void steve x shy and scared reader

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Void Steve x shy and scared reader suggested by MelissaC2000)

Your pov:

I was running away with sabre what were we running from exactly? Well we were running from void steve who just absorbed galaxy steve

I felt really bad for galaxy steve ever sense void steve showed up he has been acting different rainbow steve didn't nodice sabre didn't nodice but i did

He started to force a smile and was ready to fight more then normal but everytime he was around us he would put on a fake smile

Everything seemed forced for him now and just then void started to attack galaxy not physically but menially

He broke galaxy and i was to sacred to do anything about it i wanted to say something but nothing would come out of my mouth not a word

Sabre had a hold of my wrist and was pulling me behind him we took another step and fell in a carter that void made infront of us

We both got up and looked at void i looked into voids eyes his blood red eyes he saw me looking at him and his gaze softened on me

Not to much for sabre to notice but when your observant like me you notice things that no one could

I also nodiced his eyes were a lot bitter and not so dark his gaze left me and went to sabre

As soon as his gaze came to sabre his gaze hardened and became cruel again

"You won't get away with this!"

Sabre yelled its amazing even when hes about to die he still has the soul to fight

I backed up a little i really didn't want another fight but if there was gonna be another fight i promise myself that this will not end with one side dieing

Voids gaze looked at me for a split second before going back to sabre i sware i could see he was sad to see me scared

Sabre pulled out a iron sword ready to fight

I pulled out my iron sword that i never use just incase a fight dose happen

I wanted to cry in fear but i couldn't and i won't let void or saber see me like that

Sabre ran up the wall and hit void to the ground they started to fight i made my way out of the crature

They were fighting with their all i have to help sabre i forced my legs to move

I ran twords them and graved sabre by his hood

I pulled he out of the way of some lightning

I let go of sabre and spun around scared out of my mind

"Please galaxy i know your still there....." i whispered under my breath i knew even if galaxy was there he wouldn't hear it

Void used his magic to lift me off the ground a threw me into the crature he made

I fell hard on my back i felt a few ribs crack and maybe even brake

I felt something sharp in my leg it hurt so bad i sat up and saw that my iron sword had fallen and loged its self in my leg

It hurt so bad but i need to get up and help sabre if i don't sabre's stubbornness is gonna get him killed

I get up but impudently fall back on the ground i look down at my leg

I can't pull the sword out if i do then im gonna die or pass out from blood lose

The sword is the only thing keeping the blood from spuing out

I crawl over to a side of the crature i heard sabre scream and voids dark chuckle

I grave the wall and pull my self up and lean agenst the wall to keep me up

I started to clime the wall and made it to the top and almost screamed at what i saw

Sabre in the ground with his sword in his arm and basically bleeding out from all his other wounds

Void was standing over him smilling at sabre's suffering but didn't look great himself  i tried to run to sabre but i forgot about the sword in my leg

I fell to the ground i quickly started to get up i heard sabre pleading something

I look up at them and see void with a fire ball in hand ready to kill sabre

I quickly get up and start to limp run to sabre

No he can't die he can't!!!

I make my way to him and stand infront of sabre just as void threw the fire ball

I guess void didn't see me because after he threw the fire ball he summoned tons of lightning on me

I fall to my kneens burns all over my body i was basically bleeding out tears were falling down my face

It hurt so bad and i was scares for saber everything was blurry and there was a ringing in my ears

I heard sabre yell my vision cleared enough to let me see i saw void on ground dead with sabres iron sword sticking in his stumick

Sabre ran over to me he layed me down on the ground on my back

He was crying his bandanna was wet and tears were strming down his face

"Y/N please don't go i need you hear"

"You don't need me you never did i was just there to help you....."

I shakingly put my hand on his cheek

I knew i was dying did i want to die?

No but if it means keeping sabre and the world and the Steve's safe then yes i will die

I look at sabre were his eyes would be if he didn't have his bandanna on

I smiled at him

"Sabre......promise me you will take care of the Steve's"

"I promise i won't let them or you down Y/N"

"You better not you big goof......goodbye sabre......"


I saw a bright white light and walked twords it i saw a guy in a hood rainbow steve and void Steve

The guy in the hood known as the guardian welcomed me and told me the rules of the spirt realm he then left

I walked up to void steve

He looked at me

Void: i am so sorry.......

"Its ok you big goof"

Void smiled and kissed me

I kissed back we pulled away and i saw the bright light again rainbow was also gone

Void backed away little and offered me his hand i hesitated but took his hand we appeared in a world

That was aperintly the spirit world i knew two things that day i wasn't scared of void anymore

And i knew this would be a good healthy relation ship with my void....

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