Chapter Six

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Mom calmed herself down, thankfully. She had called dad from the car and told him they got my results and had asked me to come in.

“Hey, kiddo,” dad said greeting me when he got into the car.

Dad never showed if he was nervous or scared, or anything really, which I was grateful for. If I had more than one parent having random panics, I’d lose my mind.

“Hey, dad,” I said as I buckled up in the back of the car.

Mom didn’t say a word to dad; they just held hands on the center console while I distracted myself from all thoughts by playing reading a book on my Wattpad App.

Mom sped through town quickly and got to the hospital in a timely matter. She didn’t even close her car door while running to the hospital. I looked to dad and sighed.

“Yeah, I know,” he mumbled knowing exactly what I was thinking.

I hope the results come up negative, not necessarily for me, but for my mom’s wellbeing. I don’t know how she’d be able to handle it if in fact I did have some sort of cancer.

I shut mom’s door and dad and I paced slowly to the hospital entrance. Mom was tapping her foot anxiously waiting for the elevator to open when we walked in.

It dinged and we got in. I pressed the number nine and it started moving. In the thirty seconds we were in the small, enclosed space, mom probably sighed about thirty-one times.

When it landed on the ninth floor, mom rushed out and went to the receptionist desk.

“Dr. Polanski?” the young brunette asked typing something into the computer.

“That’s what I just said, isn’t?” my mom snapped at her. The lady looked sympathetic and sent mom a warm smile.

“Of course, follow me,” the nurse said pushing herself up from her spinny chair.

“I want one,” I mumbled thinking to myself of the day before spinning in the patient’s room.

“Huh?” dad said obviously hearing me.

“Nothing,” I replied.

The brunette nurse opened the door to the same room I had been in yesterday. “Dr. Polanski will be with you shortly,” she said closing the door leaving it to be the three of us. I propped myself up on the patients table as mom tapped her foot anxiously and dad crossed his arms sitting in another chair across from me.

She was right, the nurse that is, Dr. Polanski came in quickly which I hadn’t been expected. Typically, from my experience, each doctor minute equals ten normal minutes.

He came in, shut the door, and sat down on the spinny chair. He held a yellow folder and clip board in his hand. He flipped through some papers and  then set them down on.

He folded his hands and turned to my parents and I. I wanted to yell and tell him to get on with it that I have things to do, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

His lips twitched in a sympathetic smile that gave it all away. He looked sad, almost heartbroken, why was he looking like this? He hadn’t even told us anything yet.

“All of Allie’s test were put on an immediate rush in our on campus lab,” he said as if I wasn’t in the room. “And the results came back that she does indeed have cancer,” I heard sobs from my mom and saw my dad tense up and grip my mom’s hand.

It was like I wasn’t even there. It felt like I wasn’t. My head was gushing with thoughts and my ears and head was pounding. I heard random words though I tried to block everything out.

“Stage Two.”



I barely listened. When they all stared at me, I snapped out of my daze. My mother’s mascara was pouring down her face along with tears that were still seeping out. My father looked uncomfortable but he was hiding it well. The doctor gave that look that I’m sure he gave every patient he told this news to.

“Okay,” I mumbled when I realized they were waiting for me to say something.

“Do you have any questions or concerns, Allie?” Dr. Polanski asked I shook my head vigorously.

An hour passed before we left the hospital. We went over so much stuff, that it went through my head, literally. I heard nothing they were saying to me. How could I, a healthy seventeen year old girl, have been diagnosed with cancer? I just didn’t get it.

Dad was driving since mom was a wreck. She looked more like a person who was told the expiration date of their child.  Apparently, I could beat my expiration date.

I sighed. “Sweetheart, you’ll be fine,” my mom said turning around to me in the backseat and placing her hand on my leg.

“I know, I’m already fine,” I mumbled showing no emotion.

I saw what this was doing to my mother, what I was causing her. I could never let her see that this was going to affect me, it would break her more.

“How can you say that?” she asked sobbing.

I shrugged. “He said it was curable,” I said looking to her straight in the eye trying to convince her it was true. However, I knew she wouldn’t be convinced until I was cured.

Dad pulled up into our driveway and turned the car off. Nobody was in a rush to get out. “Nobody says a word to anybody,” I said before I got out slamming the car door.

I walked on inside and treaded up the stairs and into my room. I had homework that I had to do.


-Some of you may not like how Allie reacted, and well, sorry, but it's my story and that's how I wanted her character to react.

-She's not heartless, she's overwhelmed...

-I promise I'll have atleast a three page chapter next time, 'cause this was short.

-Next update will be on Wednesday, Nov. 7 :)



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