Family Bonding Time pt.2

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The plan
1st night
Go clubbing
Get really drunk
Have fun
Copy famous people's pictures
2nd day
Wake up late af
Get over our hangovers
Self care
Spa (booked)
2nd night

The list was exciting, filled with activities planned by Bubbles.
'Do we really have to go to a spa place thing?' Blossom asked Bubbles.
'Umm yes! To get prettier!!' Bubbles snapped back.
'Says the prettiest one.' Buttercup giggled.
The girls spent the night choosing dresses to wear from Bubbles' humongous wardrobe and exchanging gifts they collected for each other.
Luckily all three had the same shoe size so heels were distributed between them.
The girls all went to a nearby nightclub and got super wasted. A few videos were filmed of shot-taking, stupid drunk actions and dancing.
All three girls returned to Bubbles' place super drunk, heads lolling.
'Oh. My. God.' Bubbles said in between breaths, 'what?' Buttercup snapped back at her. 'Did you see the guy? So fucking hot!' Bubbles exhaled, taking staggering steps. 'Oh my gosh the bar guy???' Shouted Blossom. 'Yes him!' Bubbles jumped up and down uncontrollably. 'I was about to ask him out. And then some random person ( a conscious Blossom) said I had a boyfriend.' She said, as if she didn't believe it. 'I CALL BS! BULLSHIT!' Bubbles shouted to the empty streets. 'Bullshit bitches!' Buttercup yelled as well. 'As if anyone would date you!' Responded Blossom, who made a face. 'I am hot ok?' An intoxicated Bubbles defended herself. 'No way hoe!' Buttercup nudged Bubbles. 'Who are you guys anyway?' Said Buttercup. 'Are we like friends or something? 'I don't even know!' Shouted Blossom. 'Did you guys break into my house?' Screamed Bubbles.
They rambled for ages and spammed pictures in each other's phones.
Unbeknownst to them, the boys were taking advantage of not having the girls around.
'How's Green?' Brick asked.
'She's a feisty one, you know. Bubbles?' Butch replied and turned to Boomer.
'Bubbles is an angel... when she doesn't yell at me.' Boomer said quietly.
'Damn bro, that's harsh.' Brick said, patting his shoulder and nodding in agreement with Boomer.
The guys just stayed up chatting about life in general while watching sports and drinking.
'We can't keep meeting when they do. They think we're saddos who just stay at home.' Brick suddenly said, laying on Boomer's couch.
'Bubbles screamed at me for being 'heartless' for not wanting to see you guys. Life with a sonic screamer fucking sucks.' Boomer replied, putting air quotes.
'Same with mine.' Butch only said.
'Should I try to call them now? I wonder what they're doing?' Boomer questioned to his brothers, pointing to his phone.
Brick quickly snatched it before Boomer could lay his hands on it, 'No way bro, Blossom would fucking murder all of us for breaking the 'rules'.' He said.
Oh yes, the rules: The only one, no talking/ texting any boys.
'Umm... have you seen drunk Blossom?' Butch laughed as he reached over to yank the phone out of Brick's hand.
'True, she won't even remember. Same with Bubbles. I'm sure Buttercup could care less.' Boomer uttered.
'Let's do it.' Said Butch, finally getting hold of Boomer's phone and dialling Bubble's phone number, which took Butch and Brick some time to find because of the nickname Boomer gave her- Baby Blue 💙
'That's a fucking weirdass name bro.' Brick shouted at Boomer.
'Well what's your contact name for Blossom?' Boomer snapped back and got a hold of Brick's phone.
Butch and Boomer fawned over their new found treasure and scrolled through his phone, 'Bro do you even have her number?' Boomer said and looked back at a pissed Brick.
'Of course!' Brick yelled back defensively.
'Well... where the hell is she?' Butch asked.
'Keep looking. I bet you won't be able to find it.' Brick sang as he left to get food.
'For fucks sake.' Mumbled Butch.
Then he and Boomer stumbled across a very particular contact.
Goddess 🌸
Boomer and Butch burst into laughter. A confused Brick ran into the room, 'What? Still can't find it?' Brick hurled. 'N-no, this is fucking priceless!' Boomer shoved Brick's phone into his face.
Brick went bright red, 'FUCK! YOU GUYS WERENT SUPPOSED TO FIND IT!' He shouted aggressively. 'The cat's out of the bag mate.' Butch laughed. 'Well we all showed our nicknames, what about your's?' Boomer asked Butch, in a way to get Brick to calm down.
'It's easy. Just 💚.' Butch shrugged.
'Did you just say an emoji out loud?' Boomer asked.
'That's pretty easy to find not gonna lie.' Brick said, finally calming down.
'That's why I put it like that.' Butch said, as though it was the obvious.
'Well can we call them now?' Asked an impatient Brick.
They quickly FaceTime called the girls and they picked up on Bubbles' phone.
'Yoooooooo... look at this guy! Girl get over here!' Shouted Bubbles as she squinted, Boomer, holding the phone, was trying to keep a straight face as his two older brothers were losing it.
Shuffling could be heard as Blossom and Buttercup scurried over to see what was going on.
'Oh my god girls he's hot.' Shouted Bubbles, more rustling.
'What? Lemme see!' Buttercup yelled as she snatched the phone, 'No! This guy looks shit!'

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