Siren yandere void x shy scared male reader 2

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Thank you to VanaTheDevilishAngel for suggesting this)

Your pov:

That song...that beautiful kept looping and looping in my head...over and over it sang.....I couldn't be happier I don't know why I was so happy about the song...I just was...

Something about this song had me begging for it never to end, I could stay here in this dark void listening to this song for the rest of my life and I couldn't be more content

Over....and over.....and over the song played, never ending it seemed, that was until the song suddenly stopped as light began to flood my vision, I opened my eyes to be met with a cave ceiling, I don't remember being in a cave...

I moved a little causing the sound of coins hitting coins to echo through the cave, I looked only to see that I was laying on a pile of gold and shiny objects, gold coins, rings, necklaces, you name it it was there

I sat up and rubbed my a head a bit the remaining bits of the beautiful song slowly fading away into the background, what even happened? I don't remember...all I remember is not being able to fall asleep and walking down to the beach...what happened?

I took one last look around the cave, it was weird, I could tell it was under the water sense the floor was made of water with little rock islands scattered throughout the cave, but it felt like I was somehow above the water and under it all at the same time...I must be in a air bubble... I've heard they can form sometimes

I looked down at the clear blue water in amazement, it was beautiful, it was so clear you could see all the way to the bottom, the light seemed to bounce off the surface of the water and onto the cave walls, it was so mesmerizing....

I looked back down into the water only to be met with a boy, jet black hair, blood red eyes and very pale skin, I jumped back with a small scream in surprise, the mystery boy seemed to laugh at me before smiling

Void: my my! Up already I see? Do you like your new home?

I took a moment to process what the boy was saying before taking a deep breath and answering

"W-where-.....where am i-i and w-who are you"

I asked with shaky breaths and a horse voice, most likely cause by the lack of water, th boy chuckled again

Void; you are in your new home, and I am your new owner, my name is void

Owner? I have no owner, why would this boy even think of himself that high as to think he can own another person....void? Was that his name? Ugh! I just want to leave and go home, I knew we should never of left that rainbow town!

Void: don't look so shocked little one I am your new master, as long as you're with me no harm will come to you

Is that a threat is he threatening me? No it can't be..... But..... what if he is.....i wonder what's going to happen to me, hopefully nothing bad, I just want to go home......

The boy carefully reached out a scaly and slimy hand out of the water, first thing I noticed was that his fingers were webbed, and at the end of his hands he didn't have nails he had claws...... What in the world is he?!

I stared at him in shock until he gently placed his cold slime hand on my cheek, I froze in terror, scared of what he might do to me, blood red eyes locked onto my E/C ones, but I could see that hie eyes held compassion and love something I didn't know he had.

Void: no no treasure there's no need to be afraid of me I won't hurt you I promise I will only protect you and love you as long as you are mine and mine alone

His? What does he mean his? So tired and confused what was going on I just want to go home and be with the steve's along Lucas and sabre... I wonder if they're scared for me or if they are looking for me.

I bet they aren't, I looked back at the man's blood red eyes, of course mine still held fear, but not as bad as before, I don't know, there was something in me telling me that he wasn't going to do me harm

I relaxed for a moment before looking around the cave once more, it was honestly beautiful, it took my breath away

Void: I promise you

The man said pulling my attention back to him and away from the beauty that was the cave

Void: I promise you, I won't hurt you, as long as you don't run from me or you try to harm me, no harm will come to you, you have my word

He stuck his scaly webbed hand out to me

Void: deal?

I thought for a moment before nodding and taking the man's hand with a firm shake, it was set, as long I was here I would be fine, the other's could live without me, right?

An: finally!!!!!! It's done!!!!! I'm so sorry it took so long!!!!!!! I have had no motivation whatsoever!!!! This is crap but hopefully it suffices for now! Good night/morning/afternoon for my guys gals and non binary pals! Peace!

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