Family Bonding Time pt.1

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'I haven't seen them in a month! Can't you just let me go see them! They're my sisters for crying out loud!' Buttercup barked at Butch, her voice filling the cozy apartment they had.
'How can I spend one night without you though.' Butch responded with sarcasm, he crept his arms around her.
'I don't know?! Go find Brick or Boomer or something? Figure it out yourself!' She suggested, flinging his arms away to finish packing her suitcase.
'But Buttersssssss-' Butch begged.
'Stop whining, it's annoying.' She stated.
'I told them already so stop trying to convince me otherwise. I'll be here after the weekend anyway, it's just 2 nights.' She reassured him and hugged him tightly.
'So you're gonna leave you tomorrow morning right?' Butch asked, finally giving in.
'Yes. I've told you so many times.' She said without doubt.
'Get rest, don't stay up so late, you have a long trip tomorrow.' Butch said as he leaned over her to kiss her on her head. 'I'm off to bed. See you.' He yawned.
'Night.' She shouted.
The drive to Bubbles' small apartment wasn't that far, only a 4 hour drive. And if Buttercup left at 7:00am sharp on a Friday morning, she'd arrive there in time for lunch with her sisters, beating the busy traffic. Although the drive would be tiring, it was totally worth it, they barely hung out anymore. Blossom was busy being the lawyer she always wanted to be, and Bubbles the fashion designer for big brands that she aspired to be. Bubbles' apartment was vacant at the present, making it the perfect place for the girls to meet up and stay.
As Buttercup stuffed the last of her belongings into the suitcase and duffel bag, she yawned and took off her nightgown, hanging it on the nearby hook.
'It's only 2 days and 2 nights, you really don't need that much stuff.' She remembered her boyfriend of 6 years, Butch, saying the day before.
She stretched her arms out as she turned all the lights off. In the midst of trying to sleep, the cold breeze of the night made her shiver a little, making her not able to sleep. Suddenly, she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her, 'Stop shivering jeez.' A deep voice mumbled. 'I can't help it. It's so cold.' Buttercup murmured as she snuggled up into a ball, the silk sheets weren't helping either.
Butch's arms pulled Buttercup into a chest and soon she found it warm enough for her to sleep.
At 6:30am, she woke up to her alarm blaring next to her. She sighed, only for her sisters would she ever wake up this early.
She brushed her teeth, washed her face, brushed her mid-length hair and got dressed, throwing on a olive green sweater with a pair of jeans, not forgetting the bracelet Butch got her for their 5rd anniversary.
She threw on a pair of shoes and when she went to get her bags, she saw Butch getting up.
'Why are you up?' She asked, her voice a bit raspy (morning voice if you get what I mean).
'To bid you adieu.' He said as he practically leaped off the bed and embraced her.
She looked up and cupped his face in her face, 'See you on Sunday sucker.' She whispered to him, as he leaned in and gave her a passionate goodbye kiss.
The two said their goodbyes and Buttercup left at exactly 7:00am, heaving her luggage into her car and starting her journey.
As she wizzed through the city streets and onto the highways, she started a group call for her sisters.
A shrill voice almost screeched through the microphone: 'BUTTERCUPPPP!! I'm so excited!! Aren't you, Blossy?' She said, identifiable as Bubbles.
'Sure.' Blossom said, her voice stern as ever, 'This traffic over here with my city is so bad, I don't think I'll be able to make lunch.' Blossom added, a hint of sadness in her voice.
'Oh.' Buttercup replied in unison with Bubbles.
'It's really nice that we're doing this though!' Buttercup exclaimed, ' I'm really happy you actually found time for this Blossom.' Buttercup said appreciatively.
'Definitely worth it! You guys say it as if I can never see you guys.' Blossom said.
' It's only because Boomer is so clingy.' Bubbles sighed.
'Clingy? Says you.' Buttercup laughed.
'Nice one.' Blossom said.
'Meanies...' Bubbles said but trailing off. In the background Buttercup could hear her yelling to Boomer, Buttercup knew that Bubbles was moving, but took time to spend the weekend with them.
'So when are you going to start your car journey?' Blossom asked Bubbles.
They were going to Bubble's apartment, but it was just one of her extra places where she could stay at when she was in the area.
'Umm like 9-ish?' Bubbles replied with uncertainty.
'Nice.' Buttercup said.
'Are you guys excited?? No talking/ texting to your guys for a weekend!' Bubbles cheered.
'You say it like it's hard.' Blossom protested.
'You say it like it's not.' Buttercup argued.
The time felt short because of their long conversations that seemed to never end. It was like she was with them already.
After a few hours of driving, Buttercup parked her car at a nearby car park and took her bags (luggage) out, making a short walk to the apartment to meet Bubbles, who was there already.
Being fit was helping her now, working out and doing sports had its pros and cons.
At the middle of walking, a man started to catcall Buttercup.
The man, seemingly in his middle-40s, was making comments that made Buttercup feel a bit uncomfortable, causing her to start to distract herself by playing with her bracelet.
The man followed Buttercup. And when she stopped at a crossing, he did too, and even grabbed hold of her hand.
'Can you please not touch me.' She shouted, trying to yank it out of his grasp but failing to do so.
'I just want your number baby, nothing that hard.' He purred, tightening his grip.
He was hurting her now, suddenly she saw a green streak of light but dismissed it as a hallucination. A strong hand appeared on the man's arm, making him loosen his grip on Buttercup.
The man seemed terrified by what happened and bolted away.
'Umm thanks.' She said the to guy.
The guy didn't reply but had a dark green hood over his head, he gave a cheeky wink.
'Butch did you fucking follow me!' Buttercup shifted her gaze on the guy and gripped onto his collar. 'What the actual fuck.' She said in a low voice. 'You were in trouble.' Butch justified with a shrug. 'I was perfectly capable of dealing with it!' Buttercup yelled in his face. 'You've made a scene! It's so embarrassing!' She shushed him. 'Says you who was stuffing prawn cocktails into your mouth while I was giving a speech at my own event.' He teased as he pulled her to the corner of the road so they wouldn't be in the way of other people. 'THEY WERE GOOD!' She shouted in her 'low voice'.
'I don't need your help you fucking stalker.' She poked a finger at his chest as she said that. 'Umm excuse me. If I didn't help you then who would've? And also I didn't follow you, I know that you play with the bracelet when you're nervous.' He reasoned. 'Fine, you win for now but when I get back home.' She said, motioning a slit at the throat as she left in the direction of Bubbles' apartment.
'As if I don't have better stuff to do... now where is Brick?' Butch murmured to himself.
Buttercup arrived at Bubbles' place at 11:10am, which was good enough.
Bubbles was a bundle of joy and brought a smile to Buttercup as they waited for Blossom on a nice lunch, obviously cooked by Bubbles herself.
Buttercup was sneaking texts to Butch about what happened, full of swear words and violent descriptions.
Soon Blossom arrived and both sisters embraced her. They talked through what they were gonna do that night and what they'd do the next day, night etc. over nice dinner, courtesy of Bubbles.

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