Family Bonding Time pt.3

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She shouted as giggles were heard on the other side of her, a drunk Blossom could be seen resting her head on Buttercup's shoulder.
Brick widened his eyes at how disheveled his girlfriend looked.
Butch took the phone and made Buttercup focus on him, 'Oh my god he looks like you!' Blossom laughed aloud.
'No shit!' Screamed Bubbles, who ran over to see who appeared on the screen.
'You guys should date!' Blossom snickered.
'Fuck off!' Buttercup lolled her head sideways, 'I'm dating someone, I forgot who though. See?' Buttercup held up her wrist, showing the bracelet.
'Wait what? Damn girl you're rich!' Blossom said as she fawned over the bracelet that now sat near Buttercup's elbow from how thin she was.
Blossom then snatched the phone. 'Who are you guys?' She squinted hard.
The guys were absolutely losing it, trying to keep a straight face had most definitely failed.
At trying to cover his laughing, Butch gave the phone to Brick.
'Oh my god, hot much?!' Blossom exclaimed and looked hazily into the screen.
'Is it the lookalike?' Buttercup asked, off of the screen.
'No, new one.' Blossom said, turning to Buttercup.
'Isn't that your guy?' A high pitched voice squealed.
'My guy? My boyfriend is way hotter than that.' She pffted at her sister.
The last resort was to end the call, as much as the guys wanted to see more of their goofy drunk girlfriends, they decided it was enough.
After that night, the girls and the guys had done fun things with their own siblings.
In the morning, the guys went to a theme park whilst the girls just followed Bubbles' plan.
The girls woke up groggily with throbbing headaches, and heaved themselves over to the stupid spa that Bubbles booked for at 10:00am.
True to the guys' words, the girls did not remember anything at all, nothing about FaceTiming was mentioned, nor was the weird things they said into the screen.
The second night, Buttercup, Blossom and Bubbles decided to recreate pictures of celebrities.
First they recreated Selena Gomez's pictures with Buttercup. Then Blossom donned Ariana Grande's signature high ponytail.
'Are you sure she actually wore this?' Blossom looked down at her revealing and sorta odd outfit. 'Close enough...' Bubbles mumbled. 'True.' Buttercup nodded.
Lastly Bubbles recreated model Gigi Hadid's photos.
'Isn't this a bit too... umm... little?' She peered down at the skimpy outfit she wore.
'Perfect!' Buttercup giggled as she and Blossom laughed.
'Such meanies!' Bubbles shouted.
For the end, they decided to recreate scenes of famous music videos. One was New Rules (by Dua Lipa)
They recreated these:

'Oh my god! These turned out so good!' Bubbles screeched as she scrolled through her phone, ignoring the pictures of her.
'Oh my I'm totally posting it on my Instagram!' Shouted Buttercup.
'Don't post the ones of me please!' Bubbles shouted in defence.
'Same!' Blossom said, 'I actually look bad in them, if you put them out then Brick is gonna destroy me by laughing his ass off.' She added as a joke.
'Nope, I'm putting what I want where I want!' Buttercup sneered as she clicked the 'post' button.
'Nooooooo!' Screamed Blossom and Bubbles.
'MY LIFE IS RUINNEDDDDD.' Blossom yelled into space kneeling on the ground as her two sisters watched her and laughed.
The two days and nights they spent were definitely fun and Buttercup couldn't wait until the next time they could see each other again.
On Sunday afternoon (3:21pm if you'd like the exact time), Buttercup was heading out with her bags before her sisters engulfed her in a hug.
'Awie! You're leaving!' Bubbles whined.
'Jesus Bubbles you say it like I'm never coming back!' Buttercup flinched.
'Gonna be honest when is the next time we will all be free?' Blossom said with one eyebrow lifted.
The girls walked Buttercup over to where she parked her car two days ago, the girls all said goodbye and left their separate ways back home.
Once again, Buttercup drove all the way back.
As the lock made a click, the apartment door opened.
'No one? How odd...' She thought to herself as she scanned the whole apartment (literally).
'Hmmm...' She hummed, walking in and setting her bags down in the living room.
The door swung closed with a loud BANG
She started to unpack her things as the lock I clicked again, she turned her head as fast as possible, thinking if she left it unlocked.
He's back.
'And where have you been?' Buttercup questioned as she stood up, putting her hands onto her hips expecting an answer.
'What? I can't fucking go out? Says the one who wasn't here for the last two days.' Butch laughed.
'Says the one who said he'd just stay at home and do nothing. I thought you'd be here to welcome me back.' Buttercup said, crossing her arms.
'Alright Miss Sassy-pants.' He said, slipping in through the door.
Buttercup rolled her eyes and kept unpacking.
Butch continued 'I saw your Instagram post, you should wear stuff like that more.' His lips curled up into a sly grin.
'BUTCH I SWEAR TO GO IF YOU DONT STOP TALKING!' Buttercup yelled halfway across the room, returning to unpack her bags.
'Did you even fucking miss me?' She asked, standing up from packing to tell Butch to fuck off.
'Why would you have to miss me if you only saw me the day before?' He replied, continuing what he was doing.
'The day before? Oh you mean when I saw you at the crosswalk?'
'No, I FaceTimed you.'
'FaceTime? When was this?'
'You should have seen your face...'
Butch was uncontrollably snickering now.
'My fucking face? What did you see? Did we do some stupid shit? Oh my god I'm so sorry if I said something mean to you.'
'It wasn't necessarily mean, but you did tell me in my face that you didn't want to date me and that you had a boyfriend.'
Then he held up his wrist and pretended to be drunk.
Buttercup sneered as she covered her face in her hands.
'Did you FaceTime us when we were drunk again?' She asked, trying to be serious but giggling in between words.
'Oh your faces!' He hunched down, knowing what was to come after he said those words.
In a split second Buttercup tackled him, 'For fuck's sake! What part of no contacting us did you not get? I'm guessing you were with the guys then.' She said, sitting on top of him, making him unable to move.
He tried to stand up, but the sheer power that Buttercup had stopped him from doing so.
'Don't even think of getting up anytime soon. You eat my ass you son of a bitch.'
'Ewwww not like that!!'

Hey guys! I know some of you quite like this story/book whatever (hehe), but I think I'll temporarily pause this since I currently don't have much motivation to continue writing out all my ideas (like I have loads of ideas but I just don't have the motivation and time to write them all out into lengthy stories). I hope you guys understand and don't blame me but don't worry about it since my other books will keep you company :))

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