void steve x badass reader

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Thank you VanaTheDevilishAngel for suggesting this)

Your pov:

I was running around the woods not doing much just running

When i heard a scream, thats new i never hear screams so lets go see whats going on

I run to where the screaming was coming from, i stopped right behind the tree line

I saw a guy in a chicken suit with what looked like patches of outerspace on him fall to the ground with the one and only void flying over him

The chicken guy looks beaten up i guess that got in a fight, void flew down to the chicken guy ready to kill him

I can't just let that guy die like that, he put up a fight agents void hes got some guts and a person with guts is rare to find in this day and age i can't just let him be wasted

Now i would normal never fight void sense we have a good relationship he wouldn't attack me and would stay away from where i lived and in return i would give him ideas on plans and would give him supplys but now i need to stop him

I quickly run out of the tree line and infront of the chicken guy

It was like time slowed down, void summoned a void sword and i pulled out my enchanted diamond sword

The two swords clashed together, void must have put alot of pressure on the sword when he swung it because when the sword clashed agenst mine it pushed me back alittle

Then it was like time suddenly went back to normal, void was shocked that i of all people was infront of him he usually never sees me unless he comes to me and even then im a hard person to find

Void: Y/N? What are you doing here? And why did you stop me from killing him?!

"Im here because i heard screaming and i happened to be in the area, and i stopped you from killing him because he has guts to stand up to you, anyone who stands up to you is good in my book"

He pulled him sword away from mine and landed on the ground in front of me

I looked at the chicken guy from out of the corner of my eye, the i realised it wasn't just some person it was the savor of Steve's, the players name is Sabre if i remember correctly, and those spots of what look like are outer space must be galaxy steve

Now im really happy i saved him, but why is galaxy steve infused with the player? He must really be low on energy and the player's body is containing his energy

I looked back at void, he put his sword away and i did the same.

Void: it doesn't matter i'll just separate them then both will be to weak to fight back!

He flew up into the air and summoned a lot of lightning on Sabre

I heard Sabre scream in pain but there was nothing i could do to stop the pain

Then there was a bright flash of light, once the light died down i saw Sabre weak and struggling to hold himself up bit despite that he was holding a really weak galaxy up

I turned back to void when he landed on the ground, i was pissed he could start a black hole by separating them!

I walked closer to void

Void: so do you like what i did?

He started to laugh like mad
That was the last strawl

In a moment of rage i slapped void right across the face

Void looked down silent i stood there looking at void silent, galaxy and sabre just stood there looking at void silently

I have slapped void in the past but it was only playfully i never wanted to hurt him but this time was different i ment the slap

Void looked up at me and saw the frurry in my eyes, right then and there i did something no one could do i made void back down

Void stepped away from me alittle and shrunk under my gaze

"You idiot! Do you know what you could have done?! You could of started a black hole! And guess what genius! You would have been sucked into that black hole just like the world! Your not a god void! Your not above the consequences!"

I yelled at him in rage with venom dripping from each and every word i said and i ment it all

Void: i-

"No void! Just shut up! Im done with you! And to think that i thought you could change...i guess your just like everyone makes you out to be...nothing more then a heartless monster"

Void was silent,

Void: im sorry.....

He said just above a whisper, then he flew of into the sky

Time skip! Brought to you by septic eye sam!*

Its been year's sense void showed his face

But after about a year and a half after void dissipated i have been finding weird gifts outside my cave

I found a
F/F (favorite flower)
A enchantment book
A F/C cloth and sword polish
And the list goes on and on

I clime to the top of my cave and start to practice fighting moves makeing sure i stay sharp

I heard a branch snap behind me, i quickly spun around and threw my sword at the sound, my sword land in a tree

Void walked out from behind the tree my sword hit

Void: you found my quicker then i expected

" what are you doing here void?"

He walked up to me and handed me a F/F

Void: im here to say im sorry...i should have not thought i was a god....like you said im not above the consequences and i thought i was..

I took the flower, and looked at him

" it's ok...you just needed someone to put you in your place"

Void: i need someone like that in my life, someone who will put me in my place when needed

"What are you getting at?"

Void: Y/N will you please date me? I feel like you are just what i need to straighten myself out

"Yes i will date you but im not takeing any of your shit i will hit you if you get out of line"

Void chuckled and rubbed his check

Void: yea i don't want that again

I smiled to myself, i knew the big hearless void had a hear after all it just needed to be unlocked and im the key that unlocked it...

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