Urgent Matter

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Back to the present*
"The Order of The Black Rose?" Arthur asked. He looked deep in thought as he tried to remember something.
"You have magic..." Leon yelled. Eli rolled her eyes.
"Trust me magic is the least scary thing about us little knight." She hissed the last part and Merlin smirked.
"Leon sit down. She's definitely not someone to mess with." Arthur said.
"My father mentioned The Order to me on a few occasions. He wasn't opposed to the idea of magic to the extent that everyone thought. As long as they where working for him they could go about their business."
"Magic isn't a threat only when it is in the hands of the wrong people," Leo said. He stood next to Eli while she sat.
"I've been thinking of allowing magic back in the kingdom. It's not all bad..." Arthur trailed.
"Really?" Merlin said surprised.
"Yes. Now what's this urgent matter?" Arthur said.
"Morgana." Eli growled in a hateful tone. "She's been evading us for the past year. But something's changed. She wants to strike a deal with The Order. We are gonna use the chance to take her down for good."
"And how does this involve Camelot?" Arthur asked.
"She asked to meet with us and the Knights of the round table." Leo explained.
"Why should we meet with that monster!" Shouted Leon. Eli flinched when he yelled monster.
"Because it's your chance to help defeat her once and for all." Eli said. The group grew silent.
"When will this meeting take place?" Arthur questioned.
"Four days from now. At our castle." Leo responded. Eli seemed to be focused on something else.
"Eli? Eli?" Leo shook her shoulder as Arthur tried to talk to her.
"Sorry what where you saying?" She asked.
"We will help."
"Thank you. We leave immediately than. I fear something has happened that I'm needed back for as soon as possible," she mumbled the last past so only Leo could hear it.

Three days later
All the Camelot knights and Merlin looked in aw at the castle rising before them. It was like nothing they had ever seen. Carved into the mountain it sat upon, its looming figure struck fear in those who saw it.
The entire journey Eli had remained silent as if something was bothering her. Leo never left her side.

Upon entering the gates a group came rushing up to Eli and Leo.
"Princess! It's Morgana! She's here in the throne room with the king! We can't get in!" One of the guards yelled.
Eli took off at an ungodly speed and the rest of the group followed her.
When the throne room doors came into view she didn't stop. The doors flew open and inside stood Morgana with the king on his knees in front of her. Leo races to grab Eli and held her back.
"Ah nice if you to join us." Morgana spat.
"Let him go!" Eli hissed. Arthur looked at the scene unfolding before them. Eli was walking slowly towards Morgana and her father.
"Eli please get out of here! She... she know your secret! I'm sorry!" The king cried tears falling down his face. Eli froze.
"I won't leave you father!" She cried.
"Ah how sweet. It makes me sick," Morgana gagged. "How about we get this over with!"
Eli screamed and reached out as Morgana raised a sword and plunged it right into the Kings heart.
"I love you Eliex..." the king said before he took his final breath.
Eli had her back turned to the group. Leo was trying to grab her but than Morgana's face turned to a look of pure horror. The room grew colder and Eli's hair started to change from a brown to a pale white. The blood from the Kings dead body slowly moved to pool around her feet.
"Morgana Pendragon," Eli said in an almost demonic voice. Morgana started to back up till she hit the back wall behind the throne. A look of pure terror on her face.
The blood enveloped Eli's body and seemed as if it was becoming a suit of armor around her.
"Wha-what are you!" Morgana screamed and her eyes flashed gold. Nothing happened and Morgana sunk down to the floor crying.
The blood soon soaked itself into Eli's pores and she laughed almost as if she was hysterical. Merlin ran over to his sister and tried to grab her shoulder.
Eli turned to look at him and he gasped seeing her eyes blood red. Arthur looked on in terror at the scene unfolding before him.
Merlin shook as Eli drew her sword and pressed it to Morgana's chest without breaking eye contact with him.
"Rath calm down." Leo spoke calmly as he walked over to her. Eli seemed to not hear him as she started to press the sword into Morgana's chest and a agonizing scream filled the room. Leo stopped next to her and slapped her across the face. The color of her eyes slowly changed back to blue and her hair started to change back to it's beautiful brown. She put the sword down and Morgana used that chance to cast a spell and disappear.
A small tear fell from her eye as she looked at the group and than at her fathers body.
"Leo get them out of here. Take them to the meeting room. I'll be there shortly..." she commanded. Leo started to move and urge the knights to leave but Merlin wouldn't budge.
"Eli-" Merlin whispered. She looked at him and sighed.
"Enough Merlin. Just leave me alone for a few minutes..." she sounded broken as she spoke. He slowly followed the rest of the group out into the hall. Glancing back as the doors closed to see Eli crying with her father in her arms.

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