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We wouldn't have stopped if not for Kade's mother calling us for lunch. Begrudgingly, Kade got off me and grabbed his discarded shirt from the floor, passing mine back to me. I couldn't stop grinning. Kade muttered about me messing up his hair as he tried to brush it so that it would not seem like I had run my hands all over it. His hair stubbornly remained spiky, sticking out all over the place. He saw my cheekily smile and tried to scowl at me, "Your fault,"

I shrugged, not denying my handy work, "hurry up I'm starving,"

"You just had a five course meal," he gestured at himself, I snorted, he isn't wrong, but I would not tell him that, his ego was big enough without me egging it.

He muttered something along the line, ungrateful bastard, under his breath. My cheeks ached from grinning this much.

Finally we descended down the stairs and joined Wendy for lunch, some salad, pasta and pumpkin soup. Somehow the talk of university was brought up.

"So Zacharais, what are you planning to study for university?" Wendy asked after a weird talk about her nosy neighbours, "something to do with Art right?"

"Yeah, that's the direction I'm heading towards," I replied.

"You planning to apply to UCLA, Dartmouth, CCAD, Cornell and CalArts yeah?" Kade added, I nodded in confirmation.

"Those are all excellent schools Zacharias, I'm sure you can get in to all of them," Wendy said kindly. I hoped I was not blushing too hard.

"Of course he can," I could feel his kaleidoscopic eyes on me and I made the mistake of meeting them. Under the dining table lights, those golden freckles were luminous, framed by his unnaturally long lashes, I could-

"-girlfriend Zacharias? It's so strange, both you and Kade never mention about girls," Wendy's voice brought me out and I looked away first.

"Oh he did have girlfriends," was that jealousy in Kade's voice? "They just never last, not worth mentioning," now there was smugness in it.

"Hmn, then Kade you never has any?" Now thinking about it, Kade never mentioned about any girls or crushes, so was he only interested in guys?

Kade shrugged, and the topic was dropped. We moved to lighter topics and then helped with the dishes as Wendy was going out to find Pete, Kade's father.

"Zacharias, you are welcome to join us for dinner as well, goodbye," Wendy bade us goodbye after I thanked her again for the wonderful lunch.

We washed the dishes in comfortable silence, "Dartmouth is your first choice right?" Kade asked.


After drying the dishes as well, we went back into his room. The door barely closed before he was on top of me again, attacking me with kisses and I totally did not mind. We could do this for ages and I would never get tired of his lips.

"So you told Daisy?" Kade asked, as I idly twirled a strand of blonde hair. His head rest comfortable on my chest, the rest of his body between my legs, my arms holding him loosely.

"Yeah, she is the first person to know that I'm Bisexual,"

"So you are not gay,"


"I also told my parents," I added, he looked at me with surprise, "they are very supportive and I- also told them about my crush," I said the last part quietly, but not quiet enough.

"So you did told them about me," he raised both eyebrows.

"Kind of, but no one knows we are together, yet," he didn't contradict me so I guess we were now a thing.

"Do you want to tell them?"

"Yes, but when you are ready,"

A comfortable silence rest between us, Kade being deep in thoughts, and me just enjoying him in my arms, still not quite believing that we were together and that I was allowed to hold and kiss him.

"I don't know if I'm gay," Kade confessed.

"Hmn?" I mumbled into his ridiculously soft hair.

"I mean, I'm definitely not straight but I don't think I'm gay either, or bi, because I'm not really attracted to guys or girls, just you." He admitted and I could feel his confusion mirroring mine.

"Wait but you hooked up with girls?"

"Yes but, I was just doing it because everyone is doing it. Besides it's always the girls that want it not really me," Kade sat up slightly and turned to face me, "I don't even know why I did it thinking back, maybe I jut wanted to be normal."

"Kade, you are normal, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you," I held his face gently, staring straight into those hazel eyes I loved so much.

He was silent for a moment, then lightly pecking my lips, he said softly, "okay,"

We sat there in comfortable silence, bathing in each other's presence. After a while, I said, " I don't really know much about the different sexualities, I heard there's pansexual or others, we can google." I got out my phone and typed "sexualities".

A whole bunch popped out, we clicked into some websites and began reading.

"Asexual? That's a thing?" Kade said out loud in wonder.

"And graysexual? Damn," we continued reading for a while, there was so much, it was actually quite overwhelming.

"Demisexual," Kade said that word like he was trying it out.

"Someone who only experience sexual attraction to people that they have close emotional connections with, or strong emotional bonds." I glanced at Kade, somehow this was the most fitting.

He stared at the word for a full minute, "yeah, I guess I am Demisexual," he sounded so relief, I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Glad to know that I won't have any competition," I teased him.

He laughed, "so I'll have to fight both guys and girls for you?"

"Guess you will have to work harder to keep me then," he tilted his head backwards to look at me, then he turned over and kissed me hard.

I smiled against his lips and took my time trailing down his throat. I swallowed his groan and flipped us around. Straddling him, I took in the beautiful human being beneath me, whom I had the honour of calling mine.

"You are so beautiful," the words slipped out.

"I know," he said cockily, I laughed and he pulled me down once again, connecting our lips. Here in his room, on his bed, his expensive cologne surrounding me, I could not imagine a more perfect life.

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