The Coffin part 2

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Everyone stood in confusion at Eli's words. Her coffin? It looked older than the building they stood in. Merlin stood in the back of the group and looked at Arthur to try and gage what was going on.
Eli didn't move or speak for a few minutes. She just looked at Arthur. Her face was blank as if waiting judgement for a crime. Finally it was Merlin who spoke up, moving to stand next to his sister.
"Eli please explain what you mean? What does this stone box have to do with anything?"
"Well Merlin, I have some explaining to due. I can't tell you everything... not right now at least..."
"No you will explain yourself at once or this little trip we've made to accommodate you will end," Leon spoke up. Arthur's face remained calm and collected as he looked Eli in the eyes.
"So that's what she meant..." Arthur's voice was barley a whisper and everyone turned to look at him.
"Mate, what are you talking about?" Gawain asked.
"When I was younger I had a sort of friend you could say. She told me about this legend and how someday I would be able to find the real truth behind it. This is what she meant! Eli is the answer!" Arthur sounded like an excited child as he started to move towards the coffin. He reached towards the coffin and the moment his fingers brushed the surface Eli started screaming and fell to the ground in pain. Merlin rushes to her side and tried to help her up. The moment she was standing the light went out from her eyes and she clasped falling towards the ground. Before Merlin could move Arthur was holding her in his arms giving him a death glare.
Leo appeared at Eli's side and smiled. He reached down to touch her and Arthur swatted his hand away. This made Leo laugh and he took a stand back with his hands in the air. Leo spoke between his hysterics.
"So it begins, She'll finally awaken..."

Sorry this chapter is so short! A larger and more action filled chapter is coming soon. During this whole quarantine thing, I unfortunately got slammed with work so I haven't had much time to sit and write! Thanks for all the support!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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