rainbow x color blind reader

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Readerchan6 suggested this so thanks! So the main idea for this is that rainbow was just created and was met with Y/N, Y/N took him back to their village and the steve's there thought of him as a god and they ringed Y/N into it think her/him as a messager of the god's, I know random but my only idea, also I know the song isn't the original, I couldn't find the original so I'm using this))

Your POV:

Once the lightning died down a black, white, and gray steve stood infront of me, he looked around confused before looking at me

Rainbow: who are you?

"I am Y/N, you must be rainbow steve, the people have been waiting for you for a very long time"

I bowed to the man, let me explain some stuff while our friend is taking in the information, my name is Y/N, I was born into a rainbow town made up of a lot of different colored steve's, my father is sabre the player, he died years ago, the steve's in my village would often get on my for getting their color wrong even though they know I can't see color

My father was always there to teach me what steve's were what, soon enough I learned how to tell the difference from one gray of a steve to another, but once my father died the steve's looked to me to step up and take my father's place as what they call a player god, they believe that having a player among them will keep them safe and keep them together

It only worked because my father like his job of keeping the peace, me however, I do not, I could care less about the steve's, I just wanted to live my life, the only steve that kept me form running away was my brother, light steve the only steve I could tell apart from the others clearly, he would be devastated if I left him alone so close to our father passing

Rainbow looked at me for a second before he gasped a little

Rainbow: you look like someone I know, his name is sabre, do you know him?

"Yes I do, him and I were close"

Rainbow: were? Please don't tell me he's gone...

"Sadly he is, he died a few years ago, myself and light are the only things left of him, us, and a giant statue to remember him"

Rainbow stumbled a bit before seeming to go into a panick attack

Rainbow: no no no NO!!! H-he can't be gone....not now....what are you to him?!

"I am his daughter/son"

It was a simple answer but it had to be said, I graved rainbows arm and dragged him back to town, upon arrival we were soon swarmed with steve's of every color coming to welcome rainbow

Before we bother knew it they had dressed rainbow up in royal clothing and pulled him into town, soon enough they did the same to me and pulled us into the rainbow temple, this town worshipped the colors and have a steve here that had all the colors was the god to them

Random steve: a god and a god's messager!

The steve's praised before leaving only to come back and set up a giant feast full of every food that normal steve's could never dream of affording, we looked at the food infront of us with amazement

Rainbow: I hardly think I'm qualified to come across all sanctified...

He said picking up his fork and poking the giant stake infront of him

Rainbow: I just don't cut it with the cherubim..

I looked at him like he was stupid

"Rainbow, what are you talking about?!"

I basically yelled slapping the back of his head, he let out a small ow before rubbing the back of his head

"There again they're on their knees! Being worshipped is a breeze!"

I laughed picking up some food and eating it with a smile, I hadn't had food like this in year's

"Which rather suits us in the interim,"

Rainbow: the interim? The interim! That's me and them! Oh...my...god!!!

We both jumped up with smiles on our faces and ran out of the temple, we both ran to the opposite side of the stairs and jumped on the wall that streched from the bottom of the stairs to the top, once we were both on we both began to slide down to the bottom

"It's tough to be a god!"

We yelled into the wind smiling

Rainbow: tread where mortals have not trod! Be deified when really you're a sham.

We both laughed as we slid of the wall and onto the ground, all the steve's we passed respectfully bowed to us, rainbow stopped and looked at the giant statue of my father with a sigh

Rainbow: be an object of devotion, be the subject of psalms.

I layed a comferting hand on the steve's shoulder with a sad smile

"It's a rather touching notion"

A smile soon returned to my face as I thought of a way to see my new friend smile again

"All those prayers and salaams"

Rainbow smiled again with a laugh

Rainbow: exactly! And who am I do bridle if I'm forced to be an idol?

We both nod and continue through town and passed a bunch of workers who were working on a new Statue that showed both of me and rainbow side by side

Rainbow; if they say that I'm a god that's what I am!

We both laughed and continued on past a live sacrifice being performed

Rainbow: what's more, if we don't comply with the locals wishes, I-i can see us being sacrificed or stuffed..

We both looked at each other nervous for a moment at the thought

"You have a point... that's very good thinking"

I quickly pulled him away from the live loss of life and over to another temple that was being built

"So let's be god's! The perks are great!"

Rainbow: yeah! The rainbow town on our plate!

"Thank you!"

We both laughed as a steve handed us a bowl of coconut milk before bowing and running off

"Local feeling should not be rebuffed"

Rainbow: never rebuffed, a-never rebuff a local feeling, no my friend!

We both laughed again and linked arms as we ran through town, steve's left and right quickly moving out of our way

"It's tough to be a god!"

We both yelled as we continued running with giant smiles on our faces

Rainbow: but if you get the people's nod, count your blessings, keep 'em sweet that's our advice!

"It's great advice!"

Rainbow yanked me up and put me on his shoulders while he countinued to run without a care in the world

Rainbow: be a symbol of perfection!

"Be a legend! Be a cult! Thank their praise, take the collection as the multitudes exalt! Don a supernatural habit!"

Rainbow: we'd be crazy not to grave it!

"You got it!"

"So sign up two new god's for paradise! Paradise!"

We both yelled as we made our way back into the temple with a laugh

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