The Coffin

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Arthur was deep in thought sitting in one off the many chairs around the large room they had been lead too. The way Eli has changed. It excited him and he found himself even more drawn to the girl. Everything about her was different. And he couldn't figure out why.
"...I'm telling you! I need to see her!" Merlin yelled. Leo just looked at him with a blank look on his face.
Finally Leo sighed and took a seat across from Arthur. The other knights sat beside their king ready to defend him should the need arise.
"Look Merlin. Eli needs some time to calm down. We don't need her loosing control right now. Not with the ceremony of succession set to take place soon. Not to mention the ritual of power." Leo said.
"Ritual?" Arthur asked.
"Aw I forgot you people aren't from the order. The ritual of power is when Eli will come to accept her full abilities that have been locked away by her father. By doing so she will be... well that's for her to tell you..." Leo trailed off and refused to speak anymore.
Merlin got up and went over to the window.
"Merlin, your sister. I just don't understand..." Arthur said.
"What's there to understand? I don't have any answers for you unless she wants you to have them Arthur." Merlin looked out at the forest below the castle.
Footsteps sounded outside the door and everyone turned to see who was about to enter.
Arthur's breath caught in his throat as Eli came in. Her dress flowing behind her and an air of a queen surrounding her.

 Her dress flowing behind her and an air of a queen surrounding her

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^Eli's dress
She walked in and stood next to Leo. Leo bowed his head and got up allowing her to take his seat. She sat down and looked at the group.
"King Arthur it would seem we have a common enemy. I would like to strike an alliance." She spoke.
"Sir. This seems like a bad idea! We don't know anything about these people and their so called order." Leon hissed. Arthur looked at him and back at Eli.
"How rude of me. My apologies your highness. Let me tell you exactly what the order is. But first everyone in this room must swear to never speak of anything they are told today." Eli seemed odd and different, Merlin couldn't quite figure out what she was getting at.
"You have my word," Arthur agreed. She smiled at him but avoided eye contact.
"Than please follow me," she said standing up.
Eli took the group through a set of hallways and down a flight of stairs before stopping in front of a set of doors.
"By showing you this I'm putting myself at a great risk. Merlin trusts you all so I have faith that you shall not betray me." Eli seemed on edge as she pushed the doors open and took the group inside.
Inside the room is a coffin. The lid was shut and it had vines growing over it. Arthur stopped dead in his tracks as Eli walked over to it and put a hand on top. She turned to look at the group.
"Merlin, it seems I haven't been completely honest with you nor has your mother..." she trailed.
"What are you talking about?" Merlin asked.
"It would be easier for me to show all of you," Eli moved her hand and the vines broke off the coffin. She pushed the lid off and motioned for the group to come over.
All the knights looked inside.
"It's empty!" Exclaimed Gwaine.
"Who's coffin is this?" Mumbled Leon.
"Eli what's going on?" Merlin asked taking a step back.
Eli looks down at the empty coffin and smiles. She looks up at Merlin and smiles. Than she looks at Arthur. This time she looks into his eyes.
Arthur's breath stops as he looks back at her. Feeling something he has never felt before. As she spoke she never broke eye contact.
"The coffin is mine..."

Author's note
Thanks for reading! Sorry this chapter is so short but I promise the next one is going to be longer with many more surprises!

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