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I woke up feeling as refresh as I ever could, my good mood made me felt like going for a run on a Sunday morning and I did. After some toasts for breakfast, I put on my running shoes and jogged around the neighbourhood. It had been a while since I jogged, with music blasting in my ears, I went where my feet took me. Pausing to take some pictures for art as we had a huge board that was due by the end of the month. The board's topic was simple, you, anything that made you, you. The board had to show who you are. I had already taken pictures of the volleyball court and now I was taking picture of some of my favourite places in the neighbourhood.

I was just taking picture of my favourite restaurant when a voice that I would recognise anywhere appeared, "Zac?"

One voice should not be able to take away all the air in my lungs, should not make my heart beat thousand miles per hour, should not take away all my coherent thoughts.

Slowly, I pulled out my earphones and turned and faced Kade who was in sweats, meaning that he wasn't expecting to see anyone and he had just been to church.

"Kade," my voice was thankfully even.

A smile broke on his face and I must had imagined the panic in his eyes, "You started jogging again?"

I couldn't help but smile back, "yeah, I need to get back in shape somehow, all the alcohol will slow us down on the court,"

He laughed, eyes crinkling around the corner, those hazel orbs sparkling under the sun, "as if you could ever go out of shape, you are too skinny Zacharias," he imitated Wendy, his mother.

I rolled my eyes, I was glad that we were back to normal, conversing like how we always would, "where's the rest of your family?"

"They went back home first, I saw you and of course I came over." We began walking aimlessly side by side, I was overly conscious of the lack of space between us. My hand would have brushed against his if I was not holding it very still.

"Well I'm starving, I didn't have breakfast, let's go and eat," he gestured at my favourite restaurant that I had just been taking pictures of moments ago.

"Sure," we went in and sat on our normal table which was fortunately unoccupied. I ordered for the both of us, knowing exactly what he would want. He always ordered the same thing, cinnamon french toast and mango smoothie. I ordered an iced latte with extra whipped cream.

I was explaining to him about my board and showing him some of the pictures I took for it when the food arrived.

"You should take a picture of the food," Kade said, as he cut his toast and shoved them in his mouth, his eyes closing momentarily as the flavour hit him.

Taking his advice, I snapped a picture of the food and Kade. Kade had a piece of toast halfway to his mouth, his lips parting slightly. The sunlight illuminating his dirty blond hair made it looked like molten gold, looking as soft as it had felt under my hands that night. Some of the hair had fell over his hazel eyes, the sunlight also hit part of his eyes, making the green freckles in them stood out like emeralds in sand. In the photo, Kade was not looking at his food, instead he was looking at me.

"You know I said the food, not me," he said, after swallowing the piece of toast.

"Yeah I took picture of the food and you," I shrugged nonchalantly, acting as if it was not that big of a deal. He then focus on his food and we were quiet for a while, a nice silence settled between us.

"I had these weird dreams recently," Kade broke the comfortable silence, and somehow tension took its place.

"Yeah and? What's it about?" I was curious to where this was going.

I never thought I'd see the day that Kaden Zaveri would be embarrassed or uncomfortable, "You,"

If you told me that oxygen had ceased to exist I would have believed you, "what do you mean?" Hope rose despite my efforts of shoving it down, the more you hope, the more disappointed you will feel, better to not have expectations then to be let down. I tried to convince myself but I wouldn't listen to myself.

"It's very strange, we are like, very close and then something always were about to happen but it like, never did," his answer just made me question more.

"Huh?" Maybe I was looking too much into this, he couldn't possibly mean what I think he meant.

"And then last night, that something happened," he was being so vague, I did not want to assume.


"You kissed me, or was it just a dream?" For the first time, I saw fear and desperation in those lovely hazel eyes.

"Yes, I kissed you," it took every ounce of courage I had to not look away from his hazel eyes.

Both of us did not say anything, just staring at each other like our eyes would answer all our questions, would tell us what to do.

"Bill please," I waved my arm at a waiter that walked by, he gave us the bill, I payed for us and Kade did not put up much of a fight. We left the restaurant in heavy silence. Since his house was more near than mine, I walked him home.

The twenty minute walk was completely silent. I did not dare say anything, and Kade seemed to be in deep thoughts, his face unreadable. I tried not to let my thoughts run too wild, but all the worst case scenarios had ran through my mind at least twice and I had exhausted every reply he could give me. None of them were positive.

Are we still going to be friends? Is he mad that I kissed him without consent? Is he disgusted? Maybe he hates me now. And what did he mean by those dreams he mentioned? Why will he assume that in his dreams I kissed him?

At last we arrived to his house, we stopped just outside of his door, he didn't open the door and turned to look at me for the first time in half an hour.

I braced myself for the worst, those hazel eyes looked at me, then turned their gaze on my lips. Before I could process what the action meant, he pulled me down and kissed me.

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