hard, trying laugh it off like his words were not too specific. No one noticed his choice of words but the look Jeremy was giving us told us it was no coincidence.

"Yeah of course," Blake said, oblivious like everyone else except the three of us. The conversation continued on as if nothing significant happened, I engaged in one with Blake and Kilorn to seem like nothing was wrong. The bell rang and Kade and I quickly left, saying that we had lessons in the other side of the building, which was true. We said goodbyes and quickly got out before the massive waves of student.

The hallways were almost vacant, just one or two students loitering around, still we spoke in whispers.

"Jeremy he-" Kade tried to sound nonchalant but the panic underneath was too obvious.

"I know, maybe he didn't mean it?" I tried to convince him and myself but the look he shot me told me I was as bad as him.

"It was bound to come out sooner or later right?" I said, this month was nothing short of paradise, but everything had an end, even paradise.

There was a short silence, maybe this is too fast, or he is ashamed? "Yeah maybe we should, so girls will stop throwing themselves at you," his voice cut me off my overthinking.

I raised an eyebrow, a genuine smirk graced my lips, "someone jealous?" He scowled at me and the way his eyes kept flickering to my lips were not helping at all.

"You know that I do like girls too right?" I continued teasingly, with a quick look around, he pulled me down and gave me a bruising kiss that left me gasping.

"Shut up," Kade scowled at me.

"Make me," I didn't meant for my voice to be this husky.

"You did not," he growled but before he could do anything else, voices were approaching and Kade could only scowled at me once more before hurrying off to his AP calculus. If I went to class with a grin too wide well, no one could pry the answer from me.

Kade did not wait for me by my locker, instead he was already in his car and he drove off without a word. The quick drive was cut even shorter with his speeding and before I could start worrying, we had arrived to my house.

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