Alternate ending

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The smile he gave me was enough to shut me up. We swayed together in the rain, soaked to our bones, the waves crashed loudly behind us, the only music we needed.

I laughed as I twirled him, then he broke away and ran towards the raging sea.

"We are already soaked, might as well swim," he shouted, his voice a mere echo as the wind drowned out his voice.

"We are in the middle of a storm," I couldn't shake the foreboding feeling in my stomach, yet I followed him out to the sea.

"We will stay near the shore okay?" I could never say no to Kade's smile.

"Okay," but I couldn't keep the worry from my voice.

We waddled in the water, somehow, it had calmed down even though it was still raining hard. We fooled around, splashing each other, Kade swarm a bit too far and I followed closed behind.

Suddenly, he disappeared and it was like all the oxygen was gone with him. The sea's rage was nothing compared to the one in my heart.


"KADE?" I screamed, no, no no.

Something tackled me from behind and I screamed again.

"Zac," Kade emerged from the water, laughing.

"Kade, I swear to god I am going to kill you," my voice cracked.

Kade just smiled and kissed me, his cold yet salty lips reminding me that we were alright. We floated together in the cold, raging sea, yet I only felt warmth.

He pulled away first, "okay I'm sorry for scaring you but the look on your face!" He was still smiling, and I couldn't help but smile too.

"Let's go back okay?" I said, the bad feeling still lingering at the back of my mind. He nodded and began to swim back.

I tried to followed him, but the sea was against me. Kade looked back as I wasn't by his side. Horror took over that beautiful face as he tried to say something, wild fear were in those beautiful hazel eyes.

The last time I felt warmth was his lips, everything else was freezing cold, so cold as the wave behind me pulled me under. So cold that for a second I was completely still.


No I could not leave Kade behind. I tried to swim upwards, but another wave crashed again and I sank further down. My lungs burned, vision so blurry that I was not even sure if I was swimming upwards anymore. My thoughts were getting hazy and I couldn't think straight.

I was so tired and cold, I needed oxygen. I opened my mouth and the last thing I tasted was salt, that reminded me of something that was suppose to be important.

Pain exploded all over my body as the sea water rushed into my lungs.

Everything was hurting so much.

Then everything ceased to exist.

I was writing 1.8 and at this part I just suddenly had a terrible thought, what if against all logic they decided to swim? And then I just wanted to kill off one of them. But I want this to be a happy ending story so instead I have written this as an alternate ending. (In which they are dumbasses and idiots and went to swim during a freaking storm)

Yall should be thankful I had self-control or else this would have been the last chapter. ((I wrote this alternate ending before I wrote the 1.8 chapter so))

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