Triple date at the Christmas Fair pt.2

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After that Butch walked over to his wardrobe to get a jacket. 'Now are you ready to go?' He asked from afar.
'Umm I guess.' Buttercup mumbled as she walked out of the bathroom hesitantly.
'Jeez if I were a girl and looked like you everyday I wouldn't be like that.'
His attempt at making her feel better was unsuccessful, a and she hurried to go get a coat to pull over her so-called 'ugly' clothes.
'What if someone sees me?!' Buttercup almost raced as soon as they walked out the door.
He could almost even see her heart drop as she stopped, she blinked a few times before continuing. He just couldn't understand how she could feel ugly, she was perfect, or even more than perfect, but apparently not, at this moment, because of how she was staring down her own hair in her phone's camera.
After some hours of delirious shopping and bag carrying, Buttercup finally agreed to start heading to the fair.
'They won't realise if we're 1 hour late! The place is humongous anyway!' She yelled at him in the taxi. She was replied with a finger urging her shush. Buttercup frowned and made a face at Butch, he gave a forced smile and told her to do whatever. The taxi ride was 30 minutes, due to the horrible traffic in the city centre.

'Jeez where are they?' Blossom snapped at Bubbles.
'They should be coming soon...' Bubbles was scanning her eyes through the crowds who were making here way through the entrance of the fair.
'You sure they didn't bail on us?' Brick groaned, rolling his eyes. Boomer gave a gentle pat on his older brother's shoulder, from which Brick flinched a bit. 'Calm down!' Boomer mouthed to him.
Bubbles was getting more and more anxious, wondering if Buttercup had bailed out.
'I mean... she might have better things to do...' Brick said, who received a hard nudge from Blossom giving him a dirty look.
'Better... Better things?' Bubbles repeated, she looked around even more quickly.
'You are seriously asking for a fucking death threat Brick Jojo!' Blossom snarled, pulling his ear.
'Umm...' Boomer was probably in the most uncomfortable until he caught sight of two figures with slightly green auras around them, hurling insults at each other, 'There! They're here!' He almost shouted, gesturing for Bubbles to look around.
Bubbles ran to hug Buttercup as Butch walked over Brick, 'Did you get forced to come too?' Brick said under his breath into Butch's ear.
'If I even hear a peep from you guys!' Blossom switched to face them as Butch turned to whisper to Brick, she scowled and gave them a glare before returning to her normal smiling face.
She strolled over to her sisters, giving the guys behind them a mean stare and turned to the front to continue their joyous conversation.

'What a let down.' Buttercup sighed, fixing the button of her coat attentively.
'I know right! The guy didn't even bring the material, and was late!' Bubbles kept on ranting, so focused that she didn't see Buttercup slowing down a bit.
'That's why you don't work with random clients. Make sure to be more serious when choosing clients next time.' Blossom instructed Bubbles clearly, the two were having a serious conversation about their job and their clients, especially the annoying ones. Sadly, Buttercup couldn't relate, she didn't have a job, well, part time jobs, but that wasn't really seen as a 'job' in her sisters eyes.
'Buttercup?' Bubbles looked back at Buttercup, who had diverted all her attention into a stain she caught sight of a moment ago.

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