Chapter Four

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Hey everyone :) I typically don't have author notes on this story but I'm going to today! First off, thank you, thank you, to everyone who has been reading, commenting and voting. I really appreciate :D Now onto business.... I'm going to be MIA for a week and won't be uploading until NEXT Friday because I'm typically a straight A student but I have a D in my AP Calc class and interims come out next Thursday so I'll be focusing on that for the next week. So sorry! Anyways I do hope you'll enjoy this chapter. COMMENT. VOTE. FAN. Thank you:)


My parents walked in the room, I was sitting in patiently, within twenty minutes. I’m presuming they sped, a lot.

“Where’s Dr. Manning?” my mother asked not even before she shut the door. Geez, she was always an anxious one.

“She said she’ll be right in,” I said looking at both of my nervous parents.

“Do you know why she requested us to be here?” dad asked. I shrugged.

“Nope, she just said to call my parents…so, I did.”  

Right then Dr. Manning came on in. “Good afternoon, Molly and James,” Dr. Manning said without a smile which is so unlike her. “Please, if you’ll follow me to my office,” she said walking away. We followed her and were led to an office with a huge window exposing a bunch of sunlight. Huh, I’ve never even been into her office until then.

“Please, sit,” she said pointing to the three chairs that were right in front of her desk. We sat down and my mother started tapping her foot. I swear it’s the most annoying thing in the world. My father put his hand over my mom’s leg to stop her, thankfully. It was an annoyance to him, too.

“So, I know it’s just February and Allie received a physical in December, but I need to go over your family history again,” she said pulling out a pen from her desk drawer and a sheet of paper.

“Oh, uh, okay, ask away,” my mother said calmly which was surprising.  Just as much as I was scared of the doctors, she was more nervous. She asked a bunch of questions that I didn’t necessarily know the answer to.

“Okay, thanks, um, this breaks my heart, but I’m going to have to have you go over next door to St. Regis Hospital,” what? The doctor’s I went to was actually connected to the hospital.

“Why?” my mother, father, and I all said at the same time.

Dr. Manning got up and came up to me. She brushed my hair back and started feeling on my neck. She leaned on her desk. “When examining Allie I noticed some abnormal things, like the fact that she has a large spleen, larger than it should be, the bruises on her body just don’t make sense, she bleeds too much for just a prick from a needle, her blood tests didn’t come back normal since I put a rush on that, and she has lumps on her neck and around her stomach.” I did? What? What the hell did this mean?

“What are you trying to say Dr. Manning?” my father asked. My mother looked unstable right now. How could she look like this? She hadn’t even heard anything yet!

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