yandere dark x male reader

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Thank you to Melissa20660 for this request also this is gonna be a song chapter you are also in a collage campus with dorms in this chapter sorry if its bad this is my first time doing this. Song: Hide and seek

Song is not mine)

Your pov:

Life was great for me for the longest while! My grades were good, my social life was good, and my relationships were great! But all the ended one day when a new student came to my school

His name was dark, he was a shy kid but always stuck around me, i was fine with it just thinking that he was scared of the new school and needed a friend to find comfort in

But, as the days whent on, one by one the kids at my school began to disappear without a trace, witch leads me to now, i was walking around the school trying to find dark since we both agreed to hang out, but once i found him..

He was in the cafeteria covered in blood with a dead girl infront of him, it looked like he was try to shove the body into the oven, he saw me and his eyes were crazed, he tried to get me to come closer to him but insted i just ran away with him laughing as i was running.

I quickly hid in one of the halls hearind darks foot steps echo in the empty school hall.

Dark: ding dong. I know you can hear me.

Was he singing? This guy really must be crazy if hes singing while hunting me down, i just have to get to my dorm and get my phone from there i can call the police and have this crazy guy taken to an asylum.

I quickly snuck into the office and turned to where the widows were only to see dark standing there looking at me through the window, i quickly locked the door and backed away looking at dark through window

Dark: Open up the door, i only want to play a little~

He smiled and pressed his face onto the window, i turned and ran to the back of the office, i heard the door at the front burst open as footsteps echoed through the office.

Dark: Ding dong, you can't keep me waiting, it's already to late for you to try to run away~

I entered the principle's office shuting and locking the door behind me, i looked out the window that was right next to the door, i looked out the window to make sure i wasn't followed only to see dark looking through the window at me, that smile still in place on his face.

Dark: I see you through the window, our eyes are locked together, i can sense your horror~

Was it that obvious that i was terrified? I thought i hid my fear well but i guess not, wait, what am i doing?! I don't have time for this i need to get out of here!

Dark: though I'd like to see it closer~

He presed his face agenst the glass so hard that the glass began to crack, i quickly ran through the back door that was in the principles office, the door led to another hall way, it was a shor cut to the dorms.

Dark: Ding dong, here i come to find you, hurry up and run! Lets play a little game and have fun~!

I heard the doors get busted open and darks laughter filles the halls of the abandoned school, i shivered and started to quietly sneak down the hall.

Dark: Ding dong, where is it you've gone to? Do you think you've won? Our game of hide and seek haz just begun!

Ok screw this i need to call the police as fast as possible! I stood up straight and booked it down the hall, but im not physically fit so i didn't run that fast and i was breathing heavily already.

Dark: i hear your footsteps, thumping loudly through the hallways, i can hear your sharp breath, you're not very good at hiding~

Oh great he can hear me! I looked down the hall and saw my dorm room door, i ran as fast as i could to the door, i made it inside and shut the door behind me, i looked around my room for my phone, but couldn't find it, thats when i remembered i left ny phone it Dark's room, i was about to run to Dark's room untill i heard his footsteps outside in the hall,

Dark: just wait you can't hide from me~ im coming~ just wait you can't hide from me~ im coming~ just wait you can't hide from me~ im coming~ just wait you can't hide from me~

I looked around the room for some place to hide, i considered hiding under the bed but quickly disregarded the thought knowing that was the first place dark would check,

Dark: Knock knock i am at your door now, I am coming in no need for me to ask permission~

Crap! Hes outside the door, come on! Think Y/N think! Where would he not check?! I looked around the room untill my eyes landed on my closet, i quickly and quietly made my way to my closet befor jumping in and shuting the door.

I heard my door open and foot steps walking to the center of the room, i put my hand over my mouth to hide my breathing.

Dark: Knock knock, im inside your room now, where is it you've hid? Our game of hide and seek's about to end!

I heard the footsteps walk to the opposite side of the room where my bed was

Dark: im coming closer~ looking under your bed but, you're not here i wounder.....

The footsteps echoed through the room as they made their way over to the closet i was hiding in, my heart started to race as i heard the footsteps stop infornt of the closet.

Dark: could you be inside the closet?

My heart stopped when he opened the closet doors and saw me, his smile grew along with the crazed look in his eyes.

Dark: Ding dong i have found you, ding dong you were hiding here, now your it~

He graved my arm and pulled me out of the closet and pushed me against the wall with both of his hands on either side of my head, i was frozen in fear but his smile only grew.

Dark: ding dong finally found you dear, now your it~

He leand twords my face but i leaned away from him try to put as much distance between me and him as possible, he graved my chin with one of his hands and forced me to stay still looking up at him

Dark: ding dong looks like i have won,now your it~

He leand tworda me again, his and my lips were only a few inches away

Dark: ding dong pay the consequence~

He kissed me rough on the lips, i tried to push him away but with his spare hand he graved my wrist and held them above my head, he licked my lip asking for entrance but i denied him entrance

He took the hand that held my chin and moved it down to my butt, hr graved onto my ass and squeezed it making me gasp, he took this opportunity to shove his toung in my mouth exspoling it,

After a few minute's he pulled away, i was left gasping for air to fill my lungs, dark leaned down next to my ear and whispers

Dark: ding dong looks like i have won now your it, ding dong pay the consequence~

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