Chapter One

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“Great job!” my track teammates yelled in unison as I walked back over to where our team stood. I was feeling so weak but couldn’t let that show; I still had one more event.

“Thanks, guys,” I mumbled pulling my water bottle out of my bag. I gulped down half of it and then wiped my mouth.

“Good job, Allie,” an all too familiar male voice said coming from behind me.

“Thanks, Daniel,” I said as he kissed my cheek. His kisses, no matter how quick or passionate, always left me smiling. Daniel was my boyfriend that I met when we started high school although now we were in eleventh grade.  He was pretty great and not to mention incredibly cute, too. And the sun from this hot day just made him look even cuter because it made his hair blonder and blue eyes paler.

“You okay? You look super pale and tired, although that smile almost makes it unnoticeable,” he said feeling my forehead. I moved his hand because I was so self-conscious about sweating for some reason.

“Yes, just tired,” I replied blushing.

“Fields! Get on out there!” Coach Lassoer yelled. I looked over and saw everyone running to the start line for the event. Crap. I gave Daniel a quick hug and ran on out there lining up with the rest of the runners.

The horn blew and I started running. I love running; it always clears my mind and is a good stress reliever. But today, it wasn’t clearing my mind nor relieving stress as I felt too sick. My vision was blurring and all of a sudden I collapsed to the ground.

“Allie! Are you okay!” I heard a male voice yelling over me. I opened my eyes and saw Coach Lassoer and most of my teammates and Daniel hovered over me.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah, I’m okay,” I mumbled getting helped up by Daniel and his best friend, Joe Ellison.

“Are you sure? I think we should get the paramedics to look at you,” he pointed over to the ambulance truck that was parked about a mile away. I shook my head so fast I almost caused myself whiplash.

“Absolutely not! I just didn’t eat today, stupid I know,” I said reassuring him. It was stupid if a runner didn’t eat beforehand, we were always told to load up on carbs before running.

He mumbled something to himself and we all walked back over to the bleachers and sat down. Joe and Daniel were helping me the entire time. “Guys, I fell and passed out, I didn’t sprain my ankle or anything, I can walk,” I said teasing them, hoping they’d get the point to let me go. They let go and sat down next to me.

“You sure, Alls? I mean you hit that concrete hard!” Joe exclaimed dramatically. Joe was always dramatic; it made you wonder why he was up to be captain of the football team for next year and not in theater club.

“Joe, relax, I’m fine, seriously,” Although I didn’t feel fine, I was exhausted, had no appetite, honestly the list could keep going on.

“Alright, alright, I’m going to go and sit next to Lesley,” Joe said getting up and going down a few rows to where his girlfriend sat.

When he was gone I turned to Daniel who had a frown on his face. “What’s wrong babe?”

“You lied.” I groaned. I was hoping he’d not bring that up. Daniel and I had eaten breakfast and lunch together though I hadn’t been that hungry.

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