The Order of the Black Rose

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Flashback Eli POV*
I was playing with Merlin at the table when a knock came to the door. Mother opened the door and I heard her gasp.
"I'm not going with you. I hate you and the monster you made me raise..." I shivered realizing she was talking about me.
"I'm not here for you, you disgusting whore." A deep voice said. I left Merlin playing with rocks at the table and went to stand next to mother. The man screamed power and I felt oddly drawn to him.

^the man at the door (Eli's father)"I've come for my daughter who you have kept from me all these years," the man spoke

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^the man at the door (Eli's father)
"I've come for my daughter who you have kept from me all these years," the man spoke. He crouched down and took my hand with a smile. He smiled at me like I was the sun and nothing was better in the whole world.
"I won't let you corrupt her! She may be a monster but she's still my child!" Hunith yelled yanking me behind her.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice women. She's my air and as such she will be leaving with me," he demanded grabbing my hand. Hunith tried to grab me but I was already standing next to him looking up in aw.
"No she's my daughter please Alexzander, don't do this!" My mother broke down on the floor sobbing and Merlin came over to her. She wrapped him up in her arms and turned away from me and the man. Closing the door to the house she shut me out and didn't speak a word.
The man smiled down at me and picked me up in his arms.
"Eli, I'm your father. I'm glad to finally have you," he said smiling at me. I smiled back as he walked down the small path that led to my old home. At the end awaited ten men on horses and one horse that my father put me on. He climbed up behind me and we rode out of the village and into the unknown.

We rode for days and eventually came upon a castle built into a mountain side. It was magnificent with the towers and grand gate that led into the courtyard below the castle. My father dismount the horse and reached up to take me down.
"Eli this is your new home. I'm glad to have you here finally." I looked up in wonder at my new home and he grabbed my hand leading me into the castle.
"We need to get started on your training so you will be fit to become my successor."

After that my days were filled with lessons and training. By the time I was ten I was taking down men three times my size. On my eleventh birthday my father called me into the throne room.
"Eli I have something to tell you."
"What is it father?" I was curious and excited at what he was gonna say.
"It's time you inherited the Lucial name and became the right hand of The Order of The Black Rose."
"The Black Rose?"
"We are a group of elite killers, thieves, and mercenaries who have been above even the Kings of our fellow lands. The Order is cruel and you shall be their next queen when I pass." I stood there shocked and frightened. I knew about the Order and everything it had done. But I never thought it was real.
"Father I can't. I won't lead men who stand with Uther Pendragon! He would have us all killed for what we are and what we do!" I growled. My father laughed and stood from his throne to grab my shoulder.
"Uther is no idiot. After all he hired us during the great purge. He may tell tales of his quests but he never will forget who actually killed and shed more blood for him than he had ever seen! Our magic is the one thing he will never come after. It's the only thing that keeps Camelot standing.."
"What do you mean?"
"Who do you think he sends when he has a sorcerer problem?"
"You have Uther Pendragon wrapped around your finger!" I laughed at the thought. My father smiled and went to sit down again.
"We will make you my successor tomorrow at dusk! The whole world will fear the name Eliex Rath Lucial!" He boomed across the room and I shivered.
"As you wish Father." I bowed before exiting the room.

The next day I was made the official air to The Order of The Black Rose. The next few years were filled with working for the Order and learning how to take over.
The next time I saw my little brother was when I was taking a bounty for a fresh break from all the training.

A young raven haired boy sat beside a fire tied up by a group of bandits. I signaled to Leo to go around and wait for me to charge.
I whistled and charged taking out three bandits to see one of the bandits going for the young boy. I rushed over and engaged him in battle taking him down quickly. I looked over this see Leo take out the last two bandits.
"Eli you okay?" Leo asked walking over. The boys eyes lit up as he struggled against the ropes tying him. Leo leaned over and untied the boy. He jumped up and hugged me. I growled and reached for my sword. 
"Eli it's me! Merlin!" The boy exclaimed as he took a step back.
"M..Merlin?" I said in disbelief. He smiled and looked like an excited child.
"Eli we need to get going. Your father won't be happy if your late for the meeting." Leo said putting an arm on my shoulder.
"Yeah..." I said and turned around to leave.
"Eli please don't leave! Mother misses you she's sorry! I miss you!" Merlin yelled.  I stopped and looked straight ahead. Turning around I walked back and took his hand.
"I miss you more than you will ever know Merl's. But it's not possible for us to know each other anymore."
"Why?" He asked. I reached into my pocket and pulled out an pendent with the symbol of a dark black rose. I put it in his hand and looked into his eyes.
"Break this pendent if you are ever in trouble and I'll come. Use it wisely Merls," I said dropping his hand and turning away from him. I ignored his cry's for me to come back and disappeared into the forest.

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